Problems faced by agricultural extension functionaries in using information and communication technology tools (original) (raw)
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Information and communication technology tools used by agricultural extension functionaries
Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 2018
Objective: To analyse the extent of utilization of Information and Communication Technology tools (ICTs) by agricultural extension functionaries. Methods and statistical analysis: Eighty agricultural officers and assistant agricultural officers from 43 Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSKs) in four Southern districts of Karnataka were interviewed during 2016-2017. A pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect the information on the extent of utilization of ICT tools by the respondents for seeking and dissemination of agricultural information. The collected data was analysed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. Ex-post-facto research method was employed in the study. Findings: Majority of the agricultural extension functionaries (70.00%) were belonging to medium to high category of extent of utilization of ICT tools. All the agricultural extension functionaries were ‘Very frequently ‘using smart phone, while a majority of the agricultural extension functionaries were using ‘Very frequently’ landline phone (88.75%), desktop computer (68.75%) and laptops (57.50%). The software/apps used ‘Very frequently’ by majority of the extension functionaries were SMS (98.75%), WhatsApp (65.00%) and Ms Word (65.00%). A larger number of agricultural extension functionaries were ‘Very frequently’ using Google Chrome (43.75%) and Yahoo (40.00%) search engines for seeking and disseminating agricultural information to the farming community. All the 14 personal, socio-economic, psychological and communication characteristic of agricultural extension functionaries selected for the study have contributed to the tune of 74.50 per cent of variation in the extent of utilization of ICT tools.
Study on use of information and communication technology by extension personnel of Bihar
International journal of Home science, 2020
In the last 50 years, Indian agriculture has made huge strides, showing single resilience in being a major contributor to Indian economy. Now it is widespread having agreed that sound agricultural development is necessary for most developed countries overall economic results. Agricultural production depends to a large extent on good research framework for need-based and demand-driven technologies in accordance with efficient transfer of technology programme to liaise researchers with extension staff together with end users. India has undergone significant changes in the framework of agricultural extensions since the start of the 21st Century. The goal of many countries, where ICT has increased significantly in the agricultural extension provide adequate access to agricultural information through medium. If extension staff use ICT efficiently and effectively, it will their work is simpler and, in addition, enables their distribution of information. ICT allows them analyze data, prepare work plan and budgets, and easily reach farmers. Grass root state level extension activities are largely based on the Agriculture coordinators and Kishan Salahkar. Since we know this is the digitalization age, the basic aim of the study is analyze the use of ICTs by the Agriculture coordinator and Kishan Salahkar, who are separate identified as the agriculture para-extension worker. In order to carryout their job effectively and successfully, the agriculture coordinator and kishan salahkar must have awareness, e-readiness and positive attitude towards use of ICT tools, proper training and availability of ICT tools which makes them competent and fast in carrying out their duties in the work.Based on the present study, it can be inferred that one of the respondents did not have adequate ICT training, the majority of respondents expressed low ICT infrastructure and other resources and low e-readiness level and faced different constraints in the use of ICTs. To prevent problems and enhance the e-readiness of extension staff, it is therefore important to provide proper training and proper care and management of the use of ICTs. Introduction The world is moving quite rapidly. The changes are evident in every aspect of life, It is politics, culture or economy and one of the most important change drivers in the technology. Information is important for technology growth. Information consists of the compilation of facts collected by different means of communication and plays a critical role in the Fast-growing generation. At the same time, technology allows quick and quick collection of information fast. Information and technology together have developed a new division called Information Technology (IT). IT requires data processing on a network. That's it. can be achieved by using the hardware, software, facilities and support infrastructures manage the knowledge and distribute it. IT has dramatically changed our everyday lives over the recent years. ICT is an acronym that can be commonly defined as communication and Processing technologies that facilitate communication and the processing and transition of information by electronic means. Kumari Navarathne (2003), described ICT as recording, processing, storing, electronically communicating information on a digital medium. It makes an efficient and cost-effective movement of information items, individuals, and resources across national and regional borders. Rajashri (2008) [5] , ICTs can play a significant role in making information available at fair cost to the farming community. Raj et al. (2016) [4] , stated that the slogan of agricultural extension and education is to transfer information related to scattered and often anecdotal research lessons to specific individuals, ICT has emerged very quickly and widely adopted by the future generation of India. Therefore ICT holds great promise for the transition of the agricultural sector.
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2018
The present study was conducted during 2016-17 to assess the knowledge of agriculture extension functionaries regarding Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Eighty Agriculture officers and Assistant Agriculture officers were interviewed from 43 Raitha Samparka Kendras in four Southern districts of Karnataka state of India. Data was collected from the agriculture extension functionaries during the bimonthly meetings held in the District Agricultural Training Centres (DATCs) of the respective districts. The collected data was scored, tabulated and analysed using frequency, percentage, standard deviation, chi-square test and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that three-fourth (75.00%) of the agriculture extension functionaries were having high and medium level of overall knowledge regarding ICT tools. It was also found that 72.80 percent of the variation in the knowledge of agriculture extension functionaries regarding ICT tools was explained by the 14 personal, socio-economic, psychological and communication characteristics of agriculture extension functionaries.
Agriculture Update, 2018
The present study was carried out in four districts of Karnataka state during 2016-2017 to identify the factors influencing the utilization of information and communication technology tools by agricultural extension functionaries. Eighty Agricultural officers and Assistant Agricultural officers from Mysuru, Hassan, Tumukuru and Mandya districts formed the sample of the study. The results revealed that education, job experience, achievement motivation, innovative proneness, job involvement, e-readiness, organizational climate, mass media utilization, accessibility to ICT tools and training on ICT tools of agricultural extension functionaries were found to be having significant to highly relationship with their extent of utilization of ICT tools. All the 14 personal, socio-economic, psychological and communication characteristics of agricultural extension functionaries put together have contributed to the tune of 74.50 per cent variation in the extent of utilization of ICT tools. The results of the path analysis revealed that training on ICT tools, accessibility to ICT tools and education had direct, indirect and largest indirect effects on the extent of utilization of ICT tools by agricultural extension functionaries.
The development of agriculture plays a prominent role in a nation's economy, more so in the case of developing countries of the world. In India, agriculture is considered the backbone of the economy. Given the diversity of agro-ecological conditions across the country and the wide range of producers (small, and medium, large), the Indian agricultural enterprise is inevitably faced with a great diversity of needs, opportunities and prospects. With information being identified as a crucial component of the agricultural value chain, there is an urgent need to devise strategies which will enable improved access to such information as well as facilitate the exchange of information between stakeholders. Many impact evaluation studies reveal that the public-sector extension services despite using a variety of extension programs have not seen much success because they lack technological integration. Studies show that agricultural productivity is considerably influenced by human capital consisting of agricultural and rural extension programs. Thus there needs to be increased emphasis on involving all the stakeholders such as policy makers, educators, scientists, extension personnel in research, development and technology transfer activities and regular training of educators/researchers/extension personnel in SAUs and officers of the agricultural development departments in the use of ICTs. In this regard there is a need to probe into the factors that influence the current usage pattern of ICT among the educators and scientists involved in extension. This research paper makes an attempt to study the same. This study is concentrated in the Northeastern region (NER) of India as the region reportedly lags behind in technology implementation and adoption by farmers.
Assessment of the frequency of ICT tools usage by Agricultural Extension agents
In recent times, information and communication technology (ICT) has become relevant in the Nigerian agricultural sector. The extension service requires ICT for effective information delivery. This study examines the frequency of ICT tools usage by agricultural extension agents in Imo State, Nigeria. Data for the study was collected from 57 randomly selected extension agents. Data analysis was by the use of frequency, percentages, mean and t-test. Findings of the study revealed that only mobile phone and computer were frequently used by respondents. The overall mean of 0.89 suggests that ICT tools were not frequently used for extension services and this has grave implications for agricultural development. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: there should be adequate provision of computers for all the extension agents. Adequate provision should be made for the maintenance of the ICT facilities and systems. That provision should be made in provid...
The present study explored the constraints and suggestions perceived by the KVK scientists for effective utilization of ICTs in agricultural extension activities. The study was conducted in KVKs of Rajasthan and Gujarat states. Responses from the 87 respondents from scientific staff of KVKs were collected through mailed questionnaire. It was revealed that the lack of expertise to use ICT, slow functioning of internet, lack of trainings related to ICT use, lack of awareness among the farmers regarding ICT use for educational and agriculture purpose were the major constraints in ICT use. All these constraints can be overcome by implementing suggestions by respondents like; proper and improved infrastructural facilities at KVKs as well as village level, skill development and updating with trainings, creating awareness regarding use of ICTs for educational and agricultural purpose.
In the present century, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has found multiple applications in the field of agriculture. In fact, the use of ICT in agriculture has established itself as an important pillar for the effective delivery of extension services owing to its cost-effective, time-effective, and speedy dissemination of information to farmers. This is especially true for the complex Indian agricultural scenario which is still riddled by problems such as small land holdings, absence of sound marketing facilities, scarcity of capital, poor connectivity, erratic and delayed information to the farmers, non-adoption or a lesser amount of adoption of improved technology, among others. It is seen that ICT has tremendous potential for application in agricultural extension. E-Agriculture initiatives like Agrisnet, Digital Green, eSagu, Agmarknet, iKisan, Digital Mandi, e-Arik, aqua, Fisher Friend Programme (FFP), are but a few examples of ICT services that have taken the agricultural scenario by storm. Recent developments of ICT have facilitated flow of information to various stakeholders in agriculture, especially farmers; however, factors such as lack of awareness, not enough ICT infrastructure, non-strategic location of information centers, and lackluster attitude towards ICT use continue to inhibit the potential of ICT for agricultural development. Moreover, there is a burning concern that most of the e-Agriculture projects in India are seen to have been implemented in the socioeconomically developed states of northern and southern India while the disadvantaged states continue to be technology deprived. This is especially true of the northeastern states of India, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, where agricultural development is still in its most primitive stages. Here, the use of ICT is still limited to medium such as Television, Radio, and mobile phones. Thus, there is a need to look closely at the factors that govern the use of ICT in this region of the country. This paper makes an attempt to study the same.
ICT Use Behaviour of Agricultural Line Department Officials Of Odisha
Journal of Extension Education, 2023
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools will play a prime role in agriculture and allied sectors in future. This study was conducted in 2021 to examine the attitude of agricultural line department officials towards the use of ICT tools. Purposively Khordha district of Odisha was taken for the study. For the present study, 105 respondents (22 district level agricultural officials, 59 block level agricultural officials and 24 village level agricultural officials) were selected by following stratified random sampling method. The results revealed that the district level and block level agricultural officials have most favourable attitude towards almost all the ICT tools. In comparison, village level officials favoured only Mobile phone and Television. The study has recommended proper awareness, training and knowledge of ICT tools, and uninterrupted power supply in the offices to rectify the constraints in handling of ICT tools.