Membangun Kembali Perdamaian : Rekonsiliasi Konflik Komunal Berbasis Trust (original) (raw)

Merajut Kembali Komunitas Damai: Studi Landasan Biblis Dan Teologis Resolusi Konflik

Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat, 2019

"REINFORCING PEACEFUL COMMUNITIES": The Study of Biblical and Theological Foundations for Conflict Resolution. Studi Landasan Biblis dan Teologis Untuk Membangun Komunitas Damai. Plurality which is considered as a nation's wealth, it also turns out to be the cause of the emergence of conflicts with nuances of ethnicity, race and religion. Unfortunately political elites often politicize issues based on ethnic and religious sentiments to gain power. They did not consider the serious effects that were caused as a result of the politicization of ethnic and religious issues. Horizontal conflicts with nuances of religion and ethnicity that have occurred in various regions in Indonesia, such as in Ambon, Poso, Kalimatan, are more often triggered by the politicization of religious and ethnic issues or initially the conflict is not caused by ethnic or religious problems, but often the conflict brought to the realm of religion so as to make the conflict increasingly enlarged a...

Gagasan Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi Di Papua

Secara mendasar ada dua cara yang betul berbeda untuk menangani pengalaman masa lalu yang pahit: jalur pengadilan HAM dan jalur KKR. Pengadilan HAM bertujuan memeriksa fakta hukumnya, menuntut pertanggungjawaban seluruh sistem yang terlibat, kemudian menjatuhkan vonis kepada pihak yang bersalah. KKR bertujuan menggali fakta beserta konteks historis (akar masalah, konteks budaya, struktur politik) berdasarkan kesaksian korban untuk mencari kebenaran dan akhirnya pemulihan hubungan antara korban dengan pelaku. Karena itu sejak awal seluruh unsur masyarakat Papua beserta Pemerintah, DPRD, TNI, dan Polri di Papua perlu amat menyadari perbedaan ini. Dalam konteks kerangka penyelesaian berdasarkan pada berbagai produk hukum yang dibentuk berpijak dalam dua jalur, yakni pengungkapan kebenaran dan rekonsiliasi melalui pembentukan KKR dan penghukuman kepada pelaku melalui pengadilan HAM.

Membentuk Kembali Komisi Kebenaran Dan Rekonsiliasi DI Indonesia

Res Publica: Jurnal Hukum Kebijakan Publik

The purpose of this legal research is to analyse the political law of Indonesia on settlement of serious human rights violations, especially with The Truth And Reconcilliation Commission. This research is a descriptive normative legal research type. Types of data consist of primary data and secondary data. Using primary data collection secondary data using literature study techniques. This research use the Qualitative data analysis techniques. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission shall be established to address impunity, break the cycle of violence, provide a forum for the parties of human rights violations to tell their story, get a clear accurate, clear and comprehensive picture of the past in order to facilitate genuine healing and reconciliation. The late progress of this commission, contributed directly or nondirectly to delayed our progress toward the bright future of this nation.

Respek Dan Rekognisi: Resolusi Konflik Wadas


It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many obstacles. Mining, dam building, and similar businesses are complicated by environmental impact assessments and land acquisition issues. This research was conducted using the literature review method. This strategy is intended to search, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence in scientific journal publications. The aim is to collect informative and evidence-based responses to the research topic. In Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition, the descriptive analysis provides a precise, objective, methodical, analytical, and critical description, and explanation of wadas conflict. We must not forget Abraham Maslow's description of the hierarchy of human needs in psychology. Maslow described the Hierarchy of Needs hierarchically, including physiological conditions, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, and the need for self-esteem. In conflict resolution, t...

Rekonsiliasi Konflik Ambon Berbasis Nilai–Nilai Kearifan Lokal Pela Gandong, 1999-2002


Pela gandong is a local wisdom that was born from the social dynamics of the people of Central Maluku. The values ​​contained in pela gandong became the initial capital for social reconciliation of the fractured relationship after the 1999-2002 conflict. This study tries to answer three main problems, namely: first, how did the conflict occur and what caused it. Second, what is the impact arising from the 1999-2002 conflict events and third, what is the role of pela gandong values ​​as a media for resolution after the 1999-2002 conflict. This research is a literature study (library research). This type of research is a qualitative research using a historical approach. The findings of this study prove that Pela Gandong as a medium for conflict resolution is more effective for the social historical reconstruction of Salam-Sarane, which is based on the integration of the value system contained in Pela Gandong, namely; brotherhood between countries, solidarity, harmony, and religiosity....

Transformasi Konflik Dan Pembentukan Perdamaian Positif Berterusan Di Aceh


Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Aceh bagi mewujudkan perdamaian positif berterusan di Aceh, khususnya usaha-usaha yang menyumbang kepada transformasi struktur dan budaya. Kedua-dua faktor ini boleh memberi kesan kepada perubahan sistem politik, ekonomi dan sosial bagi menjamin keperluan masyarakat Aceh dapat dipenuhi secara baik dan adil. Persoalan utama yang ditimbulkan oleh kajian ini adalah samada usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Aceh telah dapat menyumbang kepada proses transformasi ini dan seterusnya kepada pembentukan perdamaian positif yang berterusan di Aceh. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Data primer diperoleh melalui pemerhatian dan temu bual dengan pihak-pihak yang relevan dalam proses transformasi ini. Manakala data sekunder pula diperoleh menerusi buku-buku, hasil kajian, maklumat media, dan dokumen-dokumen yang berhubung-kait. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan induktif dengan model in...

Pengarusutamaan Pendidikan Perdamaian Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pela Gandong Pasca Rekonsiliasi Konflik Ambon di Sekolah

Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan, 2020

The reconciliation of the Ambon Maluku conflict in 2002 is inseparable from the local wisdom of the Maluku people namely, pela gandong. When many parties find it difficult to find out how to end the conflict, pela gandong transforms into part of conflict resolution. However, peace conditions that are still vulnerable (peace vulnerabilities) allow conflict to occur again. Therefore, the achievement of conflict reconciliation must increase to the stage of peace education. The Maluku people define pela as a model of friendship, a system of brotherhood, or a system of fellowship that is developed between all indigenous people of two or more countries. Pela gandong local wisdom-based peace education has been implemented at SMPN 9 Ambon City and SMPN 4 Salahutu Liang Central Maluku District in the form of hot education pela education activities. This is different from the civil education model developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Ambon Public Middle School 9 has a...

PASAR; BAKUDAPA BANGUN REKONSILIASI Refleksi Peran Perempuan Papalele dalam Resolusi Konflik

KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi

Konflik yang terjadi di Ambon sejak 19 Januari 1999 sampai 2004 telah membawa masyarakat pada sebuah proses perdamaian, walaupun dalam tahapan resolusi konflik masih berada pada tahap awal menuju peace building. Proses resolusi konflik ini tidak lepas dari peran perempuan yang merupakan pihak penerima dampak konflik terparah. tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran aktivitas pasar tradisional disaat konflik dan sejauh mana peran perempuan dalam proses resolusi konflik di Kota Ambon, serta kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam mengembangkan proses resolusi konflik. Aktifitas Papalele atau perempuan pedagang di kota Ambon, tanpa mereka sadari telah membantu proses resolusi konflik. Perannya dalam tahapan Peacekeeping, Peacemaking, maupun Peacebuilding menjadikan mereka anomali dalam kajian resolusi konflik dan diplomasi. Dengan demikian, Papalele dalam aktifitas perdagangannya di Ambon dapat dikatakan sebagai aktor dan aktifitas diplomasi hibrida.