A cross sectional investigation of malaria epidemiology among seven tea estates in Assam, India (original) (raw)
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Urban malaria in Yaounde (Cameroon). 2. Entomologic study in two suburban districts
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1992
Entomoloaie médicale LE PALUDISME URBAIN A YAOUNDÉ (CAMEROUN) 2.-Étude entomologique dans deux quartiers peu urbanisés Par E. FONDJO(*), V. ROBERT(**), G. LE GOFF(**), J. C. TOTO(**) & P. CARNEVALE(**)(***) Urban malaria in Yaounde (Cameroon). 2.-Entomological study in two suburban districts. Summary: A one year entomological survey was carried out to precise the malaria vectors and the malaria transmission in Yaounde, the Cameroon capital (800 O00 inhabitants). The study was done in two districts not yet fully ubanized: Nkol Bikok and Nkol Bisson. The latter is located at the periphery and has a pool. Anopheles gambiae was the only human malaria vector. Its agressivity for man depended on the urbanization of the district. Annual man biting rate was 284 in Nkol Bikok and I 813 in Nkol Bisson. The densities were maximum in May-June and in October-November, corresponding to the end of the short and long rainy seasons. The presence of A. gambiae was permanent except in August-September in Nkol Bikok. In Nkol Bisson the density was higher in the houses near the pool. The yearly inoculation rate (h) was 14 in Nkol Bikok and 30 in Nkol Bisson. The vectorial transmission was observed in may in Nkol Bikok and during four months (June, August, January, February) in Nkol Bisson. These entomological data showed clearly that malaria transmission actually occurre¿ in Yaounde and that the probability to receive at least one infected anopheline bite per year was very near to 1 for inhabitants unprotected against mosquito bites. Résumé : Une étude longitudinale basée sur la capture des moustiques sur sujets humains s'est déroulée pendant un an dans deux quartiers de la ville de Yaoundé, l'un est situé à la périphérie de la ville (Nkol Bisson) et l'autre est plus central (Nkol Bikok). Ces deux quartiers présentent encore un caractère périurbain mais ils sont en pleine urbanisation. Le vecteur du paludisme humain identifé est Anopheles gambiae. Sa densité agressive pour l'homme (ma) est variable selon le degré d'urbanisation des quartiers : forte en Zone périphérique (ma annuel = I 813) et faible en zone centrale (ma annuel = 284). Cette densité est importante de mai à juin et d'octobre 6 novembre, c'est-à-dire à la fin de la petite et de la grande saison des pluies. Le taux d'inoculation (h) varie comme les densités agressives : h annuel = 30 en zone périphérique contre 14 en zone centrale. La transmission vectorielle est notable seulement pendant un mois (mai) à Nkol Bikok et pendant quatre mois (juin, août, janvier, février) à Nkol Bisson. Le risque quotidien d'au moins une inoculation par A. gambiae est environ deux fois plus élevé en zone périphérique qu'en zone centrale.
Malaria Control in India: Strategies, Progress and Challenges
International Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2015
Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome , Les cités vésuviennes Pompéi, Pistrina Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome , Les cités vésuviennes
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2003
To evaluate the determining factors of the malaria transmission in the northwest region of Madagascar, transversal studies were carried out through one year, from March 1997 to April 1998, in two villages located near Mandritsara, at less than 300 meters above sea level. The rice-growing region forms an intermediate zone between the central highlands with epidemic and instable malaria and the coastal zone with endemic and stable malaria. Mosquitoes were collected when landing on humans during the night and by pyrethrum spray catches as regards endophilic mosquitoes. Three vectors were identified: Anopheles arabiensis, An. gambiae and An. funestus. An. arabiensis and An. gambiae were exophagic and zoophilic. An. funestus was endo-exophagic and anthropophilic but this species shows also a zoophilic trophic deviation. In both villages, An. funestus is the main vector of human malaria. Malaria transmission was estimated to be around 50 and 70 infective bites/person/year in each village.
International Journal of Sciences, 2021
Dans les pays en développement, la faible performance de l'agriculture est en grande partie responsable du phénomène récurrent d'insécurité alimentaire. Les cultures enregistrent une faible productivité en raison de nombreuses contraintes non seulement socioéconomiques mais également biotiques et abiotiques. Des recherches ont montré que la productivité est influencée par la santé et la présente étude analyse spécifiquement l'impact du paludisme sur la production agricole des ménages de la vallée du fleuve. Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude prospective de cohorte. Au total, 180 ménages ont été suivis pendant une période d'un an. Il ressort de l'étude que le paludisme affecte le rendement des ménages agricoles. En effet, l'impact négatif du paludisme sur la production irriguée est statiquement significatif (P=0.000). Par ailleurs, le risque relatif (3,17) calculé dans l'intervalle de confiance (IC) de 95% montre la présence d'association positive entre les dépenses catastrophiques et le rendement agricole avec une valeur de P (12.10-7). La moyenne des incidences cumulées du paludisme dans les ménages et la période à laquelle est intervenu l'arrêt de travail influent également le rendement.
[Agricultural activities and epidemiology of malaria in Soudano-Sahelian zone in Cameroon]
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2012
We have comparatively studied the dynamics of malaria transmission in the villages of Mokolo-Douvar located in the rural area with traditional agriculture and Gounougou irrigated rice area, in 2004 August and November and 2006 May and October, to assess vectors biting habits, and malaria inoculation rate and malaria parasite prevalence in cohort of children from 0 to 15 years. Mosquitoes were collected by landing catches on volunteers and by pyrethrum spray collections. A total of 5961 Anopheles were collected. Seven Anopheles species were identified: Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles pharoensis, Anopheles rufipes, Anopheles ziemanni and Anopheles squamosus. A. arabiensis was the major species (56.2%) and the main malaria vector in both study sites, followed by A. funestus (32.6%). Malaria transmission was high in the irrigated area of Gounougou (1.42 infection bites per man per night) whereas in the non-irrigated zone of Mokolo-Douvar, it w...
Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (1990), 2012
In Africa, malaria is responsible for 25-40% of all outpatient visits and 20-50% of all hospitalizations. In malaria-endemic areas, individuals do not behave the same toward the outcome of clinical malaria. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of malaria in the locality among the different ethnic groups, evaluate the place of malaria among febrile illnesses, and assess the relationship between fever and parasite density of Plasmodium falciparum. Studies on susceptibility to malaria between the Fulani and Dogon groups in Mali were conducted in Mantéourou and the surrounding villages from 1998 to 2008. We carried out six cross-sectional studies during the malaria transmission and longitudinal surveys (July to December depending on the year) during the 10-year duration. In longitudinal studies, clinical data on malaria and other diseases frequently observed in the population were recorded. It appears from this work that malaria is the leading cause of febrile syndromes....
Parasite (Paris, France), 2008
To assess the malaria reintroduction risk in Morocco, we analyzed the malariogenic potential of a rice cultivation area in the north of the country. Our results showed that the receptivity of this area is very high during all the period of the rice cultivation, from May to October, the vectorial capacity of An. labranchiae, malaria vector in Morocco, is considerably high during the summer which corresponds to the rice cultivation period. The risk of autochthonous malaria resumption is important because of the possible presence of gametocytes carriers in the last malaria focus which is bordering the study area. The risk of a tropical malaria introduction is unimportant seen the low vulnerability of the area and the uncertain competence of its vectors considered. However, this risk must be considered with a more attention.