The Impact of Computer-based Test and Students’ Ability in Computer Self - Efficacy on Mathematics Learning Outcomes (original) (raw)

Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale Based on Computer

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, 2019

The results of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) survey in 2012-2015 on the achievement of mathematical competencies of Indonesian students showed a significant increase, but the overall achievement was still below the average of the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Furthermore, the results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) report showed that many students like and feel good about mathematics, but their confidence in their mathematical abilities was quite low. Many studies reveal the close association of Mathematics Self-Efficacy (MSE) with the performance/achievement of students' mathematical competencies. In 2015, the PISA survey was done using computerization except in 15 countries, one of them was in Indonesia. Therefore, the results of this study are to produce the first computer-based MSE scale developed in Indonesia.

Internet Self-Efficacy and Interaction of Students in Mathematics Courses

MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, 2018

Interaction creates an essential environment in learning Mathematics effectively and opportunities for teachers and students to talk about their own thinking, and reflection on students' learning process. Since interaction in the classroom can reveal students' views and ideas, it would be important to study the underlying relationship between internet self-efficacy and interaction in Mathematics courses. The study used descriptive-correlational technique involving 439 students from the selected universities and colleges in Davao City, and criterion sampling was used. Findings revealed that the respondents had extensive internet self-efficacy and interaction in Mathematics courses. The results further revealed a strong significant relationship between internet self-efficacy and interaction in Mathematics courses. The results of regression analysis also revealed that the three predictors of internet self-efficacy had significant influence on interaction in Mathematics courses and suggested that a reasonable percentage of the variance on interaction in Mathematics courses can be explained by the three predictors. Furthermore, among the three predictors, extent of self-efficacy in system manipulation was the most influential factor that contributed to the level of interaction in Mathematics courses. Lastly, future research should include more variables that could somehow affect the level of interaction in Mathematics courses.

Validation of a questionnaire to measure mathematics confidence, computer confidence, and attitudes to the use of technology for learning mathematics


This study reports on the validation of a questionnaire designed to measure general mathematics confidence, general confidence with using technology, and attitudes to the use of technology for mathematics learning. A questionnaire was administered to 289 students commencing a tertiary level course on linear algebra and calculus. Scales formed on the basis of factor analysis demonstrated high internal consistency reliability and divergent validity. A repeat administration confirmed the earlier psychometric findings as well as establishing good test-retest reliability. The resulting instrument can be used to measure attitudinal factors that mediate the effective use of technology in mathematics learning.

Validation of a questionnaire to measure mathematics confidence, computer confidence, and attitudes towards the use of technology for learning mathematics

Mathematics Education Research Journal, 2001

This study reports on the validation of a questionnaire designed to measure general mathematics confidence, general confidence with using technology, and attitudes to the use of technology for mathematics learning. A questionnaire was administered to 289 students commencing a tertiary level course on linear algebra and calculus. Scales formed on the basis of factor analysis demonstrated high internal consistency reliability and divergent validity. A repeat administration confirmed the earlier psychometric findings as well as establishing good test-retest reliability. The resulting instrument can be used to measure attitudinal factors that mediate the effective use of technology in mathematics learning.

Exploring Math Anxiety Towards the Students’ Computer Self-Efficacy in Learning Mathematics

Mosharafa : jurnal pendidikan matematika, 2023

Di tengah pandemi Covid-19, siswa dituntut menguasai penggunaan komputer dalam pembelajaran matematika daring. Tingkat efikasi diri yang tinggi dapat secara signifikan mengurangi kecemasan matematika siswa dan sebaliknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan matematis terhadap efikasi diri komputer dalam pembelajaran matematika, dan mengetahui hubungan antara kecemasan matematis terhadap efikasi diri komputer. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan survei untuk mengumpulkan data. Partisipan dipilih dengan menggunakan probability sampling. Angket berisi 25 soal juga diberikan kepada 200 siswa kelas 8 MTSN 7 Model Ciracas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh indikator pada variabel kecemasan matematika menunjukkan skor rata-rata sedang dengan skor rata-rata tertinggi (3,14). Rata-rata efikasi diri komputer masih tergolong sedang dengan indikator tingkat besaran (̅ = 2,97) sebagai nilai rata-rata tertinggi. Nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar-0,193 menunjukkan adanya hubungan negatif yang signifikan dengan derajat korelasi yang dapat diabaikan.

Relationship Between Prior Knowledge and Internet Self-Efficacy on the Success of Learning Mathematics by Using E-Learning


The development of technology, especially in the field of information technology, has greatly influenced the development of the world in all fields, including education. The teaching and learning process, which initially focused solely on teachers, has now developed into focusing on students. One of the impacts caused by technological developments in the field of education is the emergence of a new learning system called e-learning. E-learning is a learning strategy where all teaching and learning activities are carried out through the internet. There are two things that we examined in this study. First, we look for a relationship between preliminary knowledge (ability to use learning media) and self-efficacy (level of confidence) when using the internet to the success of e-learning learning methods. Second, we look for relationships between student strategies to search for information online with self-efficacy when using the internet. The subjects measured in this study were mathem...

Computer-Assisted Assessment Model to Decrease Math Anxiety And Increase Mathematical Self Efficacy of Junior High School Students

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The purpose of this research was to produce a computer-assisted assessment model as valid, practice, and effective to decrease math anxiety and increase mathematical selfefficacy of junior high school students. The product that would be gained was assessment computer-assisted that using Moodle and GeoGebra Software. This research referred to ADDIE development model that had five stages, they were Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation. The data collection techniques of this research were using students’ anxiety questionnaire and students self-efficacy questionnaire. The validator stated that the product which was developed was valid without revision. Product trials was done to 30 trials subject and gained that there was a decrease in anxiety level from medium anxiety (the anxiety average score 23,73) to lowest anxiety (the anxiety average score 10,3) and there was an increase to the self-efficacy average score from 27,13 (medium self-efficacy) became 37,36 (high s...


The study investigated attitudes towards computer and computer self-efficacy as predictors of computer anxiety among 310 preservice mathematics teachers from five higher institutions of learning in Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria using the quantitative research method within the blueprint of the descriptive survey design. Data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics of percentages, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics of factor analysis, independent samples t-test, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Finding revealed that attitude toward computer assessed by the attitudes towards computer scale was a multi-dimensional construct (affective, perceived usefulness, behavioural intention and perceived control component). Gender differences in attitude toward computer and computer anxiety among preservice mathematics teachers were significant. Affective component, computer self-efficacy, perceived control component, and perceived usefulness component made statistically significant contributions to the variance in preservice mathematics teachers' computer anxiety. The study recommended among others that academic institutions should pay more attention to this computer anxiety and adopt proper ways of reducing the computer anxiety, so that positive e-learning experiences can be created for preservice teachers.

The Effectiveness of Using Technology on Students’ Confidence in Mathematics

EDULEARN proceedings, 2019

This study aims to determine the relationship between using technology (GeoGebra software (GGS) to increase students' confidence with mathematics. A quantitative method was employed in this study. The research sample consists of 37 8th grade students (two classes) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the research, a Students Confidence in Mathematics Scale (SCM) was used. This scale was drawn from the TIMSS 2015 questionnaire, and translated into Arabic, then administered to the students twice, before and after using the GeoGebra Software. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and correlation analysis were applied using SPSS for data analysis. According to the SCM scale, the percentages for students' confidence in mathematics changed. Moreover, there was a significant impact from using GGS in terms of enhancing the student's confidence in mathematics.