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Journalists, social media, and the use of humor on Twitter

At a time when news organizations are struggling to grab the attention of audiences in a media-saturated environment, social networking sites (SNS) have created novel opportunities for journalists to connect with followers online—raising questions about how types of social media use might be associated with forging greater connection with users. Just as satire has proven a potent force for attracting audiences to fake news TV programs, it’s reasonable to consider that humor might be an emerging tool for connection in social media spaces where journalists increasingly conduct their work. Through a content analysis of more than 22,000 tweets (or microblog posts), this study examines the extent to which the 430 most-followed journalists on Twitter are using humor—and how such use is associated with other forms of engagement on Twitter. Findings indicate that a journalist’s use of humor is closely associated with sharing opinion and personal life details, and engaging in interpersonal discussion. Moreover, the use of humor is positively related to a journalist’s level of activity on Twitter, suggesting that journalists who become more accustomed to this social space are more apt to adopt its milieu of informality, conversation, and humor. Finally, journalists from less elite news organizations tend to use humor more frequently. These and other findings are discussed in light of challenges facing the journalism field as it negotiates questions of participation and professionalism in digital media spaces.

Has Black Music ‘Souled’ Out? : Capitalism, Commodification, Colonialism

This study is focusing on race and 'urban' music. It is exploring whether black music is akin to Atlantic slavery in terms of representation, political economy and consumption. By comparing and semiotically analysing images of Lil' Kim and 50 Cent with blacks during slavery, longitudinal stereotypical themes were found. Foucault power/knowledge constructs and Said's Orientalism were applied as frameworks within discourse analysis methodologies. The findings suggest that construction of blackness in music, contributes towards systematic exclusion by denying black people equality in everyday life.

Foreign Policy Collision: Revisiting the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002

In 2002, following the creation of the International Criminal Court, the United States passed the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002. This law did two critical things. First, it provided for the defense of U.S. Personnel brought before the ICC and second, codified a hard line policy against the ICC. Recent events including an affirmative U.S. vote in the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation in Libya to the ICC as well as other overtures by the Obama Administration to foster goodwill towards the ICC have rendered the hard line provisions irrelevant and they should be repealed. In addition, because the principle of complementarity is working as the Rome Statute envisioned, the U.S. should implement provisions for the defense of U.S. Personnel in other national courts.

McAdam's Political Process Model: The Emergence of Wicca as a Social Movement in post-World War II British Society

Picture this: it is 1945. World War II is finally over. London is in ruins after years of bombing by the Germans. How does a country rebuild after such a tragedy? One of the reactions was a widespread nostalgia that characterized the late1940s and 1950s. Individuals were nostalgic about the world of the early twentieth century, before the horrors technology brought during both World Wars. Some, like post-war British novelists, Angela Thirkell and Evelyn Waugh, created characters profoundly disillusioned by post-war society who wanted to return to a pre-World War II England. Poet Robert Graves, idealized mythology and Goddess worship. Academics, like Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell, stressed the importance of returning to a mythological, pre-Industrial lifestyle. And J.R.R. Tolkien completed his fictionalized English mythology. And one man, Gerald Gardner, synthesized a new religion that had over one hundred adherents within five years in England. That religion was Wicca. Why should we, as historians, study Wicca – a non-mainstream religion? On its website, Religious Tolerance states, “Wicca is the fifth largest organized religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.” The United States Congress officially recognized Wicca as a religion in 1973. Its growth is not stagnant; Wicca continues to gain new adherents every year, the majority of whom are women. Hit television shows, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed, contribute to Wicca’s shift into the mainstream consciousness in the United States over the past decade. Llewllyn Worldwide is the largest publisher of pagan, New Age, and Wicca-themed products in the world. While Wicca is a non-mainstream religion today, its current growth pattern indicates that it may become a world religion during the twenty-first century. I want to know how this religion grew so quickly, in light of the fact that its original adherents insisted upon secrecy. Unfortunately, there continues to be misconceptions about Wicca. There is a perception that adherents engage in Satanic rituals, which often includes violence, Many of these misconception lead to legal challenges. Over the past twenty years, the main challenges have surrounded the ability to worship for incarcerated prisoners and military servicemen / servicewomen. The courts overwhelmingly rule that Wiccans have all the religious privileges as adherents of world religions. Nostalgia motivated the first community of modern Wiccans to create a sacralized world that countermanded their disillusionment. In my project, I will analyze the creation and popularization of early Wicca as a social movement that consciously returned to a pre-Christian, agriculturally based religious experience. Its creation was viable because of the societal changes and widespread disillusionment in Great Britain following the end of World War II. The great myth of Wicca states its founder Gerald Garner was initiated into a British witchcraft coven in 1939. He spent the next decade learning the secrets of a pre-Christian religion. Then, he broke his vow of secrecy with the publication of Witchcraft Today in 1951. However, it is historically doubtful there was a witchcraft tradition that survived from the Renaissance into modern times. According to the research of Ronald Hutton and Philip Heselton, it is more likely that Gardner synthesized philosophical, historical, anthropological, religious, and literary sources into a comprehensive religious system between 1939 and his death in 1964.

Include ‘Em All? Culture, Politics and a Local Hardcore/Punk Scene in the Czech Republic

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Shifting narratives in European economic integration: trade in services, pluralism and trust

At the core of this tentative essay – a feeler, indeed – lays an attempt to uncover a relative shift in the narrative underlying the matrix of European integration – from one of unity and federalism to one of pluralism, harmony and multiple interactions, to trace and report on manifestations of that shift in the core praxis of the EU system – market integration, and to suggest an alternative conceptualization of its hidden èthos by means of the notions of mutual trust and distrust. The area of services forms the empirical background illustrating that three-fold proposition for it has presented in recent years an important source of tensions between market integration, regulatory diversity and social values, e.g., in the framework of the adoption of the Services Directive or of prominent cases decided by the Court of Justice. Those constraints have triggered a broad variety of policy interventions, including of a sectoral nature, and form a particularly fertile ground for exploring complex market integration strategies and, generally, for observing a possible evolution in the management of regulatory diversity at EU level. This is the objective of Section I below, which reviews successively legislative instruments and the case law of the Court of Justice in the area of services and beyond. Eventually, then, the revelation of such an evolution will allow for the reformulation of the inner èthos of the European market integration process, moving away from the narrow imagery of the removal of national barriers to trade or regulatory sameness and toward a multi-dimensional paradigm based on the notion of “system trust”. In turn, that envisaged reformulationreveals a shift in the equilibrium between the one and the many in the EU system. Those preliminary propositions are developed in Section II below, which is followed by concluding remarks.