Tarihi Yapıların Bir Açık Hava Müzesine Taşınması Örneği: Altınköy Açık Hava Müzesi (original) (raw)
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The Urartians, who have an important place in the Eastern Anatolia Region, are very important for the history of the region. Erzincan / Altintepe Temple, one of the areas where the Urartian dominance reached, is a rare Urartian artifact. The fact that the structure cannot be accessed at any time and place has made this study necessary. Therefore, in this way, it is aimed to reach the structure at any desired moment and situation. With this improved feature, the Ancient History lessons will not only consist of basic images projected from the projector, but technological developments will also be utilized in the course. It is important that technological developments can be adapted to the areas where they are needed. Digital visualization of three-dimensional models of historical buildings with augmented reality technology offers innovation to users. Especially the easy accessibility of mobile devices has popularized the development and use of augmented reality applications. In this study, Altıntepe Temple was modeled in three dimensions and an application was developed using augmented reality technology. In accordance with the data obtained as a result of the literature study, Altıntepe Temple was modeled and an augmented reality application was developed using Unity game engine and Vuforia SDK platform.
Mekânda Anlam Aramak: Göstergebi̇li̇msel İç Mekân Anali̇zi̇ Odunpazari Modern Müzesi̇ (Omm) Örneği̇
Sanat & Tasarım, 2024
ÖZET Mekânlar, insan yaşamına içerik üreten ve anlam yükleyen iletişim arayüzleridir. İletişim denildiğinde konu dile ilişkin hale gelir. Mekânın dilini oluşturan soyut ve somut bileşenler birlikteliğiyle mekânın anlamı algılanmaya başlanır. Örtük anlamı ortaya çıkarmakla ilgilenen bir bilim dalı olarak göstergebilim bu noktada mekânsal analiz yöntemi olarak kullanıldığında mekânın anlamsal çözümlemesine ulaşılabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, mekân ve anlam ilişkisinin çeşitli boyutlardaki varlığına dikkat çekmek ve mekânın anlam bilimsel açıdan analiz edilebilirliğine ilişkin bir örnek paylaşarak literatüre katkı sağlamaktır. Çalışma kapsamında örnek mekân olarak incelenen Odunpazarı Modern Müzesine ait iç mekanlar bir iletişim dili olarak kabul edilmiş ve göstergebilimsel analiz yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda sentaktik yaklaşım, semantik yaklaşım ve pragmatik yaklaşımdan yararlanılmıştır. Yapının mimari tasarımcısı Kengo Kuma and Associates’in çizimleri ve saha çalışması ile elde edilen iç mekân fotoğrafları veri olarak kullanılmıştır. Bağlamsal ilişkileriyle bir anlam taşıyan mekâna, örtük anlamların tasarım yoluyla kodlanabileceği çalışmanın en temel sonucu olarak ifade edilebilmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Göstergebilim, Anlam bilim, Mekân ve anlam, Mekân analizi, İçmi- marlık ABSTRACT Spaces act as communication interfaces that generate content and give meaning into human life. When we talk about communication, it becomes related to language. The meaning of a space begins to be perceived through the combination of abstract and concrete components that constitute its language. Semiotics, a field concerned with revealing implicit meanings, can be used as a method of spatial analysis to reach a semantic interpretation of space. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the various dimensions of the relationship between space and meaning, contributing to the literature by sharing an example of the analyzability of space from a scientific perspective. The interior spaces of the Odunpazarı Modern Museum, examined as a sample space in this study, are considered a language of communication, and the method of semiotic analysis is applied. In this context, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic approaches are utilized. Architectural drawings by Kengo Kuma and Associates, along with fieldwork photographs of the interior spaces, are used as data. It can be stated as the most basic result of the study that implicit meanings can be encoded through design into a space that has a meaning with its contextual relations. Keywords: Semiotics, Semantics, Space and meaning, Spatial analysis, Interior design.
With the development of technology, the concept of museum and visitor expectations have changed nowadays. Museums have become the institutions that keep up with this change and educate its visitors through different experiences rather than exhibiting the artifacts behind the glass. The archaeological open-air museums that constitute the aim of this thesis, are also have arisen out of the result of this change. Built in areas where the archaeological heritage preserved in situ, the archaeological open-air museums present their visitors an image of the past based on archaeological sources. The main presentation in these museums is the archaeological remains itself. These archaeological remains are used in museum presentation by being restored, reconstructed or animated three-dimensionally in the light of archaeological data, within the framework of principles set by national and international regulations. The archaeological heritage that constitutes these museums, are to be transferred to the public by interpretation and presentation tools. The archaeological open-air museums, which show off examples in different countries, continue to develop in our country as well. The conservation and arrangement practices carried out on sites by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and excavation teams are the indicators of this development. The ancient city of Teos which is studied as an example in the thesis is one of the archaeological sites where these arrangements are implemented. In addition to the construction activities such as excavation house, depot-museum building, box office; travel route, resting areas, information boards, are also has been added to the presentation to make the city more accessible and understandable for its visitors. In addition to these arrangements, it is aimed to transform the city into an archeological open-air museum. iii Within this thesis, the concept, types and development of open-air museum, and as one of its type the concept of archaeological open-air museum, its examples on World and Turkey are studied. The world examples are selected between the archaeological open-air museums which has a similar chronology with Teos. Because there is no literal archaeological open-air museum in our country the Turkey examples are selected between the sites which are arranged by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and excavation teams. Then as a legal basis for archaeological open-air museums, the national and international principles and regulations have been revealed. Finally, as the main topic of the thesis Teos Ancient City’s history, research history, archaeological remains are reviewed and information is given about the completed arrangement project of the site which is a preliminary step of the archaeological open- air museum. For this museum, suggestions are made in guidance of the laws, regulations and etc. published by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the “ICOMOS Charter on the Interpretation and Presantation of Cultural Heritage Sites” principles.
Mimar.ist, 2006
The Prehistory Department of the University of İstanbul had been sunning an extensive field project in and around the region of Kırklareli in Eastern Thrace since 1980. Within the framework of the project a number of prehistoric sites has been excavated revealing a cultural sequence from the Early Neolithic to Iron Ages. Amoung these projects, the site of Kanlıgeçit, located just to the south of the town center, has revealed an Early Bronze Age settlement, dated to the 3rd Millennium B.C. The site, consisting of an walled acropoliswith megaron type of housese and a lover settlement. The significance of the site lays in the fact that it is organized in the style of Anatolian towns, a feature alien to the region. Evidently, it is the only known Anatolian type of a settlement in the Balkans. Due to the significance of the unique settlement, it has been decided to display it to the general public as an open - air museum, thus to incorprate it within the large- scale cultural heritage project of Kırklareli. As the architectural remains at Kanlıgeçit are of dry masony, thus being rather to design the display by burrying the original architectural remains and making one- to- one scale model, above it.