Concheros brasileños desde una perspectiva zooarqueológica (original) (raw)
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Revista Chilena de Antropología, 2016
The study of faunal remains from archaeological sites is based on qualitative and quantitative data that contribute to our understanding of the consumption of animal protein, environment, and lifestyle often goes beyond understanding daily activities. Indeed, faunal remains in archaeological sites vary among societies, as choices are both availability and culturally defined. Here I discuss available faunal data from shell mounds in the Babitonga Bay, in conjunction with the presence of pottery in some of their archaeological layers. Forte Marechal Luz, Enseada I, Bupeva II and Itacoara sites have pottery and two different stratigraphic horizons. The results show some interesting differences in taxa and quantity of the animal remains, when the different layers of the same site and between sites are compared. I discuss cultural identity and diversity of the prehistoric dwellers living in the Babitonga Bay, in the light of a relatively late introduction of ceramics that affected less than 10% of the shell mounds in the area.
The study of faunal remains from archaeological sites is based on qualitative and quantitative data that contribute to our understanding of the consumption of animal protein, environment, and lifestyle often goes beyond understanding daily activities. Indeed, faunal remains in archaeological sites vary among societies, as choices are both availability and culturally defined. Here I discuss available faunal data from shell mounds in the Babitonga Bay, in conjunction with the presence of pottery in some of their archaeological layers. Forte Marechal Luz, Enseada I, Bupeva II and Itacoara sites have pottery and two different stratigraphic horizons. The results show some interesting differences in taxa and quantity of the animal remains, when the different layers of the same site and between sites are compared. I discuss cultural identity and diversity of the prehistoric dwellers living in the Babitonga Bay, in the light of a relatively late introduction of ceramics that affected less than 10% of the shell mounds in the area., coast of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil RESUMEN El estudio de los restos de fauna de los sitios arqueológicos se basa en datos cualitativos y cuantitativos que contribuyen a nuestra comprensión del consumo de proteínas de origen animal, el medio ambiente y estilo de vida, y van a menudo más allá de la comprensión de las actividades diarias. Aquí discuto los datos disponibles sobre la fauna de concheros en la Bahía Babitonga, en relación con la presencia de cerámica en algunas de sus capas arqueológicas. Los resultados muestran algunas diferencias interesantes en los taxa y la cantidad de restos de animales entre las diferentes capas del mismo sitio y entre sitios. Discuto la diversidad cultural y la identidad de los habitantes prehistóricos que vivían en Bahía Babitonga, a la luz de una introducción relativamente tardía de la cerámica que afectó a menos del 10% de los conchales en la área.
Pesquisas, Antropologia, 2016
RESUMO Foi realizada a análise dos vestígios arqueofaunísticos recuperados do sítio RS-AS-01-Sambaqui Praia do Paraíso, localizado em Arroio do Sal (RS). O Número de Espécimes Identificados (NISP) foi calculado em 14.864 unidades distribuídas entre moluscos, equinodermos e vertebrados. O molusco Mesodesma mactroides (Deshayes, 1854) (marisco-branco) foi a espécie dominante em todos os níveis estratigráficos com um NISP de 9888, sendo seguida por Donax hanleyanus Philippi, 1847 (maçambique) com NISP = 1255. Dentre os vertebrados, os peixes apresentaram o maior número de peças identificadas, sendo representados em maior número pelas espécies Genidens sp. (Bagre Guri, NISP = 178), Pogonias chromis (Linnaeus, 1766) (Miraguaia, NISP = 151), Menticirrhus littoralis (Holbrook, 1847) (Papa-terra, NISP = 33) e Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) (Corvina, NISP = 29). Outras espécies com menor representação incluem Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1875) (Maria-Luiza, NISP = 1), Macrodon sp. (Pescada, NISP = 1), Cynoscion sp. (Pescada, NISP = 2), Mugil sp. (Tainha, NISP = 8), Paralichthys sp. (Linguado, NISP = 6), Urophycis sp. (Abrótea, NISP = 4), duas espécies dulcícolas dos gêneros Hoplias (Traíra, NISP = 1) e Microglanis (Bagrinho malhado, NISP = 1), vértebras de Chondrichthyes e placas dentígeras de Myliobatidae. Foram também identificados fragmentos de carapaça pertencentes a Testudines (tartarugas ou cágados), um grande número de fragmentos ósseos de mamíferos sendo alguns desses fragmentos pertencentes à família Dasypodidae (tatu) e quatro unidades identificadas como Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger, 1845). A análise tafonômica demonstrou a predominância dos eventos de quebra e baixo percentual de peças com indício de ação do fogo. A estimativa das dimensões corporais, com base nos otólitos das espécies de peixes com maior número de indivíduos, resultou em: Genidens sp. (Bagre Guri) = 92-290 mm, Menticirrhus littoralis (Papa-terra) = 54-399 mm e Micropogonias furnieri (Corvina) = 61-303 mm. Considerando dados atuais em relação às dimensões de armadilhas e redes, do comprimento e formato corporal dos espécimes, os dados obtidos conduzem à hipótese do uso de redes com malha padronizada, uma vez que as dimensões estimadas encaixam-se nos modelos previstos para esse método de pesca. A técnica utilizada para estimativa demostrou-se mais robusta que o uso
Sea mammals in archaeological sites on the southern coast of Brazil
CASTILHO, P.V.; SIMÕES-LOPES, P.C. Sea mammals in archaeological sites on the southern coast of Brazil. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, 18: 101-113, 2008. Resumo: Foram avaliados restos faunísticos de 11 sítios arqueológicos do litoral centro-norte de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil, com datações variando entre 5000 e 1000 A.P. Apesar de os sítios arqueológicos apresentarem ocupações humanas de cultura material diferenciada, a diversidade de espécies de mamíferos marinhos foi semelhante entre eles. Foram diagnosticadas três espécies de pinípedes e nove de cetáceos. As estruturas que mais contribuíram para a identificação das espécies foram o complexo periótico-timpânico, os dentes, os crânios e os ossos dos membros. A quantificação das peças de mamíferos marinhos sugere uma abordagem mais cautelosa na caracterização das atividades humanas pré-coloniais, pois estes grupos culturais podem ter utilizado lobos-marinhos, baleias e golfinhos com maior freqüência do q...
Integrating zooarchaeology in the conservation of coastal-marine ecosystems in Brazil
Quaternary International, 2019
Sambaquis are archaeological shell mounds and middens formed by pre-Columbian populations inhabiting the Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil between the Middle and Late Holocene. Beyond their recognized cultural values, sambaquis are valuable biological archives for tracking changes in past biodiversity and informing modern conservation studies and management. In this contribution we reviewed the published record of faunal remains from archaeological sites located in Babitonga Bay, in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Through a literature review covering 110 sites, we assembled a comprehensive survey of terrestrial and marine taxa exploited by human groups in this area between ca. 5500 and 370 years ago. A total of 244 species were recorded, of which 14 are currently endangered and 12 are no longer present in Babitonga Bay. This zooarchaeological synthesis provides snapshots of past biodiversity, adding a novel contribution to current debates around the conservation biology of one of the world's most threatened tropical biomes.
Zooarchaeology in Brazil: from yesterday to the challenge of the new perspectives
Estado Actual de la Arqueozoología Latinoamericana-Current Advances for the Latin-American Archaeozoology, 2010
El International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) promueve la organización pluralista y transdisciplinaria, al reunir a arqueólogos, biólogos, paleontólogos, veterinarios, entre otros especialistas de todo el mundo, cuyo objeto de estudio es la relación entre la sociedad humana y los animales a través del tiempo. En Latinoamérica este tipo de estudios han alcanzado un desarrollo muy notorio en las última décadas.
The Cerrado encompasses ca. 2 million km 2 in Brazil. Most Cerrado areas have been greatly disturbed in the past decades. Only 20% of this biome remain undisturbed, and only 1.2% is protected. Knowledge on the biology and diversity of Cerrado amphibian assemblages is still incipient. Here we present natural history information (habitat use and reproductive activity) of 28 species of frogs from the Estação Ecológica de Itirapina (EEI), and compare the composition of this assemblage with those of other Cerrado areas, other open areas, and a few forest areas throughout Brazil. We demonstrate that the Itirapina assemblage is more similar to those of other open areas than to those of forests, even when the latter are geographically closer. Six species occurred in the gallery forest at varying levels of dependence (three independent, two semidependent, and one totally dependent) while all other species occurred exclusively in open areas. For most species at EEI, reproduction was strongly synchronized with the onset of the rainy season, with the exception of Hypsiboas lundii, which called throughout the year, and Proceratophrys sp. which started calling prior to the beginning of the rainy season. The spatial and temporal patterns observed in this assemblage seem to reflect both ecological (e. g. hydroperiod of water bodies) and historical factors (e. g. early breeding in leptodactylids, late breeding in hylids, both phylogenetically constrained).
Revista Clio, 2018
The paleobiologic studies are an important source of information about health conditions and bioculturals dynamics of populations of the past. In the specific case of the archaeological tradition Aratu, little is known about their population biology, partly due to the fact that the skeletal remains are not always present in the excavated burial urns or when they are, the preservation conditions hinder studies of this nature. If the site of Baixa das Flores, despite having a small osteological sample, it is relevant because providing a first biological observation of human populations inserted in the vast archaeological tradition Aratu in northeastern Brazil.
The Restinga forests are plant formations associated to the Atlantic Forest which still have not been much studied in terms of their mastofauna. The objective of the present work was to list for the first time the mammal species found in a Restinga on northeastern Brazil and show the similarities on species composition to other areas of the same environment and of Atlantic Forest. Our records were based on several complementary approaches: field survey, interviews, and museum collections. Subsequently, we performed similarity analysis between Restinga areas along Brazil and Atlantic Forest areas. We found a total of 30 species of mammals distributed in 28 genera, 16 families and 7 orders for Restinga of Mataraca. Species richness was similar to other Restinga areas and similarity analyzes pointed out that Restingas are more closely related to adjacent Atlantic Forest areas than to other Restingas in the country. This suggests that Restingas do not exhibit an autochthone fauna, but rather a faunal subsample of neighbor Atlantic Forest. Therefore, conservations policies for the Restinga habitat depends not only on actions focused on this habitat, but on initiatives that encompass nearby Atlantic Forest remnants, allowing the connectivity between these habitats. Mamíferos de uma floresta de Restinga em Mataraca, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil e suas afinidades com áreas de Restinga no Brasil Resumo: As restingas são formações vegetais associadas à Floresta Atlântica e ainda pouco exploradas em relação a sua mastofauna. O objetivo desse trabalho foi listar pela primeira vez as espécies de mamíferos presentes em uma restinga no nordeste do Brasil e mostrar sua similaridade com outras áreas do mesmo ambiente e de Mata Atlântica. A listagem foi baseada em diversas abordagens complementares: coletas, entrevistas, material em coleção. Posteriormente realizamos análises de similaridade entre áreas de restinga ao longo do Brasil e áreas de Mata Atlântica. Encontramos um total de 30 espécies de mamíferos distribuídas em 28 gêneros, 16 famílias e sete ordens para restinga de Mataraca. A riqueza ficou próxima a de outras áreas de restinga e as análises de similaridade apontaram que as restingas são mais proximamente relacionadas com as áreas adjacentes de Floresta Atlântica do que com as outras restingas no país. Isso sugere que as Restingas não exibem uma fauna autóctone ou endêmica, mas que sua fauna representa um subconjunto da fauna da Floresta Atlântica mais próxima. Dessa forma, estratégias para a conservação das Restingas não dependem apenas de ações nesse ambiente, mas de iniciativas que atinjam áreas de Mata Atlântica próximas, que garantam a conectividade entre estas.
Touro Passo Creek is one of the most important fossiliferous late Pleistocene localities from southern Brazil. Although fossil vertebrates collected from this locality have been studied since the 1970s, several questions remain open. This paper provides a review of the knowledge on this subject accumulated since the original proposition of the Touro Passo Formation in 1976. The fossil assemblages of Touro Passo Creek show a predominance of mammals, and among them, artiodactyls and cingulates are the most diverse. The available absolute ages indicate that the fine-grained lithological levels (at least) were deposited during humid conditions of the Last Glacial Maximum, within oxygen isotope stages 3 and 2. The mammal assemblages contain a mixture of intertropical and pampean taxa. The large span of time that encompasses the deposition of the Touro Passo Creek beds could have contributed to this faunal mixture.