The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Understanding’s Knowledge of Taxation on Compliance of Small and Medium Micro Business Taxpayers at Pratama Tax Service Office Cibitung (original) (raw)
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The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of taxation knowledge and the socialization of PP No. 46 the year of 2013’s implementation toward tax comliance of personal tax payer with certain criteria which owned small and medium size of company (UMKM). This study was used primary data using questioners that were distributed to some area that were under KPP Pratama Cengkareng. This study used purposive & quota sampling to get sample, therefore from 382 questioners, only 35 questioners that were fulfill the criteria.Tax comliance as dependent variable, tax knowledge and socialization of PP No. 46 the year of 2013’s implementation are as independent variables. This study was proved that tax knowledge was significant effect to the tax comliance while the socialization of PP No. 46 the year of 2013’s implementation was not significant. Keywords : Tax comliance, tax knowledge, PP No.46, the year of 2013, personal tax payer with certain criteria, small and medium size of company ...
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Taxpayer Compliance: Taxpayer Behavior Analysis and Tax Awareness as a Mediating in Indonesia
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The purpose of this research is to provide empirical evidence regarding the mediating effect of tax awareness on relation between tax knowledge and taxpayer compliance. The impact of the tax services, tax sanctions, tax payer environment, tax understanding, on taxpayer compliance. The sample used in this research are respondents who are taxpayers in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia and work as entrepreneurs or freelancers. The method used for sampling in this research is Convenience Sampling. The number of samples for this research is 63 respondents. Testing data using SEM-PLS. The results that were obtained from this research are tax awareness has medating influence on relation between tax knowledge and taxpayer compliance. Tax services and tax sanctions have an influence on taxpayer compliance. Meanwhile, for taxpayer environment and tax understanding have no effect on taxpayer compliance. A taxpayer who has tax knowledge is more likely to have tax awareness which ultimately obeys in paying and reporting taxes.
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Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in Indonesia absorb 96% of the workforce and contribute 60% of Indonesia's GDP. This shows the magnitude of potential tax revenue for SME. Government Regulation No. 23 of 2018 which changes the rates to 0.5% is expected to make it easier for SME to comply with their tax obligations. The purpose of this study was to look at the influence between Understanding of Tax Regulations, Tax Sanctions, and Tax Rates on SME Tax Compliance in Bantul Regency This research is used descriptive method.The population in this study were all SME actors in Bantul Regency, and the sample was 100 SME actors in Bantul Regency. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling. The test results of this study indicate that Understanding of Tax Regulations and Tax Rates do not affect the SME Tax Compliance in Bantul Regency. Tax sanctions affect SME Tax Compliance in Bantul Regency
Analysis of Factors Affecting Individual Taxpayer’s Compliance
This research aims to analyze and prove empirically about Factors that affecting Individual Taxpayer’s Compliance in KPP Pratama Jakarta Cengkareng. The kind of this research is quantitative descriptive. The kind of investigation in this research is causal study. Causal study aims to found the causal from one or more problems and to found the influence of one or several independent variables on the dependent variable. The population in this study is all individual taxpayers which registered in tax office within the working environment of KPP Pratama Jakarta Cengkareng. This research used non probability sampling technique. The sample selection using convenience sampling method with the number of respondents as many as one hundred (100) respondents. In analyzing the data using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that Tax Knowledge have a positive and significant impact on Taxpayer’s Compliance, Perception of Tax Fairness have a positive and significant impact on T...