Comparative study of energy saving light sources (original) (raw)

Comparative Study of Light Emitting Diode (LED), Compact Fluorescent (CF) and Incandescent Lamps

JSAER, 2018

This work focused on the comparison of incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diode (LED) lamps, which intrinsically analysed the energy consumptions, energy consumption costs and relatively the savings that would be derived when the incandescent lamp is replaced equivalently with the energy efficient lamps. Furthermore, a thermal characteristics in terms of the average temperature, pragmatically estimated and recorded as a result of heat dissipation emanating from the various lamps for the purposes of making the best choice in lamp usage where also studied. Results showed that, incandescent lamp consume more energy which variably can make the consumer to pay high in electricity bill as compared to CFLs and LED lamps. Furthermore, results showed that, using energy efficient lamps, save costs and heat that would have being dissipated into the system as a result of the traditional lamps. It showed that, the estimated savings derived are as follows; N37555 on using 3W LED lamp, N31114 on using 9W CFL, N53679 using 5W LED lamp, N47138 using 11W CFL, N87035 using 8W LED lamp, N75252 using 20W CFL, N161814 using 24W LED lamp, and N147504 using 40W CFL when replaced with its equivalents incandescent lamps over 30,000 hours. Again, on one hours operation per day, it detailed that a consumer will pay N36.

Analysis of the performance of domestic lighting lamps

Energy Policy -- Elsevier Journal (ISI indexed, Impact Factor: 2.723), 2013

The power crisis problem is getting worse in the developing countries. Measures are being taken to overcome the power shortage problem by efficiently utilizing the available power. Replacement of high-power consumption lamps with energy efficient lamps is also among these steps. This paper presents a detailed comparative analysis between domestic lighting lamps (DLLs) use for producing artificial light. DLLs include incandescent lamp (IL), fluorescent lamp (FL) and compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). Light emitting diodes (LED) based lamp technology is relatively new in comparison with conventional incandescent and discharge lamps. However, the present study will also cover the LED lamps. Power quality based experiments have been conducted on DLLs in Power System Laboratory and power consumption based calculations are carried out using the lighting design software DIALux. The result shows that with the current technology, the use of FL and LED lamp is beneficial for utility as well as for consumer. However, with the current pace in the development of LED technology, it is possible LED lamps will lead the lighting market in the near future. The paper has also presented the uncertainties that exist in lighting market and proposed the guidelines that will help in making future energy policy.

Criteria for Comparison of Energy Efficient Lamps

Due to concerns about global warming caused in part by fossil fuel based power generating stations and dwindling supply and rising costs of such fuels, there is a general move towards use of energy efficient lamps and other appliances. As a result, in recent years, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are being increasing preferred to conventional incandescent lamps. Consequently, a wide variety of CFLs with varying price and performance parameters are being manufactured and marketed around the global markets, especially in the developing world. The general public and the average consumer have to make a selection generally based only on price or expected life. This paper presents a simple criterion that can be used easily by an average consumer to compare between many available lamps in order to select the most suitable one for providing a given illumination level over a fixed time period in the most economical and cost effective manner. Furthermore, additional criteria are discussed which can be used by electric power utilities in order to compare various lamps so as to recommend the most suitable brands to their customers that result in reduced losses and minimal power quality issues when used in their power system.

Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Different Lighting Devices.pdf

In the modern era, tremendous technological and sustainable development has forced the societies to adopt modern energy efficient lighting devices instead of old fashioned less efficient incandescent lamps. The examples of such new lamps compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps. These devices can provide similar light output at the expense of only 20 % electricity consumption in comparison to incandescent lamps due to less energy lost as heat during luminance phenomenon. CFLs convert about 45 % energy into visible light, while incandescent lamp converts only 10 % (Tosenstock, 2007). The ecological footprint evaluation for street lighting network in Veszprem County, Hungary has been carried out utilising Sustainable Process Index (SPI) methodology (Narodoslawsky and Krotscheck, 1995). The analysis was carried out considering three different light bulbs i.e. conventional or old fashioned less energy efficient incandescent lamps and high tech more energy efficient CFLs and LED lamps. The analysis results reveal that there is a potential to decrease environmental impacts by 2 to 4 times by changing lamps from conventional incandescent to CFL and LEDs. These results are in coherence with the ecological assessment study conducted by the Department of Energy (DOE, 2012) for replacement of incandescent lamps with more efficient CFLs and LED lamps.

An Overview of Recent Trends in Lighting Technology

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2020

This paper presents an overview of recent advances and trends in indoor as well as outdoor lighting technology. Energy efficient lighting and its conservation is more concern in recent years.This can be achieved through the usage of energy efficient lamps at home, schools, colleges, hospitals, research organizations, businesses and public places. In this paper an overview of different types of bulbs used at different places is discussed with respect to wattage, lumen, lux, efficacy, lifespan, color rendering index. The implication of this study reveals to use energy efficient lighting to save energy as well as save environment. Keywords—Lumen, Lux, Life span, Wattage, efficacy , CRI, Efficiency, Optical Characteristics