Brazil: Human Rights and Environmental Refugees

International Law, 2013

These notes seek to establish a discussion regarding the evolution of the refugee definition, particularly the so-called "environmental refugees" in the context of human rights and environmental law in order to establish possible proposals for the modification or extension of the concept, in the international treatise and in the Brazilian law, with regard to the issue of forced displacement in the contemporary world. The text aims to analyze the trajectory and the advancement of human rights in view of the category of refugees in Brazilian and international legislation in the context of new phenomena that challenges the current definition, like desertification, soil degradation, biodiversity loss and insecurity food, which can also cause displacement. These environmental phenomena have gained the centrality of the political debate of the world's political agenda since the end of the Cold War until nowadays, since few times in history, there have been so many people moving from one country to another, from one continent to another, or even one region to another, fleeing from persecution or natural phenomena or lack of food.

Perspectives on International Legal Protection for Environmental Refugees

Revista Eletrônica do Curso de Direito da UFSM

As lacunas normativas de proteção aos migrantes advindos de catástrofes e desastres ambientais demonstram grande resistência da comunidade internacional quanto à criação de uma categoria específica de “refugiados ambientais”. Essas lacunas contrastam com o atual cenário internacional, onde há uma demanda cada vez maior para o reconhecimento dos direitos específicos a esse grupo de pessoas. Esse artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o panorama geral e as perspectivas de proteção jurídica internacional destinada aos chamados “refugiados ambientais”, bem como os avanços normativos que, embora tímidos, não eximem a necessidade de uma proteção normativa específica. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se nos documentos e relatórios de organizações internacionais e sites especializados, através de uma análise qualitativa associada ao levantamento de dados documentais e referências. Embora o conceito de “refugiados ambientais” não seja reconhecido pelas Nações Unidas, alguns avanços já podem ser ...

Environmentally Internally Displaced Persons in the Northeastern Backlands of Brazil

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022

This book addresses the relationship between internally displaced persons (IDPs) by natural disasters, for instance drought, and the environment, particularly in the Backlands of Brazil’s Northeast, in order to search for legal and policy responses not yet applied in the region. Its focus is categorising those environmentally displaced persons as IDPs, so that they receive international legal protection, even in the absence of binding norms and institutions to protect them. This book makes some suggestions to categorise and protect such people from disasters, including, for instance, a network society communicative model based on collaboration among local people, the government, international organisations, and NGOs.

The Portuguese Press Portrait of "Environmental Refugees"

The migration-environment nexus has gained increased interest from the social research field over the last years. While straightly connected to human security issues, this theme has pervaded through the media to the public sphere. Therefore, it is important to observe how did the discussions over environmentally induced migrations develop from the scientific basis to the media attention, passing through some political voices, and in which ways might these messages be interpreted within the broader public discourses. To achieve this purpose, the analysis of the press entries between 2004 and 2010 in three of the main Portuguese newspapers shall be presented, specially reflecting upon the events, protagonists, topics, geographical attributions and terms/expressions used to define those who migrate due to environmental degradation or disasters.

According Refugee Protection to Environmental Migrants: An Overview Under International Refugee Law

Although not popularly perceived as a major cause for augmenting the refugee problem worldwide, forced migration owing to environmental disasters has nonetheless undergone an exponential expansion, thereby assuming considerable significance in the arena of international refugee law. In course of this paper, the author has sought to examine the suitability of said branch of law to deal with the consequences of environmental migration and accord sufficient protection to such migrants. The paper begins with a brief overview of various environmental concerns that can lead to migration and then goes on to check the eligibility of such migrants to non-refoulement protection under the Refugee Convention or other regional instruments. The key role played by the principle of non-refoulement in customary international law has also been discussed in the process, along with the status of the principle of temporary protection in situations of mass influx in customary international law. Among the...

Migration and Human Displacement in the Context of Climate change: Reflections on the Category of Climate Refugees

PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), 2021

As a consequence of the impering productive system in the world, climate change is considered as one of the most controversial phenomena because of its environmental, economical, demographic and social effects which cause, in the end, the displacement and migration of population, specially in the Global South. Nowadays, natural disasters and climate change are factors causing the greatest number of migrant people around the globe. Events such as droughts in the Sahel region, the rising sea levels in the Asian South and Southeast and the disappearance of insular states as Kiribati or Tuvalu give testimony of this condition. In this context, the term “climate refugee” arises to tackle and give an answer to those people who are forced to abandon their homes due to environmental deterioration caused by climate change. Nevertheless, this concept poses a series of challenges and difficulties regarding its implementation in international law of refugees. Thus, the aim is to provide an approximation of a collective, the climate refugees, by analyzing their origins and consequences. MIGRATION ET DÉPLACEMENT HUMAIN DANS LE CONTEXTE DU CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE: RÉFLEXIONS SUR LA CATÉGORIE DES RÉFUGIÉS CLIMATIQUES Conséquence de la mise en péril du système productif mondial, le changement climatique est considéré comme l’un des phénomènes les plus controversés en raison de ses effets environnementaux, économiques, démographiques et sociaux qui entraînent, en fin de compte, le déplacement et la migration des populations, en particulier dans le Sud. De nos jours, les catastrophes naturelles et le changement climatique sont les facteurs qui provoquent le plus grand nombre de migrations dans le monde. Des événements tels que les sécheresses dans la région du Sahel, l’élévation du niveau des mers dans le Sud et le Sud-Est de l’Asie et la disparition d’États insulaires comme Kiribati ou Tuvalu témoignent de cette situation. Dans ce contexte, le terme “réfugié climatique” apparaît pour aborder et donner une réponse à ces personnes qui sont forcées d’abandonner leurs maisons en raison de la détérioration environnementale causée par le changement climatique. Néanmoins, ce concept pose une série de défis et de difficultés quant à sa mise en œuvre dans le droit international des réfugiés. Ainsi, nous avons l’intention de donner une approximation d’un collectif, les réfugiés climatiques, en analysant leurs origines et leurs conséquences. MIGRACIÓN Y DESPLAZAMIENTO HUMANO EN EL CONTEXTO DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO: REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA CATEGORÍA DE LOS REFUGIADOS CLIMÁTICOS Como consecuencia del sistema productivo que impera en el mundo, el cambio climático se presenta como uno de los fenómenos más controvertidos por sus efectos ambientales, económicos, demográficos y sociales, provocando, en última instancia, el desplazamiento y la migración de la población, especialmente en el Sur global. Actualmente, los desastres naturales y el cambio climático constituyen factores que causan el mayor número de personas migrantes a nivel mundial. Acontecimientos como la sequía en la región del Sahel, el aumento del nivel del mar en el Sur y Sudeste Asiático, y la desaparición de estados insulares, como Kiribati o Tuvalu, dan prueba de ello. En este contexto, el término «refugiado climático» surge para abordar y dar respuesta a las personas que se ven forzadas a abandonar sus hogares por la degradación ambiental, ocasionada por el cambio climático. No obstante, este concepto plantea una serie de desafíos y dificultades, en cuanto a su implementación en el derecho internacional de los refugiados. Así, se pretende dar una aproximación de un colectivo, los refugiados climáticos, analizando sus orígenes y consecuencias.

Sustainable development in the shadow of climate change Desenvolvimento sustentável à sombra da mudança climática Desarrollo sostenible en la sombra del cambio climático

Civitas , 2019

Development plans at different levels-from local to global-aspire to eliminate poverty, famine, to make health care accessible, to create better access to education, to improve transportation, employment, and the quality of life, all within next decades. Yet, these plans collide with the reality of climate change, more precisely the Anthropocene, which already creates high-dimensional conflicts. These will only intensify within decades because climate change and other consequences of the environment global devastation lead to a real decrease of resources. These resources enable not only development but also an elementary reproduction of the essential preconditions of life. The current model of development has substantially contributed to the intensification of unequal accessibility to resources and existing conflicts have thus heightened and new ones have emerged. Water as an essential resource will cause new conflicts. Growing population, expansion of deserts and a sea level rise then increase conflicts for the land. Heat waves occur more often which strengthens conflicts for land suitable for human life, meaning that inhabitable areas are spreading. Therefore there is a need to re-evaluate the character and hierarchy of resources and their accessibility, and also concepts of development. The existing development of humankind has been done at the expense of others in many cases and mainly at the expense of the environment. The current situation raises a question of climate justice from both historical and systematic viewpoints. It opens a need to reformulate the concept of human rights from the perspective of their essential environmental preconditions and to define the status of environmental migrants. Resumo: Os planos de desenvolvimento em diferentes níveis-do local ao global-aspiram eliminar a pobreza, a fome, tornar acessível a assistência médica, criar melhores acessos à educação, melhorar o transporte, o emprego e a qualidade de vida, tudo nas próximas décadas. No entanto, esses planos colidem com a realidade da 1 Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia). author_biographical_data

Cultural Rights of Refugees in Brazil: In Search of an Effective Protection

Direito e Desenvolvimento

Pretende-se verificar em que medida os direitos culturais dos refugiados no Brasil são respeitados. Assim, serão analisados: (i) o panorama geral de proteção dos refugiados, no que tange às normas de proteção, nacionais e internacionais; (ii) o direito à cultura como direito fundamental e humano, no Brasil e no mundo; e (iii) a integração cultural de migrantes refugiados, uma vez que o Brasil se tornou um país atrativo para os migrantes refugiados. O método utilizado será o lógico-dedutivo por meio de revisão bibliográfica.

Contextualizing Environmental Migration: the gap between the legal nature of refuge and environment during the age of global warming and natural catastrophes.

Revista de Direito Econômico e Socioambiental, 2019

Migration has attracted increasing attention and it has been a source of concern from academia to politics for the past couple of decades. While mankind faces its biggest migration crisis since World War II, many discussions arise from the complex and intricate dynamics of refuge, considering that the object of study, both human and mobile, has to flee a given area of residence in order for one to protect him or herself from war, persecution and serious violations of human rights. Given the organicity of the theme, and as encompassing as the current concept of refugee might be, there is a special contingent category of migrants that is not yet encompassed by the current notion of who is eligible for refugee status: those who flee environmental catastrophes. On the verge of multiple natural events – such as the case of Haiti and the 2010 earthquake - and some man-made disasters – such as the Samarco dam collapse in Brazil – how to legally address individuals fleeing naturally devastated areas, facing the gap between the legal nature of the status of refugees in international law and the legal nature of environment, in a century named “The Age of Global Warming”? Considering the perspective on climate change for the coming decades, the reshaping of the concept of refugee status is of vital importance, given the increasing population of environmentally displaced persons - an alarming number that has not yet been addressed by the current legal framework. For the present study, we opted for the deductive-analytic research method, using bibliographic research as technique.

Direitos Humanos, Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade No Contexto Da Cidadania Global Resumo


O presente artigo visa fazer uma breve abordagem acerca do processo historico de afirmacao dos direitos humanos num contexto global, com o reconhecimento dos direitos de carater economico social e cultural; o progresso economico alcancado nas ultimas decadas e o desequilibrio ecologico causado pela falta de sincronia entre o desenvolvimento economico e o uso racional dos recursos naturais. Nesse contexto, o meio ambiente passa ser reconhecido constitucionalmente como um direito fundamental, ganhando importância para fomentar desenvolvimento social e aticando a consciencia ecologica em âmbito global quanto a necessidade de sua preservacao para as geracoes presentes e futuras.