Learning for Decentralized Control of Multiagent Systems in Large, Partially-Observable Stochastic Environments (original) (raw)
Related papers
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017
This paper presents a data-driven approach for multi-robot coordination in partially-observable domains based on Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (Dec-POMDPs) and macro-actions (MAs). Dec-POMDPs provide a general framework for cooperative sequential decision making under uncertainty and MAs allow temporally extended and asynchronous action execution. To date, most methods assume the underlying Dec-POMDP model is known a priori or a full simulator is available during planning time. Previous methods which aim to address these issues suffer from local optimality and sensitivity to initial conditions. Additionally, few hardware demonstrations involving a large team of heterogeneous robots and with long planning horizons exist. This work addresses these gaps by proposing an iterative sampling based Expectation-Maximization algorithm (iSEM) to learn polices using only trajectory data containing observations, MAs, and rewards. Our experiments show the algorithm is able to achieve better solution quality than the state-of-the-art learning-based methods. We implement two variants of multi-robot Search and Rescue (SAR) domains (with and without obstacles) on hardware to demonstrate the learned policies can effectively control a team of distributed robots to cooperate in a partially observable stochastic environment.
Planning with Macro-Actions in Decentralized POMDPs
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's actions are primitive operations lasting exactly one time step. We address the case where each agent has macro-actions: temporally extended actions which may require different amounts of time to execute. We model macro-actions as \emph{options} in a factored Dec-POMDP model, focusing on options which depend only on information available to an individual agent while executing. This enables us to model systems where coordination decisions only occur at the level of deciding which macro-actions to execute, and the macro-actions themselves can then be executed to completion. The core technical difficulty when using options in a Dec-POMDP is that the options chosen by the agents no longer terminate at the same time. We present extensions of two leading Dec-POMDP algorithms for generating a policy with options and discuss the resulting form of optimality. Our results show that these algorithms retain agent coordination while allowing near-optimal solutions to be generated for significantly longer horizons and larger state-spaces than previous Dec-POMDP methods.
Modeling and Planning with Macro-Actions in Decentralized POMDPs
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2019
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized multi-agent decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's actions are primitive operations lasting exactly one time step. We address the case where each agent has macro-actions: temporally extended actions that may require different amounts of time to execute. We model macro-actions as options in a Dec-POMDP, focusing on actions that depend only on information directly available to the agent during execution. Therefore, we model systems where coordination decisions only occur at the level of deciding which macro-actions to execute. The core technical difficulty in this setting is that the options chosen by each agent no longer terminate at the same time. We extend three leading Dec-POMDP algorithms for policy generation to the macro-action case, and demonstrate their effectiveness in both sta...
A Finite Horizon DEC-POMDP Approach to Multi-robot Task Learning
Decision making under uncertainty is one of the key problems of robotics and this problem is even harder in the multi-agent domain. Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (DEC-POMDP) is an approach to model multiagent decision making problems under uncertainty. There is no efficient exact algorithm to solve these problems since the worst case complexity of the general case has been shown to be NEXP-complete. This paper demonstrates the application of our proposed approximate solution algorithm, which uses evolution strategies, to various DEC-POMDP problems. We show that high level policies can be learned using simplified simulated environments which can readily be transferred to real robots despite having different observation and transition models in the training and the application domains.
Scalable Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Multiagent POMDPs
Bayesian methods for reinforcement learning (RL) allow model uncertainty to be considered explicitly and offer a principled way of dealing with the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. However, for multiagent systems there have been few such approaches, and none of them apply to problems with state uncertainty. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing a Bayesian RL framework for multiagent partially observable Markov decision processes that is able to take advantage of structure present in many problems. In this framework, a team of agents operates in a centralized fashion, but has uncertainty about the model of the environment. Fitting many real-world situations, we consider the case where agents learn the appropriate models while acting in an online fashion. Because it can quickly become intractable to choose the optimal action in naı̈ve versions of this online learning problem, we propose a more scalable approach based on samplebased search and factored value functions for the ...
Decentralized Control of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
are often used to model sequential decision problems involving uncertainty under the assumption of centralized control. However, many large, distributed systems do not permit centralized control due to communication limitations (such as cost, latency or corruption). This paper surveys recent work on decentralized control of MDPs in which control of each agent depends on a partial view of the world. We focus on a general framework where there may be uncertainty about the state of the environment, represented as a decentralized partially observable MDP (Dec-POMDP), but consider a number of subclasses with different assumptions about uncertainty and agent independence. In these models, a shared objective function is used, but plans of action must be based on a partial view of the environment. We describe the frameworks, along with the complexity of optimal control and important properties. We also provide an overview of exact and approximate solution methods as well as relevant applications. This survey provides an introduction to what has become an active area of research on these models and their solutions.
Policy Iteration for Decentralized Control of Markov Decision Processes
Coordination of distributed agents is required for problems arising in many areas, including multi-robot systems, networking and e-commerce. As a formal framework for such problems, we use the decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP). Though much work has been done on optimal dynamic programming algorithms for the single-agent version of the problem, optimal algorithms for the multiagent case have been elusive. The main contribution of this paper is an optimal policy iteration algorithm for solving DEC-POMDPs. The algorithm uses stochastic finite-state controllers to represent policies. The solution can include a correlation device, which allows agents to correlate their actions without communicating. This approach alternates between expanding the controller and performing value-preserving transformations, which modify the controller without sacrificing value. We present two efficient value-preserving transformations: one can reduce the size of the controller and the other can improve its value while keeping the size fixed. Empirical results demonstrate the usefulness of value-preserving transformations in increasing value while keeping controller size to a minimum. To broaden the applicability of the approach, we also present a heuristic version of the policy iteration algorithm, which sacrifices convergence to optimality. This algorithm further reduces the size of the controllers at each step by assuming that probability distributions over the other agents' actions are known. While this assumption may not hold in general, it helps produce higher quality solutions in our test problems.
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2017
This work focuses on solving general multi-robot planning problems in continuous spaces with partial observability given a high-level domain description. Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for multi-robot coordination problems. However, representing and solving Dec-POMDPs is often intractable for large problems. This work extends the Dec-POMDP model to the Decentralized Partially Observable Semi-Markov Decision Process (Dec-POSMDP) to take advantage of the high-level representations that are natural for multi-robot problems and to facilitate scalable solutions to large discrete and continuous problems. The Dec-POSMDP formulation uses task macro-actions created from lower-level local actions that allow for asynchronous decision-making by the robots, which is crucial in multi-robot domains. This transformation from Dec-POMDPs to Dec-POSMDPs with a finite set of automatically-generated macro-actions allows use of efficient discr...
Scalable Planning and Learning for Multiagent POMDPs: Extended Version
arXiv: Artificial Intelligence, 2014
Online, sample-based planning algorithms for POMDPs have shown great promise in scaling to problems with large state spaces, but they become intractable for large action and observation spaces. This is particularly problematic in multiagent POMDPs where the action and observation space grows exponentially with the number of agents. To combat this intractability, we propose a novel scalable approach based on sample-based planning and factored value functions that exploits structure present in many multiagent settings. This approach applies not only in the planning case, but also the Bayesian reinforcement learning setting. Experimental results show that we are able to provide high quality solutions to large multiagent planning and learning problems.
Scalable Planning and Learning for Multiagent POMDPs
Online, sample-based planning algorithms for POMDPs have shown great promise in scaling to problems with large state spaces, but they become intractable for large action and observation spaces. This is particularly problematic in multiagent POMDPs where the action and observation space grows exponentially with the number of agents. To combat this intractability, we propose a novel scalable approach based on sample-based planning and factored value functions that exploits structure present in many multiagent settings. This approach applies not only in the planning case, but also in the Bayesian reinforcement learning setting. Experimental results show that we are able to provide high quality solutions to large multiagent planning and learning problems.