An homotopical description of small presheaves (original) (raw)
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An Algebraic Definition of (∞, N)-Categories
In this paper we define a sequence of monads T(∞,n)(n ∈ N) on the category ∞-Gr of ∞-graphs. We conjecture that algebras for T(∞,0), which are defined in a purely algebraic setting, are models of∞-groupoids. More generally, we conjecture that T(∞,n)-algebras are models for (∞, n)-categories. We prove that our (∞, 0)-categories are bigroupoids when truncated at level 2. Introduction The notion of weak (∞, n)-category can be made precise in many ways depending on our approach to higher categories. Intuitively this is a weak∞-category such that all its cells of dimension greater than n are equivalences. Models of weak (∞, 1)-categories (case n = 1) are diverse: for example there are the quasicategories studied by Joyal and Tierney (see [24]), but also there are other models which have been studied like the Segal categories, the complete Segal spaces, the simplicial categories, the topological categories, the relative categories, and there are known to be equivalent (a survey of models ...
The stable category of preorders in a pretopos I: General theory
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021
In a recent article Facchini and Finocchiaro considered a natural pretorsion theory in the category of preordered sets inducing a corresponding stable category. In the present work we propose an alternative construction of the stable category of the category PreOrd(C) of internal preorders in any coherent category C, that enlightens the categorical nature of this notion. When C is a pretopos we prove that the quotient functor from the category of internal preorders to the associated stable category preserves finite coproducts. Furthermore, we identify a wide class of pretoposes, including all σ-pretoposes and all elementary toposes, with the property that this functor sends any short Z-exact sequences in PreOrd(C) (where Z is a suitable ideal of trivial morphisms) to a short exact sequence in the stable category. These properties will play a fundamental role in proving the universal property of the stable category, that will be the subject of a second article on this topic.
The stable category of preorders in a pretopos II: the universal property
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)
We prove that the stable category associated with the category PreOrd(C) of internal preorders in a pretopos C satisfies a universal property. The canonical functor from PreOrd(C) to the stable category Stab(C) universally transforms a pretorsion theory in PreOrd(C) into a classical torsion theory in the pointed category Stab(C). This also gives a categorical insight into the construction of the stable category first considered by Facchini and Finocchiaro in the special case when C is the category of sets.
Groupoids and skeletal categories form a pretorsion theory in Cat
We describe a pretorsion theory in the category Cat of small categories: the torsion objects are the groupoids, while the torsion-free objects are the skeletal categories, i.e., those categories in which every isomorphism is an automorphism. We infer these results from two unexpected properties of coequalizers in Cat that identify pairs of objects: they are faithful and reflect isomorphisms. * Partially supported by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Progetto di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale "Categories, Algebras: Ring-Theoretical and Homological Approaches (CARTHA)). † The fourth author acknowledges partial financial assistance by Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada under the Discovery Grants Program, no. 501260.
The primary goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the fundamental groupoid, along with the necessary category theory required to define it and prove its fundamental properties. This will lead to the proof of the Seifert Van Kampen theorem for fundamental groupoids. From there, we will discuss basic notions of 2-category theory: this will allow us to explore the categorical properties of the fundamental groupoid when viewed as a costack over the category of 2-groupoids. We will show that, for a “nice" class of topological space, the fundamental groupoid is a terminal object in this category: this provides a purely categorical description of the fundamental groupoid. The focal point of this project is the discussion of this result, originally formulated and proved by Ilia Pirashvili in 2015. It serves as the main subject of investigation, offering valuable insights that will inform our concluding remarks and motivate questions for further research.
A Whirlwind Tour of the World of (infty,1)( infty,1)(infty,1)-categories
This introduction to higher category theory is intended to a give the reader an intuition for what (infty,1)(\infty,1)(infty,1)-categories are, when they are an appropriate tool, how they fit into the landscape of higher category, how concepts from ordinary category theory generalize to this new setting, and what uses people have put the theory to. It is a rough guide to a vast terrain, focuses on ideas and motivation, omits almost all proofs and technical details, and provides many references.
Category Theory I: A gentle prologue
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Homotopy Theory in Groupoid Enriched Categories
The concepts of h-limits, strong h-limits (and their duals) and partial proofs of homotopy limit reduction theorems relating to h-limits and strong h-limits are already known for a groupoid enriched category (g.e. category). In this paper the concepts of weak h-limits, quasi-limits (and their duals) are introduced in a g.e. category and the fuller version of the homotopy limit reduction theorems concerning the four types of limits, i.e., weak h-limits, h-limits, strong h-limits and quasi-limits are proved. The previously called Brown Complement Theorem is proved under the restricted assumption that the g.e. category admits only weak h-limits instead of h-limits and the generalized version of the Brown Complement Theorem is also proved which is relevant to the problem of showing under suitable smallness conditions that if a g.e. category admits all h-limits then it also admits all h-colomits. 1. Introduction. In [3] Fantham and Moore have discussed the technique and language of category theory for doing homotopy theory. They have presented a reasonable approach for the category-theoretic aspects of homotopy theory via an enriched category. They have also proposed some concepts that arise from spaces, maps, and homotopy classes of homotopies of maps. As it stands, they comprise a special type of 2-category [4] in