Munca în viața de zi cu zi a copiilor. Studiu calitativ în județul Sălaj (original) (raw)
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Altarul Reîntregirii, 2016
Education a soul, shaping it, does not only involve guiding it towards an informational system based on acquiring knowledge, but also towards a formative system of embracing the moral values. As the soul bears the image of God, school must use the religious element in order to stimulate the students conscience. The religious education has an important role in shaping one's character, but parents should also create a proper environment for producing a spiritual state favourable to morality. There have been major changes lately in the relationship between parents and children and they tend to increase as children grow up. Some of the causes have been identified in the research I starded in 2011 by aplying questionnaires to parents of secondary and high school students. Both parents and teachers should be involved in establishinganefficient social communication. This is the reason why we have searched for concrete ways for achieving an efficient partnership between family and school.
Dezvoltarea preșcolarilor în era socializării digitale
Psihologia. Revista științifico-practică = Psychology. Scientific-practical journal, 2021
The article highlights the development trends of preschool children, associated with the characteristics of modern socialization. Today, the process of including the child in culture has a number of specifi c features. An adult ceases to be a unique carrier of culture for the child, the eff ectiveness of traditional parenting and teaching practices becomes ambiguous, decreases the intensity of communication between a child with adults and other children. One of the reasons for these changes is the rapid introduction of digital technologies into the child’s daily life: the Internet, the computer, the tablet, the phone and other gadgets that a preschooler often masters better than his parents. Gadgets become not only a toy, but also a means of socializing. To defi ne and describe the new facet of the child’s socialization, the term „digital socialization” is used, which is characterized by the following: children’s use of an arsenal of high-tech digital technology, the duration of a c...
Activitatea Independentă a Studentului Prin Prisma Evaluării Formative
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Criminalitatea Minorilor Și Violența În Familie – Relații De Cauzalitate Și Recomandări Ameliorative
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The assumption from which we started this investigative approach is the fact that domestic violence implies a direct causality on juvenile delinquency. Something that at first is a barely perceptible deviant behavior, can turn into criminal behavior if certain measures are not taken in time. This fact happens because as a result of domestic abuse, the role of the family as an educational agent is diminished and in serious cases even abolished, the family becoming a harmful factor and essential cause of the distortion of the minor's personality. We propose in this approach to reveal the most important aspects of this causality and also to identify some ameliorative measures, possibly to be applied in the case of the Republic of Moldova.
Analiza Impactului Pandemiei De COVID-19 Asupra Pieței Muncii (Analiza Comparativă)
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense disruption worldwide through its devastating impact on public health, employment and livelihoods. Governments, workers and employers around the world took immediate action to address the crisis, preserve jobs and protect incomes, although these measures varied in scale and generosity. Although such measures were crucial in mitigating the crisis, all countries experienced a sharp deterioration in employment and national income, which exacerbated existing inequalities and risked long-term "scarring" effects on workers and enterprises. Following these events was the multilateral political response to intervene to address social fragility and inequality.
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Asigurarea calităţii în asistenţa medicală primară, 2017
Quality assurance in primary health care is a concern of all states in Europe. In order to have quality, a whole range of elements must be integrated with health policy. Furthermore, professional organizations can contribute to define standards and models of good medical practice. Finally, medical practices and primary care service providers will have the tools to organize their activity, and the quality of services can be truly measured.
Conținutul Și Caracteristicile Orientărilor Valorice La Vârsta Adolescenței
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
În articol este prezentată teoria elaborată de М.Rokeach cu privire la orientările valorice, inclusiv descrierea valorilor terminale (viaţă activă, înţelepciunea vieţii, sănătate, muncă interesantă, frumuseţea naturii şi a artei, dragoste, bunăstare materială, prieteni buni și fideli, apreciere socială, cunoaştere, viaţă productivă, dezvoltare continuă, distracţii, libertate, viaţă familială fericită, fericirea altora, creaţie, încredere în sine) și a valorilor instrumentale (acurateţe, educaţie, exigenţe înalte, energie de viaţă, executivitate, independenţă, intransingenţă faţă de sine şi alţii, studii, responsabilitate, raţionalism, autocontrol, curaj în susţinerea opiniei proprii, a convingerilor, voinţă, toleranţă, viziuni largi, onestitate, eficacitate în activitate, delicateţe). Autorii subliniază că valorile se plasează în centrul sferei motivaţionale determinând atitudinile, judecăţile şi acţiunile persoanei; valorile redau preferințe sau principii care definesc principalele orientări ale acțiunii umane, care orientează și legitimează regulile vieții sociale. Lucrarea cuprinde rezultatele obținute în cercetarea efectuată cu referire la viziunile adolescenților despre conceptele de valori și orientări valorice care reliefează conținutul și caracteristicile acestora. Cuvinte-cheie: valori, orientări valorice, valori terminale, valori instrumentale, adolescent. CONTENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN ADOLESCENCE The article presents the theory of the author M. Rokeach regarding value orientations, including the description of terminal values (active life, wisdom of life, health, interesting work, beauty of nature and art, love, wealth, good friends, social appreciation, knowledge, productive life, continuous development, entertainment, freedom, happy family life, happiness of others, creation, self-confidence) and instrumental values (accuracy, education, high requirements, life energy, diligence, independence, intransigence towards oneself and studies, responsibility, rationalism, self-control, courage and own opinions, strong will, tolerance, broad visions, honesty, efficiency in activity, delicacy). The authors emphasize that values are placed in the center of the motivational sphere, determining the person's attitudes, judgments and actions; values reflect preferences or principles that define the main orientations of human action, which guide and legitimize the rules of social life. The paper contains the results obtained in the carried out research with reference to the views of adolescents about the concepts of values and value orientations that highlight their content and characteristics.