Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Scramble Berbasis Kontekstual Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Ips Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri Kebondalem 01 Batang (original) (raw)

Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Scramble pada Keterampilan Menulis Kalimat Siswa Kelas III SDN Pabuaran Tumpeng 2 Kota Tangerang


Learning Indonesian Language and Literature in schools is to develop language skills both orally and in writing. Most students find it difficult to develop aspects of writing. Especially in stringing words to be arranged into a sentence. This difficulty may be caused by teachers who in their delivery are less precise and almost never use appropriate media. The problems mentioned above require alternative solutions in the form of learning models that can improve students' writing skills. A model that can provide a lot of information to students in order to inspire students and improve writing skills, through the Scramble Learning Model, students can find information about various vocabularies. In this study, researchers used quantitative methods and the variety of methods used in this study was experimental research with a pre-experimental design type of experiment. The research design used was a one-group pre-test-post test. Then the data collection technique used in this resear...

Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Terhadap Kemampuan Menyusun Karangan Sederhana Bahasa Mandarin Siswa Kelas XI Mipa Sma Nu 1 Gresik


Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran; Scramble; Menyusun Karangan Sederhana Abstrak Kesulitan yang dialami oleh peserta didik kelas XI MIPA SMA NU 1 Gresik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin ialah menyusun karangan sederhana. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan peserta didik kelas XI MIPA SMA NU 1 Gresik lebih senang ketika diajari materi yang berhubungan dengan berbicara daripada materi yang berhubungan dengan menulis. Untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan model pembelajaran scramble. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses penerapan, pengaruh penggunaan serta respon siswa dalam menggunakan model pembelajaran scramble terhadap kemampuan menyusun karangan sederhana bahasa Mandarin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dalam pemilihan sampel, peneliti memilihnya secara acak menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan diperoleh kelas XI MIPA 6 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI MIPA 7 sebagai kelas kontrol. ...

Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ips Terpadu Siswa Kelas VIII Semester Genap SMP Negeri 2 Pekalongan


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using scramble learning models on integrated social studies learning outcomes of class VIII students in the even semester of SMP 2 Pekalongan in the academic year 2017/2018". This research is quantitative in nature that examines the influence of independent variables, namely scramble learning model, and the dependent variable is integrated social studies learning outcomes. The method used the experimental method Quasi Experimental Design with the research design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Based on the results of the study, it is evidenced by the calculation of data analysis it can be seen that the value of tcount> t table at the significance level of 5% is 5.64> 1.70. After being treated with scramble learning model the learning outcomes increased by 24 students or 70.59% including the complete category, and 10 students or 29.41% including the incomplete category. Thus the hypothesis is accepted, indicating...

Pengaruh Model Scramble Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Tema 2 Subtema 2 Pembelajaran 5 Kelas III SDN 4 Candirenggo Malang


The results of observations and interviews at Candirenggo 4 Malang Elementary School in third-grade students showed that the thematic learning process. In addition, when students worked to the questions, they still had difficulties because students were still hard to concentrate. Regarding this, there were several students who got the score below the minimum completeness criteria. The purposes of the research aimed to: determine the effect of the Scramble model on students’ learning outcomes in thematic learning theme 2 sub-theme 2 on material 5 of third-grade class of Candirenggo 4 Malang Elementary School. The results of the research stated that the average of students’ pre-test results obtained 48.04, while the post-test results gained 64.30. It can be seen that there is an increase in the score before and after treatment. The results of students were processed and tested using Windows SPSS 25. The result of Paired Sample T-Test displayed significance that was 0.000 <0.05, mea...

Model Pembelajaran Scramble Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ips Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 2 Palembang


The purpose of this study was to improve the social studies learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Palembang by applying the Scramble learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research. The subjects in this study were class V.B SD Negeri 2 Palembang, with a total of 29 students, 16 male students and 13 female students. This research was conducted in several stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques using tests, observation and documentation. This research was conducted in three cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes and student activeness by applying the Scramble learning model. The improvement of student learning outcomes in cycle I 21 students (72.41%), cycle II 23 students (79.31%), cycle III (96.55%). While the results of observations of student learning activities increased from the first cycle of meetin...

Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Berbantu Media Puzzle Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 01 Tegalontar


Abstrak: Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Berbantu Media Puzzle Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 01 Tegalontar. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model pembelajaran scramble berbantu media puzzle dalam pembelajaran tematik terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 01 Tegalontar Kab. Pekalongan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk Pre Experimental Design dengan jenis One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 01 Tegalontar Kab. Pekalongan. Sampel yang diambil adalah 25 siswa kelas IV dengan menggunakan teknik Non-Probability Sampling berbentuk sampling jenuh. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisis data penelitian, bahwa nilai thitung yang diperoleh lebih besar darittabel (4,090>2,064). Maka H0 ditolak dan Haditerima, yaitu rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebelum ...

Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Scramble terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas V SDN 2 Selebung Ketangga


This study aims to determine the effect of using the scramble model on science learning outcomes for fifth grade students at SDN 2 Selebung Ketangga Keruak East Lombok for the 2021/2022 academic year. This research used experiment method with true experimental design and this research use program post-test only control design. The population of this study research was all of fifth grade students of SDN 2 Selebung Ketangga . The sample of this research definited by sampling jenuh technique wich was fifts A as a experiment class and fifth B as a control class. The accumulation data of this research used performance study test. The data analysis used t-test both. The result of hypotheses showed that thitung>ttabel was (2,340 > 2,028) wich means Ho rejected and Ha accepted, it can be concluded that the used of scramble model has influence toward the result of study at fifth grade students of SDN 2 Selebung Ketangga Keruak Lombok Timur in academic years 2021/2022 .

Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Teks Bacaan Pada Siswa Kelas III SD

Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang

This research objective is to improve the ability of reading comprehension toward reading text on the students of third grade at Terang Nusantara Elementary School by using the scramble learning model. The subjects were 17 students in class III C Terang Nusantara Elementary School. This study utilizes Mixed Methods with a Sequential Explanatory design. Sources of data obtained were quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data collection techniques were carried out using the Pretest-Posttest, while qualitative data were obtained using student response questionnaires and observation sheets. The pretest score was 68.32 before applying the scramble learning model. Furthermore, the average posttest score was 82.9 after using the scramble model. Based on the results of the N-gain test, a score of g = 0.56 was obtained in the moderate category. The N-gain effectiveness percentage score of 56.22% indicates a fairly effective interpretation. Based on the results of the study, i...

Studi Komparasi Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Scramble Dengan Model Pembelajaran Card Sort Terhadap Kemampuan Menghafal Kosakata Bahasa Inggris DI MI Terpadu Darul Ulum 02 Ngembalrejo Bae Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kemampuan menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris antara menggunakan model pembelajaran scramble dengan model pembelajaran card sort di MI Terpadu Darul Ulum 02 Ngembalrejo Bae Kudus. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode eksperimen dengan jenis komparatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, tes, dan observasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV MI Terpadu Darul Ulum 02 Ngembalrejo Bae Kudus yang berjumlah 38 siswa. Dari populasi tersebut seluruhnya akan digunakan sebagai sampel, hal ini disebabkan karena populasi kurang dari 100. Sampel tersebut dibagi menjadi 2 kelas yaitu kelas IV B sebagai kelas eksperimen I model pembelajaran scramble dan kelas IV A sebagai kelas eksperimen II model pembelajaran card sort. Hasil perhitungan dari uji hipotesis didapatkan bahwa nilai t hitung sebesar 2,547. Nilai ini apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai t tabel signif...