Motion Planning for a Continuum Robotic Mobile Lamp: Defining and Navigating the Configuration Space (original) (raw)

IJERT-Overview of Kinematics Design of Multi Section Planar Continuum Robot 1

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 The limitations with regard to manoeuvrability of robots built using rigid links & joints lead to the concept development of hyper redundant continuum robots. In order to enhance the flexibility, redundancy will built by adding additional sections. These multi section robots bend continuously along their length. This calls for challenging kinematics design. In this paper author focusses on understanding and development of multi section continuum robot arm kinematics. Initial breadboards that are developed to understand the mechanism is also briefly described.

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IJERT-Overview of Kinematics Design of Multi Section Planar Continuum Robot 1 Cover Page

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Demonstration-Guided Pose Planning and Tracking for Multi-section Continuum Robots Considering Robot Dynamics Cover Page

Continuum Robots for Manipulation Applications: A Survey

Journal of Robotics

This paper presents a literature survey documenting the evolution of continuum robots over the past two decades (1999–present). Attention is paid to bioinspired soft robots with respect to the following three design parameters: structure, materials, and actuation. Using this three-faced prism, we identify the uniqueness and novelty of robots that have hitherto not been publicly disclosed. The motivation for this study comes from the fact that continuum soft robots can make inroads in industrial manufacturing, and their adoption will be accelerated if their key advantages over counterparts with rigid links are clear. Four different taxonomies of continuum robots are included in this study, enabling researchers to quickly identify robots of relevance to their studies. The kinematics and dynamics of these robots are not covered, nor is their application in surgical manipulation.

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Continuum Robots for Manipulation Applications: A Survey Cover Page

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Reactive Navigation for Continuum Manipulator in Unknown Environments Cover Page

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Cooperative Continuum Robots: Concept, Modeling, and Workspace Analysis Cover Page

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Inverse Kinematics and Dexterous Workspace Formulation for 2-Segment Continuum Robots With Inextensible Segments Cover Page

Kinematics Analyzing of a Spatial Multi-Section Continuum Robot


Over the past several years, a new class of robots, known as soft robots has been studied by a number of researchers. One of the types of the soft robots is continuum robot which has high degree of freedom or continuous, backbone structures. In this article, a spatial multi-section continuum robot with elastic backbone are considered. The forward and inverse kinematics problem of a spatial three-section continuum robot are solved as the illustrative example. Forward kinematics is the first step towards solving the inverse kinematics and dynamics problem. Inverse kinematics problem plays important role in designing the control system for robots.

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Kinematics Analyzing of a Spatial Multi-Section Continuum Robot Cover Page

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Experiments with a Continuum Robot Structure Cover Page

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Development and Stability Analysis of an Imitation Learning-Based Pose Planning Approach for Multi-Section Continuum Robot Cover Page

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On the kinematic modeling of a class of continuum manipulators Cover Page