A phenomenological three-parameter model for predicting the extent of outpatient palliative care (original) (raw)
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Introduction and purpose: Limitations of old age and chronic illnesses lead to frequent use of both inpatient and outpatient health services. Nurses' attitude toward providing comprehensive and quality care as well as assessment of patients' needs is of great importance. The aim of this study was to assess the nurses' attitudes towards supportive needs of elderly patients admitted to hospitals at the Bushehr University of Medical Sciences in 1392. Materials & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 100 nurses working in hospitals of the Bushehr University of Medical Sciences. The participants in the present study were selected by census method. Data were collected using a questionnaire that designed by researchers and consisted of two parts including demographic characteristics and supportive needs of elderly. The supportive needs of elderly composed of three domains named physical, psychological and spiritual need. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test and Pearson Correlation using SPSS 19. Findings: The mean age of nurses participated in this study was 29.80±5.317 years and %86 of them were female. The majority of nurses reported positive attitude toward physical and spiritual needs of elderly. However, nurses' attitude toward psychological needs of elderly was mainly neutral. Our findings showed that there is a significant and positive association between age and experience of nurses with nurses' attitudes in all three domains of physical, spiritual and psychological needs (p <0.0 5). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, nurses' attitude toward physical and spiritual needs of elderly was mainly positive, while it was neutral for emotional needs. Therefore, it is recommended to promote nurses' attitude toward emotional needs of hospitalized elderly in order to meet patients' psychological demands and maintain their dignity.
استعمال اسلوب الجاكنايف لتقدير نموذج الانحدار اللوجستي لمرض سرطان الثدي
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2021
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Organizational Culture Management, 2013
Customer satisfaction is a critical element for excellence and achievement of any organization in a competitive environment. Mosques as a nonprofit-religious institution should pay attention strongly to satisfying their customers namely prayers, so they can survive in a competitive environment of culture. Present study aims to design a model of determinants of people satisfaction to mosque and their loyalty in Golestan Province by a descriptive-analytical study in 2012. For this purpose, a sample of 380 prayers of Golestan Province has been selected by clustered sampling. Researcher-made questionnaire was used to assess customer satisfaction and loyalty. 500 questionnaires were distributed among prayers of Golestan Province. Totally, 371 filled questionnaires were returned. SPSS 16 LISREL 8/54 softwares were used to analyze the data. The result of descriptive and inferential statistical show that the Several factors of satisfaction index, perceived image of organization, perceived quality (software and hardware), clients' expectation, perceived value and loyalty are in conceptual model.
تقييم جودة الخدمة الصحية في مراكز الرعاية الصحية الأولية / دراسة حالة في مراكز طب الأسرة في بغداد
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2018
المستخلص : يهدف البحث الى التعرف على مستوى الخدمات الصحية المقدمة في المراكز الصحية العاملة بنظام طب الأسرة في بغداد و الوقوف على مدى تطبيق هذه المراكز الصحية للمعايير المعتمدة عالميا" و تحديد فجوة جودة الخدمة المقدمة بين مراكز الرعاية الصحية العاملة بنظام طب الأسرة والمعايير التي تعتمدها المراكز العالمية المناظرة من خلال أربعة مراكز صحية عاملة بنظام طب الأسرة وهي (مركز صحي الشباب النموذجي لطب الأسرة , ومركز صحي حي الجهاد لطب الأسرة , ومركز صحي الأعظمية الثالث لطب الأسرة , ومركز صحي الزوية لطب الأسرة ) , ويعالج البحث المشاكل التي تواجهها مؤسساتنا الصحية العاملة بنظام طب الاسرة (مراكز الرعاية الصحية الأولية ) من صعوبات ومعرقلات وتحديات كصعوبة تلقي الخدمة في بعض المؤسسات الصحية بسبب نقص العدد الكافي من الاطباء الاختصاص في مجال طب الاسرة أو وجود زخم للمرضى في أغلب المراكز فضلا" عن ضعف سير الأجراءات بصورة كاملة ومنتظمة ما أدى الى ضعف في جودة الخدمة الصحية المقدمة وتم أعتماد أسلوب دراسة الحالة منهجا" للبحث أذ تم تشخيص واقع الخدمة الصحية في المراكز الصحية عينة البحث من ...