Assessment the Behavior of Seismic Designed Steel Moment Frames Subjected to Progressive Collapse (original) (raw)
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Progressive failure is the partial or complete failure of a structure as a result of a local failure occurring in the load-bearing element, resulting in failure propagating from one element to another. A progressive collapse study of a real ten-story telecommunications building was performed using ETABS (V.23) software, and RC ACI Code was used to design the building. The demand-to-capacity ratio is analyzed according to GSA acceptance standards to evaluate the ability of the structure to transfer loads to nearby members. Four central columns on the sixth and seventh floors were removed. The examination included a failure scenario resulting from the removal of an explosion on the sixth and seventh floors of the building. The results of the study found that removing four supports on the two floors did not cause gradual collapse and that the redistribution after removing the column was equal. The shear and bending DCR values for column loss are lower than 1, according to GSA 2016. As a result of load redistribu tion, the nearby column receives compressive strains as the supports above the deleted one lose axial compressive pressures. The weight on the sixth level was moved to columns C1A and C4A at grid A, while columns C2A and C3A were removed. This transfer was twice as great as the load communicated before the columns were removed. This implies that the adjacent columns were large enough to support additional loads. Since DCR readings were less than the permitted limits at 1, the beams were acceptable in flexure, shear, and DCR readings for column axial load.
Progressive collapse arises when local failure in a building member spreads to the adjacent members, this may promote further failure. In general, structures are designed to bear the normal expected loads like dead load, live load and lateral load (wind and seismic). However, some structures rarely are being exposed to sudden loads due to natural, man-made, intentional or unintentional reasons. These unexpected loads induce progressive collapse event. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to improve the building performance against extreme load hazards and progressive collapse phenomenon. In this work various position of column is selected and removed floor wise. As a result, the prime objective of this study is to find out the most critical location of the removed vertical-support element. Additionally, Linear static analysis of the three-dimensional (3-D) computer models of each selected building was carried out by using STAAD. Pro program. Ultimately, observations from this research demonstrate that the increase in the height of the structure and the removal of column from the bottom or near the bottom of the short side of the building is more significant to progressive collapse event.
Progressive Collapse in Multi-Storey Steel Frames: The Effect of Varying Column Spacing
Following the collapse of the Ronan Point apartment tower, provisions to minimise the potential for progressive collapse were introduced in design codes for the first time. In recent years, the increased threat of terrorism has highlighted the importance of such robustness requirements. This paper presents a methodology to assess the extent of damage to a multi-storey structure following localised collapse. This is accomplished through the design of an algorithm, based on the notional element removal method. By systematically considering the effects of damage to all members in a structure, this algorithm can be used as both a design and an analysis tool to identify whether a structure is unduly sensitive to the effects of localised damage. This paper describes the key features of this analysis program. Additionally, the results of a study to determine the effect of column spacing on the response of a damaged structure are presented.
1 Progressive Collapse of Multi-Storey Buildings due to Sudden Column Loss – Part II: Application
The companion paper presents the principles of a new design-oriented methodology for progressive collapse assessment of multi-storey buildings. The proposed procedure, which can be implemented at various levels of structural idealisation, determines ductility demand and supply in assessing the potential for progressive collapse initiated by instantaneous loss of a vertical support member. This paper demonstrates the applicability of the proposed approach by means of a case study, which considers sudden removal of a ground floor column in a typical steel-framed composite building. In line with current progressive collapse guidelines for buildings with a relatively simple and repetitive layout, the two principal scenarios investigated include removal of a peripheral column and a corner column. The study shows that such structures can be prone to progressive collapse, especially due to failure of the internal secondary beam support joints to safely transfer the gravity loads to the sur...
Evaluation of Progressive Collapse of Special Steel Moment Frames
Advanced Materials Research, 2013
The point of this study was to assess the progressive collapse resisting capacity of special steel moment frame structures and the behaviour of buildings which have different height when they are losing one of their exterior columns. Two buildings were considered for this research, 7-storiy and 12-storiy buildings. Corner column as well as one of the middle columns was removed to evaluate the importance and the effect of the location of removed column in structural response. General Services Administration (GSA) and Department of Defence (DoD) guidelines are considered for choosing the method of analysis. Nonlinear dynamic analysis procedures were carried out to investigate the behavior of structures. Thus, maximum vertical displacement in the point of column removal for each structure was measured. In addition, both buildings have cover plate connections which are cosidered to be rigid in modelling.
Progressive Collapse Analysis of multi-story building under the scenario of multi-column removal
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
Recent studies regarding progressive collapse resistance of buildings considered only single critical column removal scenario. However, limited investigations have been conducted so far to assess multi-column removal scenarios. Hence this study is made to compare progressive collapse resistance of a multi-story building under both single and multi-column removal scenarios. An eight-storey reinforced concrete building was analyzed by using linear static analysis procedure and DCR values of the members are calculated to investigate the potential of progressive collapse as per GSA guideline. The values of DCR are compared for different cases. Comparisons of single and multi-column removal scenarios reveal that later scenarios are more critical because of their higher demand capacity ratios, and it is more critical when both corner and exterior columns are removed.
Civil Engineering and Architecture, Horizon Research and Publishing Corporation, USA, 2024
The purpose of progressive collapse analysis is to examine that by eliminating different columns whether a structure remains stable following the guidelines of General Services Administration of US. For this analysis, we have considered a G+10 storied RC frame building consisting of 4X4 bay of 84 ft. in X-axis (Long direction) and 52 ft. in Y-axis (Short direction) designed by the Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020. For structural analysis, a numerical model is developed by using finite element-based software and progressive collapse analysis is performed according to GSA guidelines. We are considering three types of column sections (rectangular, circular, rectangular column with shear wall) and these three types of columns have similar cross-sectional area. For each type of building, we have considered removing three columns (corner column, exterior column & interior column). For buildings with shear wall along with rectangular column, the DCR values are well within the safe merging recommended by GSA guideline among all the considered three cases. On the other hand, the beams of the buildings with rectangular and circular column sections are not safe for progressive collapse although the columns of these buildings are safe.
An evaluation of modelling approaches and column removal time on progressive collapse of building
Journal of Constructional Steel Research
Over the last few decades, progressive collapse disasters have drawn the attention of codified bodies around the globe; as a consequence, there has been a renewed research interest. Structural engineering systems are prone to progressive collapse when subjected to abnormal loads beyond the ultimate capacity of critical structural members. Sudden loss of critical structural members triggers failure mechanisms which may result in a total or partial collapse of the structure proportionate or disproportionate to the triggering event. Currently, researchers adopt different modelling techniques to simulate the loss of critical load bearing members for progressive collapse assessment. GSA guidelines recommend a column removal time less than a tenth of the period of the structure in the vertical vibration mode. Consequently, this recommendation allows a wide range of column removal time which produces inconsistent results satisfying GSA recommendation. A choice of a load time history function assumed for gravity and the internal column force interaction significantly affect the response of the structure. This paper compares four available approaches for performing column removal analysis and investigates the influence of the length of time depending on the removed column. Recommendations are finally proposed for the ease of structural modelling of sudden column loss as a function of the period of the structure under loss of structural member
Behavior and performance of steel moment-framed buildings subject to dynamic column loss scenarios
Progressive or disproportionate collapse occurs when localized structural damage leads to widespread collapse or failure of a structure. Although the loss of any structural component in a building has the potential to initiate progressive collapse, structural columns in steel buildings are particularly susceptible to initiating this behavior if their load-carrying capacity is compromised. Steel-framed buildings can possess the capacity to bridge over a single lost column and arrest collapse, but the dynamic and three-dimensional nature of this event prevents simple design-based analysis approaches from providing accurate assessments of collapse resistance. This research employed a set of two prototype steel moment-framed buildings to study dynamic ground-level column-loss scenarios for a variety of column locations within the structures. One building contained three stories while the other had ten. Both were intended to be representative of typical perimeter moment-frame office buildings built in a low-seismic region of the United States. Three-dimensional finite element models were constructed to model the buildings using shell elements and incorporating the steel deck and composite concrete slab floor system. Nonlinear material models were used along with simplified component models for beam and girder connections. Accurate structural and non-structural masses were used to capture realistic inertial effects. The models were then analyzed using the Abaqus/Explicit finite element analysis engine to simulate instantaneous structural loss of a single ground-level column. This analysis was carried out for twelve individual columns in the three-story building and four individual columns in the ten-story building. Analysis was conducted for a sufficient time following column loss to assess structural collapse or obtain the peak vertical displacement if collapse was arrested. The output was then post-processed to obtain stresses in the steel deck and concrete slab as well as resultant connection forces and load-redistribution behavior. The three and ten-story building were found to be capable of arresting collapse following the loss of an individual ground-level supporting column for most column locations. Demands were the least severe for perimeter columns within a moment frame, but the structures were also able to bridge over lost interior columns that had no moment connectivity. Connection demands were significant in most column-loss scenarios and adequate moment connection strength and ductility was found to be necessary to ensure successful collapse arrest.
Progressive collapse in multi-storey steel frames
Following the collapse of the Ronan Point apartment tower, provisions to minimise the potential for progressive collapse were introduced in design codes for the first time. In recent years, the increased threat of terrorism has highlighted the importance of such robustness requirements. This paper presents a methodology to assess the extent of damage to a multi-storey structure following localised collapse. This is accomplished through the design of an algorithm, based on the notional element removal method. By systematically considering the effects of damage to all members in a structure, this algorithm can be used as both a design and an analysis tool to identify whether a structure is unduly sensitive to the effects of localised damage. This paper describes the key features of this analysis program. Additionally, the results of a study to determine the effect of column spacing on the response of a damaged structure are presented.