Education, equality and the European social model (original) (raw)

Recent Trends in Sure Start Children’s Centres of the UK: The Effects of Political Changes

Society for the Study of Family Policy

Sure Start Children's Centres were initiated by the New Labour Party and became a key organization providing community-based family support in the UK. Programs included services such as good-quality play, learning and child care services, advice about child health, and support for families and parents. Sure Start Children's Centres have become one of the cornerstones of family policy in the UK. Nonetheless, some policy-makers argue that they have excessive budgets but inadequate outcome. As a result, there have been austerity cuts for Sure Start Children's Centres and many centers have started to close or reduce their programs. Changes in family policy influence the management of the centers and changes in the management of the centers in turn influence the users' experience. There are still many users, staffs, and researchers who insist that early interventions are the most effective and most cost-effective, and thus that it is important to maintain the Sure Start Children's Centres. As discussed in the case of Sure Start Children's Centres, family support centers are often affected by government's policy and are vulnerable to policy change. Therefore, it is important to establish a systematic foundation for family support organizations to avoid vulnerability caused by policy changes and provide sustainable services to the family.

Analysis of the Effects of Child Allowances on the Income Inequality and Poverty

Korea Social Security Review, 2018

In this paper the poverty and income inequality effects of child allowances are analyzed for the years of 2018 and after. The overall income distribution function was estimated with the help of generalized beta (of type II) function. This GB(2) function has four parameters and is known to be especially useful in the analysis of income distribution. The main advantage of this approach can be summarized as follows: (1) it can model asymmetries in the distribution, (2) it can encompass other distributions such as Dagum, and Singh-Maddala (which has three parameters). Once we have parameter estimates, we can easily derive the poverty and inequality indexes. According to the estimation results, the re-distributive effects of the introduction of child allowances in 2018 are not big enough, because it only applied to four months in the year of 2018. The Gini coefficient decrease by 0.1146%, and the poverty headcount ratio also decreased by 0.1549%. But for the year of 2019 and after, the Gini index decreased from 0.3663 to 0.3651 (decreased by 0.3403%). The generalized entropy indexes also decreased by 0.113-0.751% depending on the parameters. Also the poverty headcount ratio decreased 0.17455 to 0.17498 (increased by 0.248%). For the direction of further research, it must be emphasized that the method of financing child allowances should be incorporated in the poverty and redistributive analysis.

고용위기와 일자리 나누기 -독일 폭스바겐 모델을 중심으로


독일의 폭스바겐 모델은 노사의 전략적 선택과 국가의 제도적 지원이 결합된 대표적인 노사정 협의 모델로 알려져 있다. 이 글은 노동시간단축을 통한 일자리나누기를 독일 폭스바겐 사례를 중심으로 분석한다. 첫 번째로, 고용감소형 사회로의 전환에 따른 고용위기에 대한 논의를 탈산업사 회론과 노동의 종말론을 중심으로 살펴봄으로써 노동시간단축을 통한 일자리 나누기가 갖는 의미를 살펴본다. 두 번째로는 노사간의 협의를 통한 사회적 대화 모델로서 독일 폭스바겐의 주 28.8시간제도와 5000x5000 프로젝트를 검토한다. 이를 위해 일자리 나누기에 대해 노사의 전략적 선택이라는 관점으로 접근한다. 세 번째로는 독일 폭스바겐 사례 연구의 결과 및 시사점을 토대로 향후 우리나라 일자리 나누기에 대한 전망 및 발전방향을 제시한다. 폭스바겐 모델의 핵심은 생산성 증대와 고용안정 및 고용창출이다. 생산성 증대는 노동시간단축과 노동시간 유연화를 추구하는 사용자의 전략과 연계되어 있으며, 고용안정 및 고용창출은 노동자의 시간주권 확보를 지향하는 노동조합의 전략과 이어져 있다.

An Ethnographic Study of Factors Contributing to the Occupational Socialization of Librarians

Han'gug munheon jeongbo haghoeji, 2009

Using Spradley's ethnographic method, the study was designed to describe and understand the factors contributing to the occupational socialization of librarians. Three in-depth interviews and one observation were conducted with each of the sixteen participants who have practiced for longer than 5 years in libraries and were selected by theoretical sampling. Eight factors emerged from the data: education in universities, social changes, work, human relationships, users, the library organizational climate, social perception, and striving to enhance the professional. 'Overcoming a lack of understanding about the profession' was the cultural theme for describing and integrating the factors contributing to the occupational socialization of librarians.

아시아 사회보장제도 비교연구 - 동남아시아 및 서아시아 주요국 사회보장체계

한국보건사회연구원 eBooks, 2020

This study is a comparative study of the social security system of Islamic countries in Asia-Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, and Turkey. In particular, it seeks to understand the principles of zakāt and waqf used as a means of realizing economic justice to relieve the poor in Islamic communities, and how they currently operate as social security systems in Muslim countries.

From Justification to Justice - A Christian Social Ethical Approach toward the Doctrine of Justification

Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology, 2018

본 논문은 ‘이신칭의’에 대한 사회윤리적인 해석을 위해서 이신칭의 논쟁의 중심에 서 있는 두 신학자 바울과 루터의 신학과 그 사회윤리적인 의미를 살피고 있다. 우선 바울과 루터가 살았던 시대의 배경을 살피고, 바울과 루터가 이신칭의 교리를 주장했던 그 사회적인 의미를 살핀다. 아울러서 이신칭의의 사회윤리적인 함의를 논증하고 있다. 우선 바울의 시대의 칭의는 유대인과 비유대인의 분쟁 속에서 만들어진 기독교신앙의 원리로, 이것은 단순한 교리적인 차원의 의미가 아니라, 그 타인을 배제하지 않고 포용한다는 사회윤리적인 함의가 있다. 아울러서 루터가 자신의 시대에 이신칭의를 주장하게 된 배경은 잘못된 교황권에 저항하면서 개인의 신앙의 자유를 지키고 양심에 입각한 그리스도인이 되기 위함이었다. 이러한 논증 속에서 본 논문은 바울의 칭의론에서 발견되는 사회윤리적인 의미는 타인을 배제하지 않고 사랑으로 포용하는 공동체를 만들고자 함을 밝히고 있으며, 루터의 칭의론에서는 양심의 자유를 따르면서 세계를 위해서 봉사하는 그리스도인이 되고자 하는 것임을 밝히고 있다. 이러한 논증은 이신칭의가 그리스도인이 구원을 얻기 위한 단순한 상태가 아니라, 하나님의 의(정의)를 세우기 위해서 예수 그리스도의 가르침을 철저하게 따르는 것임을 보여주고 있다.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Medical Ethics Education

Korean Journal of Medical Education, 2008

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a medical ethics course taught in medical school by examining the students' abilities to identify medical ethics issues, the applicability of a medical ethics course, and self-efficacy. Methods: 366 subjects were recruited from three different groups (medical students, interns, and residents) who had completed a medical ethics course. Data were collected using a 20-item questionnaire. Analysis was done with a SPSS statistics program. Results: Of the three groups, the students scored the highest in identifying medical ethics issues. When asked how often they see medical ethics issues in real medical situations (students were asked how often they would expect to see these ethical issues in medical settings), the students responded with the highest number, followed by the interns. The residents responded with the lowest number. Regarding the applicability of the medical ethics course, while students believed the course was highly useful and applicable to real medical settings, interns and residents did not agree. The participants' self-efficacy and satisfaction were generally low. The majority of all three groups thought that medical ethics education should be more practical and that it should be taught during internship as well as during residency. Conclusion: Our findings suggest two important directions for medical ethics education. First, the current medical ethics curriculum should be offered during both internship and residency. Second, the content should focus more on actual clinical scenarios ('clinical ethics') than theoretical principles.