Calibrated and Sharp Uncertainties in Deep Learning via Simple Density Estimation (original) (raw)
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An Uncertainty-aware Loss Function for Training Neural Networks with Calibrated Predictions
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Uncertainty quantification of machine learning and deep learning methods plays an important role in enhancing trust to the obtained result. In recent years, a numerous number of uncertainty quantification methods have been introduced. Monte Carlo dropout (MC-Dropout) is one of the most wellknown techniques to quantify uncertainty in deep learning methods. In this study, we propose two new loss functions by combining cross entropy with Expected Calibration Error (ECE) and Predictive Entropy (PE). The obtained results clearly show that the new proposed loss functions lead to having a calibrated MC-Dropout method. Our results confirmed the great impact of the new hybrid loss functions for minimising the overlap between the distributions of uncertainty estimates for correct and incorrect predictions without sacrificing the model's overall performance.
A Review of Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning: Techniques, Applications and Challenges
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) plays a pivotal role in reduction of uncertainties during both optimization and decision making processes. It can be applied to solve a variety of real-world applications in science and engineering. Bayesian approximation and ensemble learning techniques are two most widely-used UQ methods in the literature. In this regard, researchers have proposed different UQ methods and examined their performance in a variety of applications such as computer vision (e.g., self-driving cars and object detection), image processing (e.g., image restoration), medical image analysis (e.g., medical image classification and segmentation), natural language processing (e.g., text classification, social media texts and recidivism risk-scoring), bioinformatics, etc.This study reviews recent advances in UQ methods used in deep learning. Moreover, we also investigate the application of these methods in reinforcement learning (RL). Then, we outline a few important applications ...
Tradi Tracking Deep Neural Network Weight Distributions for Uncertainty Estimation
arXiv: Learning, 2019
During training, the weights of a Deep Neural Network (DNN) are optimized from a random initialization towards a nearly optimum value minimizing a loss function. Only this final state of the weights is typically kept for testing, while the wealth of information on the geometry of the weight space, accumulated over the descent towards the minimum is discarded. In this work we propose to make use of this knowledge and leverage it for computing the distributions of the weights of the DNN. This can be further used for estimating the epistemic uncertainty of the DNN by aggregating predictions from an ensemble of networks sampled from these distributions. To this end we introduce a method for tracking the trajectory of the weights during optimization, that does neither require any change in the architecture, nor in the training procedure. We evaluate our method, TRADI, on standard classification and regression benchmarks, and on out-of-distribution detection for classification and semantic segmentation. We achieve competitive results, while preserving computational efficiency in comparison to ensemble approaches.
Evaluation of Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
Artificial intelligence (AI) is nowadays included into an increasing number of critical systems. Inclusion of AI in such systems may, however, pose a risk, since it is, still, infeasible to build AI systems that know how to function well in situations that differ greatly from what the AI has seen before. Therefore, it is crucial that future AI systems have the ability to not only function well in known domains, but also understand and show when they are uncertain when facing something unknown. In this paper, we evaluate four different methods that have been proposed to correctly quantifying uncertainty when the AI model is faced with new samples. We investigate the behaviour of these models when they are applied to samples far from what these models have seen before, and if they correctly attribute those samples with high uncertainty. We also examine if incorrectly classified samples are attributed with an higher uncertainty than correctly classified samples. The major finding from this simple experiment is, surprisingly, that the evaluated methods capture the uncertainty differently and the correlation between the quantified uncertainty of the models is low. This inconsistency is something that needs to be further understood and solved before AI can be used in critical applications in a trustworthy and safe manner.
PremiUm-CNN: Propagating Uncertainty Towards Robust Convolutional Neural Networks
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have surpassed human-level accuracy in various learning tasks. However, unlike humans who have a natural cognitive intuition for probabilities, DNNs cannot express their uncertainty in the output decisions. This limits the deployment of DNNs in mission-critical domains, such as warfighter decision-making or medical diagnosis. Bayesian inference provides a principled approach to reason about model's uncertainty by estimating the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. The challenge in DNNs remains the multi-layer stages of non-linearities, which make the propagation of high-dimensional distributions mathematically intractable. This paper establishes the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of uncertainty or belief propagation by developing new deep learning models named PremiUm-CNNs (Propagating Uncertainty in Convolutional Neural Networks). We introduce a tensor normal distribution as a prior over convolutional kernels and estimate the variational posterior by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO). We start by deriving the first-order mean-covariance propagation framework. Later, we develop a framework based on the unscented transformation (correct at least up to the second-order) that propagates sigma points of the variational distribution through layers of a CNN. The propagated covariance of the predictive distribution captures uncertainty in the output decision. Comprehensive experiments conducted on diverse benchmark datasets demonstrate: 1) superior robustness against noise and adversarial attacks, 2) self-assessment through predictive uncertainty that increases quickly with increasing levels of noise or attacks, and 3) an ability to detect a targeted attack from ambient noise.
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), despite their tremendous success in recent years, could still cast doubts on their predictions due to the intrinsic uncertainty associated with their learning process. Ensemble techniques and post-hoc calibrations are two types of approaches that have individually shown promise in improving the uncertainty calibration of DNNs. However, the synergistic effect of the two types of methods has not been well explored. In this paper, we propose a truth discovery framework to integrate ensemble-based and posthoc calibration methods. Using the geometric variance of the ensemble candidates as a good indicator for sample uncertainty, we design an accuracypreserving truth estimator with provably no accuracy drop. Furthermore, we show that post-hoc calibration can also be enhanced by truth discoveryregularized optimization. On large-scale datasets including CIFAR and ImageNet, our method shows consistent improvement against state-of-the-art calibration approaches on...
Deep learning models achieve high predictive accuracy across a broad spectrum of tasks, but rigorously quantifying their predictive uncertainty remains challenging. Usable estimates of predictive uncertainty should (1) cover the true prediction targets with high probability, and (2) discriminate between high- and low-confidence prediction instances. Existing methods for uncertainty quantification are based predominantly on Bayesian neural networks; these may fall short of (1) and (2) -- i.e., Bayesian credible intervals do not guarantee frequentist coverage, and approximate posterior inference undermines discriminative accuracy. In this paper, we develop the discriminative jackknife (DJ), a frequentist procedure that utilizes influence functions of a model's loss functional to construct a jackknife (or leave-one-out) estimator of predictive confidence intervals. The DJ satisfies (1) and (2), is applicable to a wide range of deep learning models, is easy to implement, and can be ...
Correlated Parameters to Accurately Measure Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
In this article, a novel approach for training deep neural networks using Bayesian techniques is presented. The Bayesian methodology allows for an easy evaluation of model uncertainty and, additionally, is robust to overfitting. These are commonly the two main problems classical, i.e., non-Bayesian architectures have to struggle with. The proposed approach applies variational inference in order to approximate the intractable posterior distribution. In particular, the variational distribution is defined as the product of multiple multivariate normal distributions with tridiagonal covariance matrices. Every single normal distribution belongs either to the weights or to the biases corresponding to one network layer. The layerwise a posteriori variances are defined based on the corresponding expectation values, and furthermore, the correlations are assumed to be identical. Therefore, only a few additional parameters need to be optimized compared with non-Bayesian settings. The performance of the new approach is evaluated and compared with other recently developed Bayesian methods. Basis of the performance evaluations are the popular benchmark data sets MNIST and CIFAR-10. Among the considered approaches, the proposed one shows the best predictive accuracy. Moreover, extensive evaluations of the provided prediction uncertainty information indicate that the new approach often yields more useful uncertainty estimates than the comparison methods.
Towards calibrated and scalable uncertainty representations for neural networks
ArXiv, 2019
For many applications it is critical to know the uncertainty of a neural network's predictions. While a variety of neural network parameter estimation methods have been proposed for uncertainty estimation, they have not been rigorously compared across uncertainty measures. We assess four of these parameter estimation methods to calibrate uncertainty estimation using four different uncertainty measures: entropy, mutual information, aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. We evaluate the calibration of these parameter estimation methods using expected calibration error. Additionally, we propose a novel method of neural network parameter estimation called RECAST, which combines cosine annealing with warm restarts with Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics, capturing more diverse parameter distributions. When benchmarked against mutilated image data, we show that RECAST is well-calibrated and when combined with predictive entropy and epistemic uncertainty it offers the best...
Soft Calibration Objectives for Neural Networks
ArXiv, 2021
Optimal decision making requires that classifiers produce uncertainty estimates consistent with their empirical accuracy. However, deep neural networks are often underor over-confident in their predictions. Consequently, methods have been developed to improve the calibration of their predictive uncertainty both during training and post-hoc. In this work, we propose differentiable losses to improve calibration based on a soft (continuous) version of the binning operation underlying popular calibration-error estimators. When incorporated into training, these soft calibration losses achieve state-of-the-art single-model ECE across multiple datasets with less than 1% decrease in accuracy. For instance, we observe an 82% reduction in ECE (70% relative to the post-hoc rescaled ECE) in exchange for a 0.7% relative decrease in accuracy relative to the cross entropy baseline on CIFAR-100. When incorporated post-training, the soft-binning-based calibration error objective improves upon temper...