The Role of Creativity and Innovation in the Effective Leadership (original) (raw)

Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Creative Management System

Business Inform

Creativity is becoming an increasing source of competitiveness for countries’ economies in a global context. This has led to the need to develop a methodological instrumentarium for assessing and analyzing creativity as a system of innovative entrepreneurship in both global and local contexts. The article examines the essence of innovative entrepreneurship as a key element of the creative management system, which ensures its effectiveness and commercialization opportunities. The categories of «creative management» is defined as a type of management activity aimed at creating an appropriate socio-psychological climate in teams together with the adaptive innovation infrastructure that will ensure an efficient process of development, generation and implementation of innovations. A classification of types of creativity is carried out as follows: technological, economic, artistic, and cultural. The methods of evaluation along with international indicators for rankubg creative activity ar...

Scientific Study of Organizational Creativity - Summary of Modern Theories

This paper discusses and provides a definition of organizational creativity based on a review of contemporary theories, which provides the basis for future researches. Relevant literature provide us identificatio of five influential theoretical perspectives and models appearing in literature about creativity and innovation, which can be used as a starting point in the study of organizational creativity in cultural institutions. The paper discusses the interpretation of the relationship concepts of organizational creativity and innovation, and brings the attitude that for the success of cultural institutions in the process of innovation, requires creativity of its employees. Despite the complexity of these terms, small number of researches has examined the phenomenon of creativity in real organizational environment in cultural institutions.

Features of the Innovative Activities and Innovative Work Development in Modern Conditions

Black Sea Economic Studies

The need for further development and deepening of research in the field of innovative activity in Ukraine is determined by hard current situation in in this direction. The purpose of the research is to justify the toolkit for evaluating the innovative activity and innovative work of the enterprise at two levels: international and national and at the micro level. The analysis of the financing of scientific research and development was conducted. It was found that, despite the existing difficulties, Ukraine has retained a strong scientific potential. It was established that innovative work in modern conditions is characterized by the appearance of new qualities that significantly change its content and expand the possibilities of its application in all functional areas of the enterprise. It is proposed to identify the features of the development of innovative activity and innovative work using the developed toolkit at two levels: first, at international and national, and second, at th...

Evolution of Scientific and Theoretical Views on the Concept and Role of Leadership in the Management of a Modern Enterprise

Business Navigator, 2021

The actuality of the research is determined by the fact that in the conditions of increasing competition, intellectualization of economic relations and a certain weakening in this regard of the importance of traditional factors of production to ensure economic development and improve the efficiency of enterprises, the task of strengthening the role and using the capabilities of economic management methods is increasingly actualized, there is a need to think strategically and manage using the best management methods from domestic experience and adapt the progressive achievements of foreign achievements. Effective management of the organization's personnel, and due to this, obtaining high socio-economic results of management in the unstable economic situation in the country and the world as a whole, is a key aspect of their success today. Many domestic and foreign scientists have been studying the phenomenon of leadership from the middle of the 20th century to the present, but sti...


Лідер. Еліта.Суспільство / Leader. Elite. Society, 2018

The problem of methodological providing for the formation of leadership qualities for future specialists in the social sphere is highlighted in the article and economic, political and spiritual reasons for increasing the attention to the need for its solution are also described here. The analysis of such methodological principles is presented: philosophical and pedagogical hermeneutics, philosophical and pedagogical phenomenology and philo-sophical and pedagogical synergetics. The expediency of application in the process of form-ing the leadership qualities of the future social worker is based on the principle of dichotomy, which allows to solve a particular problem, avoiding a certain one-dimensionality of the per-sonality, simplicity of its essence. The role of the teacher in the forming system of leadership qualities of the personality in the social sphere, it is also accented on the principle of self-determination and self-education.

Main Elements of Managing the Process of Creating Innovation Production


Р е д а к ц и я к е ң е с і: Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Белостечник Г. (Молдова); Əзірбайжан ҰҒА академигі Велиханлы Н. (Азербайджан); Тəжікстан ҰҒА академигі Назаров Т.Н. (Тəжікстан); Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Рошка А. (Молдова); Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Руснак Г. (Молдова); Əзірбайжан ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Мурадов Ш. (Əзірбайжан); Əзірбайжан ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Сафарова З. (Əзірбайжан); э. ғ. д., проф. Василенко В.Н. (Украина); заң ғ. докт., проф. Устименко В.А. (Украина) «Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясының Хабарлары. Қоғамдық жəне гуманитарлық ғылымдар сериясы».