Influence of simulated body fluid (normal and inflammatory) on corrosion resistance of anodized titanium (original) (raw)
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Materials Science Forum, 2008
In this work, porous titanium samples processed by powder metallurgy and coated with biomimetic coatings, obtained during different periods of immersion in a simulated body fluid (SBF), were tested for corrosion resistance in a phosphate buffer solution (PBS). Uncoated samples were also tested for comparison. The corrosion resistance of both types of titanium samples was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarisation curves. The electrochemical results indicated the formation of a surface film on the porous Ti samples with immersion in the SBF solution and this biomimetic film increased their corrosion resistance. This film helps osteointegration besides increasing corrosion resistance.
Surface Coating Effect on Corrosion Resistance of Titanium Alloy Bone Implants by Anodizing Method
International Journal of Technology
In the presented work, the formation of anodic oxide film on Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) alloy in 0.02 M trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4) electrolyte solution using various voltages were investigated. The color produced by the anodizing, the intensity of TiO2 content, the thickness of the oxide layer, and the corrosion rate were examined. It was obtained that the color appearance of Ti-6Al-4V ELI could be changed easily by altering the applied voltages. The higher the voltage applied in the anodizing process, the thicker the titanium oxide layer formed. The corrosion resistance analysis in a Simulated Body Fluid revealed that the non-anodized specimen showed a higher corrosion rate compared to the anodized specimen. The increase of oxide layer thickness leads to a significant decrease in corrosion rate and consequently increases the corrosion resistance. In addition, the anodized sample achieved the highest corrosion resistance at 15 V.
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Apart from ceramics, polymers, and composites, metallic materials rank distinguished in the field of biomaterials. Recently, titanium (Ti) based materials are attracting much interest as implantable materials because of their superior corrosion resistance, better mechanical properties such as remarkably high specific strength, low elastic modulus, and excellent biocompatibility compared to other competing biomaterials like stainless steel, Co-Cr alloys and nitinol alloys. Implantable Ti based materials must have high corrosion resistance to withstand the degradation which results from the reactions with the hostile body environment and does not result in adverse biological troubles in the body. At the same time, Ti materials must be stable and retain their properties for a long time reliably. The present article discusses the importance of creation of stable, compact and continuous oxide layers on the surface of Ti materials has been strongly effective to combat corrosion in aggressive body fluid. In this review, the traditional and advanced surface modification techniques that be used to increase the bioactivity of the Ti surfaces and in turn to improve the corrosion behaviour have also been discussed at length.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2005
The paper compares the effects of various surface modifications, ion implantation, alkaline treatment and anodic oxidation, upon the corrosion resistance and bioactivity of titanium. The chemical composition of the surface layers thus produced was determined by XPS, SIMS and EDS coupled with SEM. The structure of the layers was examined by TEM, and their phase composition by XRD. The corrosion resistance was determined by electrochemical methods after the samples were exposed to the test conditions for 13 h. The bioactivity of titanium was evaluated in a simulated body fluid at a temperature of 37°C after various exposure time.
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2013
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Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2013
Neste trabalho, a eletrodeposição galvanostática anódica de um filme de oxidação contendo fosfatos em liga de Ti-20Nb-10Zr-5Ta de uma solução de ácido ortofosfórico é apresentada. Sua composição foi determinada por difratometria de raios X (XRD), espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e micro-espectroscopia Raman, e a topografia por microscopia de força atômica (AFM). A resistência à corrosão da liga recoberta em fluido humano simulado (por método de polarização linear, monitoramento de potenciais de circuito aberto e gradientes do potencial de circuito aberto correspondentes) assim como a caracterização do recobrimento (por espectroscopia Raman e perfil de profundidade por espectroscopia fotoeletrônica de raios X (XPS)) depositado por um período de imersão de 300 h em fluido humano simulado foram estudadas. O filme eletrodepositado era composto de dióxido de titânio amorfo e grupos fosfato. A resistência à corrosão da liga Ti-20Nb-10Zr-5Ta recoberta em soluções de Ringer neutra e alcalina foi maior que a da liga pura devido as propriedades protetoras do filme eletrodepositado. Os parâmetros de corrosão foram aprimorados com passar do tempo como resultado do espessamento do filme da superfície por deposição da solução fisiológica. O recobrimento depositado apresentou uma composição variável em profundidade, na camada mais profunda hidroxiapatita nanocristalina nucleada e na camada exterior fosfato de cálcio amorfo. In this work, the anodic galvanostatic electrodeposition of an oxidation film containing phosphates on Ti-20Nb-10Zr-5Ta alloy from orthophosphoric acid solution is presented. Its composition was determined by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman micro-spectroscopy, and its topography by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The corrosion resistance of the coated alloy in simulated human fluid (by linear polarization method and monitoring of open circuit potentials, corresponding open circuit potential gradients) as well as the characterization of the coating (by Raman spectroscopy and depth profile X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)) deposited in a period of 300 h soaking in simulated human body fluid were studied. The electrodeposited film was composed of amorphous titanium dioxide and contained phosphate groups. The corrosion resistance of the coated Ti-20Nb-10Zr-5Ta alloy in neutral and alkaline Ringer's solutions was higher than that of the bare alloy due to the protective properties of the electrodeposited film. The corrosion parameters improved over time as result of the thickening of the surface film by the deposition from the physiological solution. The deposited coating presented a variable composition in depth: at the deeper layer nucleated nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and at the outer layer amorphous calcium phosphate.
Corrosion Science, 2021
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Assessment of anodized titanium implants bioactivity
Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2012
Objectives: This study was conducted to create nanostructured surface titanium implants by anodic oxidation process aiming to bring out bioactivity and to assess the resultant bioactivity both in vitro and in vivo. Materials and Methods: An economic protocol was used to apply anodic spark discharge and create surface nanoporosities on grade II commercially pure titanium (cpTi). The in vitro investigation included morphology, surface chemical analysis, roughness and crystalline structure of titanium oxide (TiO 2) film prepared. Assessment of the bioactivity was carried out by immersing the specimens in simulate body fluid (SBF) and investigating the surface-deposited layer. The in vivo investigation was conducted by surgically placing the anodized implants into rabbits tibia for different healing periods. Then biomechanical evaluation was performed to verify the effect of treatments on the interface resistance to shear force. Routine histological analysis was performed to evaluate the bone tissue reactions to anodized implants. Results: Anodization of titanium implants produced morphological changes, raised the percentage of oxygen in the TiO 2 layer, increased surface area and roughness of implants remarkably, and modified the crystallinity of the film. The in vitro assessments of bioactivity showed that a layer of
Vacuum, 2003
This work presents the results of investigation of the bioactivity and corrosion resistance of titanium after phosphorus-ion implantation (dose 1 Â 10 17 P + /cm 2 and energy 25 keV) and anodic oxidation in a 1.5 M H 2 SO 4 solution. The composition of the surface layers was investigated by XPS and SIMS. The corrosion resistance was examined by electrochemical methods in a simulated body fluid (SBF) at a temperature of 371C. The results of electrochemical examinations indicated that the oxidation increased the corrosion resistance. The microscopic observations of the samples exposed to SBF revealed the presence of precipitates of calcium phosphates as confirmed by XPS. r