Varför ekobrottsforskningen gått i stå och hur vi skall få den att expandera! : ekobrottslingens demografi, riskfaktorer och kriminella karriär (original) (raw)


90 prosent av hjernen utvikles før et barn fyller fem år. Barn som får for lite -eller feil -mat de første leveårene, blir ofte merket for livet. I verden i dag, finnes det 159 millioner av dem. Det utgjør hvert fjerde barn under fem år.

Country Brief: Sweden


C Co ou un nt tr ry y B Br ri ie ef f: : S Sw we ed de en n A Au ut th ho or rs s: : P P. . D Do ou up pi i, , E E. . R Re en nk ko o, , S S. . G Gi ie es st t, , J J. . D Du um mo or rt ti ie er r

Arkeologisk forskningsundersökning, Guding slott, Eke socken, Gotland år 2021

Arendus rapport 2021:26, 2021

A report from the Project "The Connecting Point", dealing with the question about activities along the coast of Gotland in Prehistoric times. The report is the result of the excavation in 2021. The excavation concerned house constructions along the coast from Iron Age, and also a Viking Age male grave inside a wall enclosure.

Swedish Trends 1986–2006


From 1986 till 1997, the core of the SOM Institute has been an annual nationwide survey, National SOM, carried out every autumn in the form of a mail questionnaire to 2 800 randomly selected persons between the ages of 15 and 80. Since 1998 the survey has more than doubled, and now comprising 6 000 respondents with an increased age limit to 85. The central questions addressed in National SOM are attitudes toward mass media, politics and public services. A report summarizing the main results of each year's survey is published annually. The data files from the surveys are deposited at the Swedish Social Science Data Archive in Göteborg. The results on the following pages are based on data from National SOM. Western and Southern SOM Beginning in 1992, a similar survey has been conducted in Western Sweden. Called Western SOM, this survey was originally limited to Göteborg and its surrounding municipalities. The survey has since 1998 been widened, to comprise the entire Västra Götaland's Region with a sample of 6 000 persons. Since 2001 three regional surveys have been conducted in Southern Sweden (Skåne) as well. Local SOM In the fall of 1996, a series of local surveys was conducted for the first time in three districts of Göteborg and in one neighboring municipality. The sample size was 1 200 respondents per sample region. The purpose of these local surveys is to better analyze the connection between people's living conditions and their attitudes, perceptions and behaviour. Student SOM To help generate a wider interest in SOM, Student SOM was introduced in 1993. It is based on a questionnaire issued to all first-year students at the three departments, from the year 2000 to the whole social science faculty, with questions concerning their studies. Student SOM also contains items from National SOM and provides an opportunity to compare students with the general public as well as making it possible to explore methodological issues. Office location The SOM office is located at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. Åsa Nilsson and Sanna Johansson are project directors, Jonas Ohlsson assistant researcher while Kerstin Gidsäter is responsible for administration and publishing.

Kynjamunur á læsi


Lokaverkefni til 90 eininga BEd .-prófs í kennaradeild Leiðsagnarkennari: Jenný Gunnbjörnsdóttir Yfirlýsing Við lýsum því hér með yfir að við einar erum höfundar þessa verkefnis og að það er ágóði eigin rannsókna ________________________________ Undirskrift höfundar ________________________________ Undirskrift höfundar Það staðfestist hér með að lokaverkefni þetta fullnaegir að mínum dómi kröfum til BEd .-prófs í kennaradeild _________________________________ Undirskrift leiðsagnarkennara

Swedish Trends 1986–2005


From 1986 till 1997, the core of the SOM Institute has been an annual nationwide survey, National SOM, carried out every autumn in the form of a mail questionnaire to 2 800 randomly selected persons between the ages of 15 and 80. Since 1998 the survey has more than doubled, and now comprising 6 000 respondents with an increased age limit to 85. The central questions addressed in National SOM are attitudes toward mass media, politics and public services. A report summarizing the main results of each year's survey is published annually. The data files from the surveys are deposited at the Swedish Social Science Data Archive in Göteborg. The results on the following pages are based on data from National SOM. Western SOM Beginning in 1992, a similar survey has been conducted in Western Sweden. Called Western SOM, this survey was originally limited to Göteborg and its surrounding municipalities. The survey has since 1998 been widened, to comprise the entire Västra Götaland's Region with a sample of 6 000 persons. Local SOM In the fall of 1996, a series of local surveys was conducted for the first time in three districts of Göteborg and in one neighboring municipality. The sample size was 1 200 respondents per sample region. The purpose of these local surveys is to better analyze the connection between people's living conditions and their attitudes, perceptions and behaviour. Student SOM To help generate a wider interest in SOM, Student SOM was introduced in 1993. It is based on a questionnaire issued to all first-year students at the three departments, from the year 2000 to the whole social science faculty, with questions concerning their studies. Student SOM also contains items from National SOM and provides an opportunity to compare students with the general public as well as making it possible to explore methodological issues. Office location The SOM office is located at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. Åsa Nilsson and Rudolf Antoni are project directors, while Kerstin Gidsäter is responsible for administration and publishing.

Chapter 7 Towards a New Swedish Model ?


The Swedish welfare state has always attracted interest among welfare state scholars, and it has been labelled universal, social democratic and institutional – among other things. Since 1980, however, the Swedish welfare state has been altered and reformed in several ways. Taking a very strict view on what the Swedish model entails, the model is arguably dead. Still, most welfare state scholars agree that despite some cutbacks, Sweden remains a universal welfare state, and the reforms have been described as liberalization without welfare state retrenchment. Most likely, public commissions have served as early warning systems, providing valuable information to decision makers and facilitated the creation of political consensus. The pension reform is the paramount example, but it remains to be seen whether similar reforms will be implemented for healthcare and elderly care.

Polisen som lärande organisation

träffades forskare och praktiker vid polisutbildningen i Umeå för att diskutera polisforskning och polisprofession, under den tredje nordiska polisforskningskonferensen. De tidigare konferenserna var 2007 i Växjö (se Granér & Larsson, 2007), och 2009 i Oslo. Konferenserna vill vara motorer i utvecklingen av nordisk polisforskning och arenor där forskning möter praktiker och polisutbildning. Kapitlen i denna antologi kommer av presentationer som gjordes under 2010 års konferens.