E-literacy in Indonesian Society Regarding Covid-19 (original) (raw)

Digital Literacy for Covid 19 Information in Indonesian Society


In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic situation, hoax news emerged that made people panic and make wrong decisions. The emergence of this hoax is because many people are not literate with information, so they trust all the information entered. People also do not have the social awareness to filter the information they get. This study aims to describe the level of literacy of the digital community towards COVID19 information measured on the internet. The research method used is a descriptive type with a survey method. The research location was in East Java, with a total of 500 respondents consisting of several segmentations of people who actively use the internet as a source of information. The results of this study indicate that the digital literacy level for COVID19 information is good with an average value of 3.69. Of the five dimensions of digital literacy that are used as the highest measuring tool of the very high ethical awareness dimension, the second position is the media eva...

Urgensi Literasi Digital di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Sistematis

Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2022

Digital literacy competence is very important for students, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The application of distance learning encourages easy internet access for every level of society. This paper intends to conduct a study of digital literacy in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method in this research is a systematic review. The research findings show that digital literacy campaigns are important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital literacy will foster a creative and critical mentality in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. The digital literacy movement will help the public obtain the right information and pass the time during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, there are important components in developing digital literacy, namely as follows. 1) Culture, namely understanding the various contexts of users of the digital world; 2) Cognitive, namely the power of thought in assessing the content; 3) Constructive; 4) Communication, namely understanding ...

The Urgency of Digital Literacy in Indonesia on COVID-19 pandemic

Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA Journal)

For pupils, having a strong grasp of digital literacy is crucial, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Every level of society is encouraged to have simple access to the internet by the use of distant learning. In this essay, we will investigate the state of digital literacy in Indonesia at the time of COVID-19 epidemic. A systematic review was used as the research methodology in this study. Campaigns to promote digital literacy are crucial during the COVID-19 epidemic, according to the research findings. Dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak will be made easier with the help of digital literacy. During the COVID-19 epidemic, the digital literacy movement will assist the general people in finding the appropriate information and passing the time. The following are other crucial elements in the development of digital literacy. 1) Understanding culture, namely the diverse contexts in which users of the digital world operate; 2) Cognitive, or the capacity for cognition when evalu...

Strengthening Digital Communication in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implementation in Indonesian Society

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.9\_Issue.6\_June2022/IJRR-Abstract045.html, 2022

In a pandemic situation since March 2020, everyone has to do all activities at home or stay at home, starting from work, study, literacy, and others. In fact, mobility is now increasingly limited, and this makes people unable to travel arbitrarily. This has an impact on the way people live, such as with the economy, health, and education. Now that technology is here to make it easier for Indonesian people to be literate, we don't need to go out to go to the offline library, just sit back and relax at home. In Indonesia, digital literacy was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture under Muhadjir Effendy in 2017 to counter hoaxes, but digital literacy has begun to be felt by the benefits since the pandemic rocked the world. But there are still those who are ignorant or don't even know what to pay attention to in digital literacy. This paper would like to discuss about how to strengthen digital communication in the era of the covid 19 pandemic and its implementation in Indonesian society. The purpose of this study is to describe the strengthening of digital literacy, its development, and its implementation in Indonesian society. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a literature study approach. The results of the study show that there are various elements in digital literacy, namely cultural, cognitive, constructive, communicative, confident, creative, critical, and responsible. In addition, through photo-visual literacy, reproductive literacy, branched literacy, information literacy, emotional social literacy, and real-time thinking literacy.

Sistematik Literatur Review: Persepsi Mahasiswa Indonesia pada Pembelajaran Elektronik Era Pandemi Covid-19

Jurnal Riset Public Relations

E-learning atau pembelajaran dalam jaringan harus dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh dosen di Indonesia pada saat Pandemi Covid 19. Meskipun jarak jauh, dosen harus menjamin kualitas Pendidikan sesuai kebutuhan para pemangku kepentingan. Menggunakan berbagai aplikasi pendukung pendidikan tinggi berbasis internet, beberapa artikel telah ditulis guna untuk mengukur persepsi ketercapaian e-learning. Metode penelitian ditetepakan menggunakan literatur sistematik review bersumber artikel pada Google Scholar dan Sopus yang diolah menggunakan software VOS-viewer untuk menetapkan gap penelitian. Lima artikel data penelitian terdiri dari 2 artikel kualitatif analisis tematik, 1 artikel metode penelitian campuran, 1 artikel eksperimen dan juga 1 artikel deskriptif menggunakan google form sebagai link kuisioner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kesimpulan bahwa ketercapaian e-learning karena didukung oleh ketepatan penggunaan aplikasi, ketepatan pemilihan metode pembelajaran dan penanaman motivasi kemandirian belajar. Penggunaan aplikasi yang tepat, seperti Zoom, Google Classroom, Wesite pembelajaran kampus, grup WhatsApp dan perpustakaan online. Metode pembelajaran sebagai pendukung e-learning seperti presentasi online, game online, tugas menulis online dan akses perpustakaan online. Adapun penanaman kemandirian belajar dapat diwujudkan melalui kepemilikan jiwa pengembangan diri, konsistensi diri, keberlanjutan, kemandirian, kesadaran, pencapaian dan inisiatif belajar.

Original Article / Özgün Araştırma Examination of Adolescents' E-Health Literacy Levels in Terms of Internet Usage and Some Variables Related to Covid-19

Dicle Med Journal, 2023

Objective: E-Health literacy is important for obtaining accurate health information, promote and encourge health. The aim of this study is to examine of adolescents their internet usage habits, Covid-19 infection status, Covid-19 vaccination status and their views on the Covid-19 vaccine in terms of the e-health literacy levels. Methods: This cross-sectional design study was carried out among to 442 students in a high school in the 2021-2022 academic year. The independent variable of this study is the e-health literacy level of adolescents, the dependent variables are their internet usage habits, Covid-19 infection status, Covid-19 vaccination status and their some views on the Covid-19 vaccine. Results: It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference in the e-Health Literacy Scale mean scores of those who thought that internet use was important and useful in making health-related decisions (respectively 15.630 /0.000; 2,656 / 0.030). There was no statistically significant difference between having had a Covid-19 infection, being vaccinated against Covid-19, and e-Health literacy score averages (respectively 0.534/0.594; 1.032/0.302). Conclusion: According to the research results, we recommend that awareness studies be carried out to increase the e-Health literacy level of the young population and to use digital media efficiently to correct incorrect health information.

Challenges, Roles, and Axiology of Indonesian Digital Literacy During the Pandemic


Digital literacy is one of the new media, which has a vital role in Indonesian people's lives, especially during the pandemic. In this article, the author will discuss the challenges faced by the community in implementing digital literacy, the role and value of axiology contained in digital literacy during a pandemic. Indonesian society is expected to have good digital literacy skills to balance these urgent needs, especially during a pandemic. This article aims to increase public awareness of the importance of understanding digital literacy. Besides, make efforts to utilize digital literacy to the fullest and realize the challenges faced. This research method uses a combined approach. The results show that digital literacy is critical in various aspects and has axiological value. However, Indonesia still has several challenges implementing digital literacy during the pandemic. Therefore, the government and society are expected to work together to improve the ability and underst...

Communication on COVID-19 Vaccination in Indonesia and the Truth of the Digital Society


COVID-19 vaccination during the pandemic appears and is considered an innovation or new thing that must be quickly implemented to minimize epidemic transmission. As a country affected by COVID-19, Indonesia has also started distributing vaccines to various parties. The distribution process encountered various challenges. One of them is the truth or public trust in the government regarding handling the COVID-19 outbreak, which affects people's decisions not to or to carry out vaccines. This paper uses a non-interactive qualitative method by collecting various information about COVID-19 vaccination from a communication perspective. The theory used is the diffusion of innovation to see how the people of Indonesia can accept vaccines amid many people's doubts about the government. Truth is an important concept that determines the success of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, there is much public apathy towards the government's work rhythm; on the other hand, the government conti...

Health literacy on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations in Indonesia


Introduction: Health literacy on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects people’s capability to ascertain their health and health care quality during the pandemic. The objective of this study was to determine the levels of health literacy about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccinations (Vaccines and Vaccinations literacy-VL) in the Indonesian adult general population, assessing the perceptions of the respondents about current adult immunization and beliefs about vaccinations in general, and analyzing correlations of these variables with the VL levels. Methods: A cross-sectional study using a rapid survey was administered via the Internet. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics; the internal consistency of the VL scales was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient; the inter-correlation between the functional and interactive-critical VL questions, the underlying components (factors) and each question’s load on the components were identified using a Princ...

Respon Mahasiswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Maharotul Qiro’ah Secara Online Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19

FASHOHAH : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

The Covid 19 pandemic that hits the world, including in Indonesia, had a significant impact on the education sector because it had to change in learning methods, as it was originally delivered offline and now at present, it needs to be delivered online.This article aims to describe the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on reading skill learning (maharatul qira'ah), which currently also has to be carried out online. These changes certainly have an impact on the level of understanding of students, so thus, it is necessary to know to what extent the effectiveness of online learning is and whether the learning can be understood properly.The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The data collected was generated from online observation and survey instruments. While the objects studied were students majoring in Arabic Language Education at Malang Islamic University and Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang.The results of this study indicate that lear...