EJBM-Special Issue: Islamic Ma anagement and Business amic Ma anagement and Business www (original) (raw)

Islamic Theory of Motivation

Human motivation, like a powerful magnet, has attracted psycholo analysts and management thinkers. Human behavior is totally built on the motives and motivation of human beings. To help understand raison d'etre of what motivates a human being and what constitutes different pe structures based on motivation, several western behavioral scientists have unleashed, in leaps and bounds, theories, propositions, prescriptions, ideas, concepts and models. The painstaking research carried out across the globe does not totally validate the concepts developed by western behavioral scientists. This shocking contradictory outcome even in the same culture, throws light on the fact that these theories have no universal validity. Islam which claims to be a revealed knowledge should hav theories across all the cultures (Muslim as well as Non empirically investigate the universal validity of Islamic concept of pers non-Muslim business organizations in India. Nearly 90% of business organizations in India are owned and managed by non-Muslims. The results have established the validity of the claim that Islam is not a culture further the findings of the study provide inconclusive support to the hypothesis that Islamic concepts of personality, namely , Nafsul -ammara,Nafsul -

Islamic spiritual cultured managers: a study of behavioural disposition theory


In presenting this thesis in fulfillment of the requirements for a Post Graduate degree from the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), I agree that the Library of this university may make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for copying this thesis in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purposes may be granted by my supervisor(s) or in their absence, by the Dean of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business where I did my thesis. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this thesis or parts of it for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to the UUM in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my thesis.

Islamic Religion-Focused Coping Method as a Strategy to Manage Work Stress/ Metode Islamic Religion-Focused Coping sebagai Strategi Mengatasi Stres Kerja

Psikoislamika : Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam

Islamic Religion-Focused Coping is a strategy as an effort to manage work stress by using religious belief and demonstrating religious behavior in order to prevent or reduce the consequences of work stress. Work stress in companies has become an important issue to observe due to the emergence of demand to be more efficient at work. This research was conducted to describe the Islamic religion-focused coping in garment company employees who experienced work stress. The research design used was quantitative-descriptive method through questionnaire. The participants of this study were 82 employees who went through screening stage with a stress diagnostic survey to measure work stress. The result showed that the most prominent source of stress among 75 employees with work stress at moderate and high levels resulted from group of colleagues. The instrument used was a questionnaire developed by Pargament to examine employee Islamic religion-focused coping. The final result showed that a total of 86% employees used Islamic religion-focused coping in managing their work stress. On its dimension, employees often used religious belief (believing that Allah SWT would help solve every problem) and religious behavior (praying and reciting Al-Quran). Demographic factors in this research also affected how an employee used the coping, namely age development. This indicates that the elder the employees are, the more they use Islamic religion-focused coping to reduce work stress and maintain productivity at work.

Psychological interpretation of managerial phenomenon in Islamic sources

Bridge to science: research works. Conference Proceedings, 2019

In this article the essence of the managerial issues in the Islamic resources are divulged and discussed from the psychological perspective. Moreover certain phenomena like managers responsibilities and collective duties are explained through the main sources of Islam.

Impact of Islamic Mysticism on Work Behaviors: An Analytical Study


Every business venture seeks to improve its profits by increasing its productivity. Employees play an important role in enhancing the performance of their workplaces by displaying positive work attitudes. The focus on employee happiness for greater productivity in Western literature has received tremendous attention over the past few decades. However, it is important that they ignore the religious context of employees' happiness. Islam is a comprehensive way of life that guides its followers in all circumstances. What is impact of Islamic mysticism on work behaviors of employees? The narrative and analytical method of research is used to find out the impact of spiritual values of Islam on work people. To understand the effects of Islamic spirituality on employees' work attitudes, a standardized analysis of Western management and Islamic literature is presented. Islamic spiritual practices provide the basis for creating a holistic work environment to enhance worker performanc...

Workplace Behavioral Dynamics in Islam -A Holistic Outlook

With cultural diffusion happening all across the globe, multiple fields of study are highly intertwined, thereby increasing our understanding about holistic walks of life. This research paper is aimed towards understanding what Islamic norms state regarding organizational behavior and psychology. Numerous studies suggest that religion plays a significant role in what people value, believe, and endorse as well as how they live, interact, and behave in the society. The paper takes into account eight major variables from the field of organizational behavior

Personality Development from Islamic Management Perspective

The issue of personality development & self-reformation is of immense significance being commonly discussed in religious as well as secular disciplines with diverse objectives and variety of meanings. Several theories have been formulated with different understandings of the subject. Religious-based theories mostly share common perspective in this regard, while the secular world-view, which is generally based on Sigmund Freud's theory of personality, presents materialistic standards and objectives of self-reformation in negation of Islamic world-view.

The Effect Of Islamic Leadership, Work Stress, Compensation, Promotion And Motivation On Employee Performance

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Business, Accounting, and Economics, ICBAE 2022, 10-11 August 2022, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

This study aims to examine the effect of Islamic leadership, work stress, compensation, promotion and motivation on employee performance at Muhammadiyah Siti Aminah Bumiayu Hospital. This type of research is quantitative research with primary data sources obtained from questionnaires. Data collection through questionnaires produces structured data so that researchers can carry out the process of quantifying data, namely changing the original data into numbers. The population of this study were all employees of Muhammadiyah Siti Aminah Bumiayu Hospital as many as 365 employees. Based on the sample calculation from the Slovin formula, 192 respondents were obtained. Sampling of data was done by using convenience sampling method. Technic analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study concluded that employee performance was influenced by Islamic leadership, compensation, promotion and motivation in a significant positive manner, while work stress had a significant negative effect on employee performance at the Muhammadiyah Siti Aminah Bumiayu Hospital.

Organizational Behavior from an Islamic Perspective

Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture, 2016

The influence of religion on most aspects of one's life is obvious. Islam as a religion governs man's life in this world in every aspect (Al-Sheha.2000,p.11).It is a well known fact the holy Qur'an and Sunnah (Hadith) are the main sources of guidance for Muslims in every sphere of life (Islahi,2015). The Qur'an never gives us suggestions but commands us to perform the commands of Allah. The Qur'an and Sunnah form the constitution for all Muslims. Therefore, Muslims must adjust their behavior accordingly. The objectives of the article are: to give a better understanding of Muslims behavior and manners as outlined in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The behaviors , manners to be discussed are communications, dealing with others, greetings and entering homes, etiquettes of sitting, socializing, , resolving differences, bereavement and condolences, cleanness and dress, eating and hospitality, fasting, walking, sleeping, intimate relations with one's spouse , behaving in the market, charging interest and borrowing and lending. The second objective is to develop some recommendations that will help avoid any negative bigotry of Islam and Muslims with particular emphasis on behavior. The third objective is to discuss the major implications of the findings on non Muslims and people of other cultures. In view of the arising negative reactions towards Muslims' in the Western world that is attributed by some Western observers to Islamic teachings based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, there needs to be a more objective view of the impact of Islam on individual behavior in both society and organizations. For the purpose of research the researcher used the Qur'an and Sunnah as the main source of information for the study. Apart from that, the researcher interviewed clergymen (Imams), and consulted Islamic shari'ah professors on some of the issues under investigation, in addition to the Friday prayer sermons and documents. Clergymen speeches are fully analyzed and investigated. The paper has academic and practical implications. It is believed that a better understanding of Muslims behavior and culture, will help non-Muslims learn better how to communicate and deal with Muslims whether at work, in the neighborhood, in the streets, in events and in the market. The paper will also fill a gap in international literature on the various aspects of Muslims culture and behavior. The study is divided into three sections. The first section presents the abstract, definition of Islam and Muslims, and introduction. The second section deals with the various aspects of Muslims behavior in light of the Qur'an and Sunnah (Hadith). The third section is dedicated to the conclusions, recommendations, and implications. It is evident from the paper that Islamic teachings have laid the foundations for good, sound and ethical behavior. Muslims should act and behave in accordance to the Qur'an and teachings of the Prophet. Good interaction and true Islamic behavior not only ensure that Muslims are not violating other people's rights but can also make them well accepted and appreciated by others.