Anthropogenic Zinc Exposure Increases Mortality and Antioxidant Gene Expression in Monarch Butterflies with Low Access to Dietary Macronutrients (original) (raw)
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
nerve, in such a way, as to provoke contraction of the muscles animated by that nerve. It is beyond doubt that the faradic current diffuses itself through the tissues, as well as those of the brain skin and muscles, as is proven, moreover, by the galvanometrie experiments of MM. Carville and Duret, and in consequence, we are justified to attribute the effects produced, not to excitation of the gray substance, but to that of the white matter below it. " We may admit'that in the white substance situated below the parts experimented upon, those are excitable fibres in relation, by their deep terminations, with the direct centres of excitation of the muscles smooth and striped, and the glands. These fibres are irritated by the electric current, and they put in action the excitory centres. " But if the excitability of the gray cortical substance is not demonĀ¬ strated by all the experiments, the existence of motor centres for the members, localized in special parts of this substance is no better proven, and needs to be supported by further facts to be put beyond doubt."