Practicing Entrepreneurial Learning as Learning Method at Middle School Students (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2018
The high unemployment rate of vocational high school graduates, as released by Central Statistic Bureau (BPS) in 2017 , raises the notion that the entrepreneurship culture is still not entrenched. This raises the question, whether the entrepreneurial learning activities have been effective for improving the entrepreneurship competence and entrepreneurial intention of the graduates? This research is applied to the 12 th graders in Surabaya, Malang, Jombang, Madiun and Banyuwangi. In this study, entrepreneurship learning is grouped into 3 categories, namely : entrepreneurship theoretical learning, entrepreneurship theoretical learning combined by business practices, and entrepreneurship theoretical learning combined by student involvement in the business activities. To obtain the data, students were asked to conduct self assessment of entrepreneurial competence perceived based on 3 learning models they received. At the same time, students are asked to express their entrepreneurial intention perceptions. Descriptive and statistical analysis is used to analyze the data. This study revealed that entrepreneurial learning activities combining theoretical studies and involving students to business activities is the most effective learning model to improve entrepreneurship competence of students, especially for skill dimension and entrepreneurial attitude. The entrepreneurial learning activities combining theoretical studies and involving students to business activities is also effective to grow students entrepreneurial intention, especially the encouragement to entrepreneurship, immediately creating business activity after graduation, the effort to entrepreneurship, and set entrepreneurship profession as the first choice after graduation. This study recommends to schools that entrepreneurship learning activities should emphasize more on the theoretical study combined with the student involvement in business activities. This can be done by optimizing the business centre function, and strengthening the cooperation with the business institution.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2019
This study aims to obtain information and knowledge related to entrepreneurial education, subjective norm, and entrepreneurial attitude towards entrepreneurial intention senior high school student. This research followed a survey method with proportional random sampling technique while the data was primary data obtained by 251 respondents from three senior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using AMOS Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in order to understand the direct influence and indirect effect. This research was conducted for about six months from September to February 2019. The findings of this study indicate that entrepreneurial education does not effect on entrepreneurial intention. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial education has a relationship with entrepreneurial attitude. In respect, the subjective norm has a correlation with entrepreneurial intention, subjective norm has an effect on entrepreneurial attitude, and entrepreneurial attitude has an impact entrepreneurial intention. From these findings, it can be seen that the entrepreneurial attitude is a mediating variable between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention as well as between subjective norm and entrepreneurial intention variable.
Journal of Education and Vocational Research, 2014
The increasing number of unemployment and poverty led to increasingly perceived importance of entrepreneurship. Development will go well if supported by business because the government is very limited capabilities. Therefore, an entrepreneur development is potential both in number and quality. The fact is that the number of entrepreneurs facing Indonesia is still small and the quality was still low, so that entrepreneurship development is an urgent issue for the success of development. Therefore, model of entrepreneurship learning for new entrepreneur growth is very necessary. This study aims to obtain a model of entrepreneurial learning in entrepreneurial business growth through the use of methods, techniques and learning aids, determination of material and the effect on the growth of entrepreneur business. The study was conducted by using descriptive research and verification research. Unit of analysis is the institution of education providers that have business incubator, both pu...
„Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the one who can not read, but will be the one who has learned how to learn."( Alvin Toffler) Entrepreneurship is a key determinant of development, research and innovation that can be stimulated by specific teaching methods. When students are engaged in solving problems and experiences, they understand concepts more easily and are able to explain what they have learnet and apply this outside the classroom. Students must be actively engaged in learning. By solving problems, they are able to retain concepts a lot better. Teacher’s role is to continuously adapt teaching methods to environmental changes, direct consumer needs, ie students’ and community needs. Therefore, we have analyzed the means and teaching methods used by teachers that keep account of learning the preferences and students’ proposals. The analysis of means and methods of teaching and learning entrepreneurship, from the analysis of questionnaires used on students and teachers incolved in entrepreneurship education at higt school education, are the pillars of entrepreneurship development. This was started as an approach to propose new methods and tools to cover the gaps identified.
How to Educate Student Become Competent Entrepreneurs
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2022
The purpose of this study was to examine the direct or indirect effect between the entrepreneurship education variable and the student entrepreneurship competence variable in Vocational High School students. This study used a quantitative approach with the Survey Method (Explanatory Survey Method), and the test uses path analysis. The number of samples in this study found 100 students from 25 Public and Private Vocational High Schools accredited-A in the city of Bandung. The results showed that (1) entrepreneurship education had a significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions, both directly and indirectly, (2) entrepreneurship education had a significant direct effect on student entrepreneurial competencies, (3) and student entrepreneurial competencies had a significant influence on entrepreneurial intentions. This is because the results can illustrate that entrepreneurship education in vocational high schools is good, it can be seen from the score of the entrepreneurship educat...
Evaluating Entrepreneurship Education Model in Indonesian University
To boost the entrepreneurial culture in Indonesia, higher education institutions are encouraged to facilitate entrepreneurship in the curricula. In the last two decades, more and more universities in Indonesia adopt entrepreneurship education in their curriculum. The problem now is whether the entrepreneurship subjects at each university have been able to equip students with the ability to build and manage their own business, as well as to trigger students to create a business and not looking for a job after graduation. This study elaborates and evaluates entrepreneurial learning models that are applied at the University in Indonesia (case: Universitas Ma Chung). The evaluation result reveals that the entrepreneurship learning model which consist of six modules (1)"Developing Entrepreneurship Mindset", (2)"Idea Generation", (3)"Business Function", (4)"Legal Plan", (5)"Business Plan Preparation", and (6)"Business Growth" is ...
Evaluating Entrepreneurship Education Model in
To boost the entrepreneurial culture in Indonesia, higher education institutions are encouraged to facilitate entrepreneurship in the curricula. In the last two decades, more and more universities in Indonesia adopt entrepreneurship education in their curriculum. The problem now is whether the entrepreneurship subjects at each university have been able to equip students with the ability to build and manage their own business, as well as to trigger students to create a business and not looking for a job after graduation. This study elaborates and evaluates entrepreneurial learning models that are applied at the University in Indonesia (case: Universitas Ma Chung). The evaluation result reveals that the entrepreneurship learning model which consist of six modules (1)"Developing Entrepreneurship Mindset", (2)"Idea Generation", (3)"Business Function", (4)"Legal Plan", (5)"Business Plan Preparation", and (6)"Business Growth" is deemed to be effective in inspiring and preparing students at Universitas Ma Chung to be entrepreneurs.
Attribute in Designing Entrepreneurial Learning Model in Higher Education
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
One way to increase the number of entrepreneurs in a country is by providing information and training to the younger generation with the knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship. University is an effective medium to convey it to students through the curriculum and lessons given. There are many universities in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya that offer entrepreneurship based programs to their students, but not necessarily give birth to quality entrepreneurs. Many factors influence the method on how the material is delivered to students, including the model used. This study aims to explore important attributes in entrepreneurship learning model. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Purposive sampling is used to determine the respondents interviewed by using semi-structure interview questions. 10 students of Ciputra University became respondents in this study. As the result, there are 4 important attributes obtained by the author in the learning process of entrepreneurship in college, namely; personal, social, support and organization.
Antecedents Of Developing Entrepreneurial Orientation Among College Students In Indonesia
The objective of research is to construct a model that can investigate and develop entrepreneurial orientation among college students. By taking into consideration the concepts that previous studies have proposed, this research attempts to emphasize the importance of entrepreneurial orientation to the young generation. Research design is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and this design is operated with AMOS Version 22. Research object is college students in f inal semester. Data are collected through structured questionnaire given to 250 respondents. Research has several results. Social Capital affects Entrepreneurial Orientation, but does not affect Market Sensing Capability. Moreover, Market Sensing Capability does not have effect on Entrepreneurial Orientation. Islamic Relationship Value not onl y has great effect on Market Sensing Capability but also on Entrepreneurial Orientation. These results should be useful for the management of any colleges to develop policy to increase ...
Administrative Sciences
Entrepreneurship education is a recent field in education. From a field mainly related to small business, it is extended towards enhancement of students’ entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. It can support students in developing an independent and versatile way by growing the spirit of entrepreneurship. Developing entrepreneurship competence among students requires the mastery of concepts by teachers. Training teachers in entrepreneurship education helps them apply specific competences, methods, and tools to encourage confidence in learners’ own capabilities and to stimulate flexibility, leadership, and initiative. To understand the teachers’ entrepreneurial competence, an online survey was developed to assess the level of mastery of such competence in Albanian teachers. The survey was designed to analyze the development of entrepreneurial competence of teachers, and their entrepreneurship education and training. The research goal of the survey is to evaluate the influence mechanis...