Yield response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to drought under rainfed lowlands (original) (raw)
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Environment and Ecology, 2010
В обществе, где остро ощущается нехватка товаров, главной задачей является их производство. В обществе, где товаров производится намного больше, чем население может их потребить, а уровень конкуренции достаточно высок, проблема сбыта становится центральной. Потребитель занимает центральное место, за ним начинают в буквальном смысле слова охотиться, навязывая, убеждая, заставляя купить товар именно этой торговой марки. На смену традиционному подходу к экономике приходит новое понимание потребления. Потребление рассматривается уже не как процесс удовлетворения базисных человеческих потребностей, а новый социально-обусловленный процесс, который имеет свои истоки в культуре целого народа, поколения. Ключевые слова: поведенческая экономика, маркетинг, поведение потребителей, лояльность, доверие. In a society where shortage of goods is acutely felt, the main task is to manufacture them. In a society where the goods produced outnumber, what the population can consume, and competition level is high enough, the problem of sales becomes central. The consumer takes the central place; he is literally being hunted for by foisting, convincing, forcing to buy the goods of the given trade mark. The new understanding of consumption changes the traditional approach to economics. Consumption is not considered as a process of satisfying basic human wants any more, but as a new socially-caused process instead, which has its sources in the culture of the whole nation or generation.
In order to expand the genetic base of the existing produced assortiment and available selective material, ten introduced Italian variety of rice (castelmochi, cistella, diana, italmochi, prometeo, ringo, seleneio, andolla, dedalo and pegaso) were examined for the most important morphological-biological, production and technological characteristics compared with standard varieties in our country. (monticelli and biser -2). In this paper were analyzed obtained results for yield of paddy, dressing percentage of white rice (whole grain), and the other fraction by processing of paddy. In the period of two years during the research nether of the introduced variety didn’t show superiority comparing to standard variety, as a result of their variety specification and weak capability for adaptation in new soil and climatic conditions. Because of that nether of this variety is not recommended for direct use in production of rice in our country. According to some positive morphological-biologi...
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Nine genotypes of rice (garant, zemja, mizija, kubrat, horizont, dunav, linija-2, linija 305 and LM-BP) introduced from Bulgaria are being examined in comparison to two standard varieties of rice (monticelli and biser-2) in the conditions of the Kocani rice-producing region. The researches have been carried out in 2006 and 2007. Different values were obtained about the examined properties as a result of the specific varieties and the year of cultivation. The genotypes LM-BP and kubrat have shown higher yield of white rice compared to the standard rice varieties. The examination of both of these genotypes should continue with special emphasis on the quality properties and their reaction to certain agrotechnical measures. The rest of the examined genotypes will be included in new selection programs due to their individual positive properties.
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2018
We performed field research with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the technology of spring soft wheat, pea and rape cultivation in the GPR “Timiryazevsky” in the Mamontovsky District of the Altai Territory within the framework of the international research project "Kulunda" in 2013-2016. The technological process of crop cultivation in the rotation of wheat-pea-wheat-rape was chosen as an object of research. The subject of the study was the interrelation of technology of cultivation of crops, water regime of soil and yield. Variable factors in the experiment for each culture were the methods of autumn soil cultivation, pre-sowing treatment and sowing aggregates. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, a tendency has been found to reduce the specific consumption of moisture with a decrease in the intensity of autumn soil cultivation, as well as variants of agricultural technologies with a maximum crop yield of the studied crops has been found.
Influence of crop rotation on rice yield and environmental protection
Испитувано е влијанието на монокултурата и плодоредот на приносот на арпа, рандманот на бел ориз и вкупниот принос на бел ориз. Испитувањата се вршени во 2002, 2003 и 2004 година во производни услови, на површините на Земјоделскиот Институт-Скопје, ОПО за ориз-Кочани во локалитетот Босевица и на површините на Агро-Искра-Кочани и Мотекс-Зрновци во локалитетот Лака. Добиените резултати покажуваат дека при висока агротехника, оризот добро ја поднесува монокултурата, но одгледуван во плодоред и при пониска агротехника дава подобри резултати што е особен интерес на самото производство, а посебно на производството на здрава храна и заштита на животната средина.
Screening for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice: Salt, Cold, and Drought
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2016
Rice (Oryza sativa) is the primary source of food for more than half of the world population. Most rice varieties are severely injured by abiotic stresses, with strong social and economic impact. Understanding rice responses to stress may help breeding for more tolerant varieties. However, papers dealing with stress experiments often describe very different experimental designs, thus making comparisons difficult. The use of identical setups is the only way to generate comparable data. This chapter is organized into three sections, describing the experimental conditions established at the Genomics of Plant Stress (GPlantS) unit of ITQB to assess the response of rice plants to three different abiotic stresses-high salinity, cold stress, and drought. All sections include a detailed description of the materials and methodology, as well as useful notes gathered from the GPlantS team's experience. We use rice seedlings as plants at this stage show high sensitivity to abiotic stresses....
Influence of Climate Factors on Rice Yields in Cambodia
AIMS Geosciences, 2017
Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ, 2017, вип. 169 167 for construction, but the most suitable ones for the use in the railway infrastructure are options for the construction of structures.
There is clear evidence of climate variability over a period of time in the developing countries and these countries are vulnerable to devastation caused by drought and floods. Analysis accompanied with robust results will create an opportunity to enhance the rural livelihoods that are prone to frequent climate shocks. We consider a southern state of India namely Karnataka, which belongs to a sub-tropical region facing a huge threat from climate change. In this article, we link agricultural production to climate variables to examine the impact of climatevariability on the crop yields. We follow a distinct approach using the nonlinear transformation of climatic variables to confirm climate damage on rice yields. The proposed econometric technique used in this paper is fixed effect panel regression model to identify the causal relationship between the yield and climate variables (rainfall and temperature). A panel of district wise cross section for a period of 1992-2013, with necessar...