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An Integrated Linear Programming Approach in Optimization of Crops
Crop planning is a Multiobjective optimization problem, also called as NP-Hard Problem. Agriculture has to face various challenges such as irrigation water management, land allocation, climate changes, human and other resources used for agriculture, which can be controlled by effective crop planning. Crop planning optimization gives an idea to utilize the minimum resources to get the maximum profit through optimizing the objectives. Agriculture plays an important role in the ecosystem management; using biofertilizer and green manure can improve soil fertility without any chemical effects. The main aim of the crop planning is to improve the profit and productivity with the low input cost and resources. The crop planning problem has many factors, in that some can be optimized and some cannot be optimized. There are many methods available to solve crop planning problem, like algorithms, optimization tools, decision making tools, software etc. but still it needs more improvement to get ...
Achieving Optimal Allocation of Resources: An Application of Linear Programming in Agriculture
The scope of the discipline of Operations Research or Mathematical Programming is not limited to only business management sciences; its application has vastly been extended to many other fields including farming. This paper uses one of the techniques of this mathematical management tool-Linear Programming (LP)-to work out the optimal allocation of resources in a sample of 355 growers, located along sides of two canals of Warsak Dam, running into Peshawar district. Results show that the existing cropping pattern is very much sub-optimal according to the LP suggested solution, wherein 10 out of 12 crops need to be reduced to give space to 2 relatively more enumerative cropping enterprises. The LP results further suggest that for sustainable development a gradual adoption of suggested LP solution would better perform compared to a hastily one-time change process.
Linear Programming In Agriculture Using The Solver Tool Of Excel
Business research consists of a set of important quantitative techniques based on mathematical programming, which have been used effectively in various management processes. Linear programming is one of the most widely used techniques in this group. For a long time, linear programming was used for programming in agriculture and crop management. The present study uses linear programming for crop management in an afro area in central Greece. The current situation is compared with the best solution proposed by the methodology. The solver tool of excel is used. Constraints taken into account are fertilization, irrigation, working hours and land uses. As a result, there are savings of restrictions and a significant increase in yields of the proposed crops.
A mathematical programming approach to crop mix problem
African Journal of Agricultural …, 2011
Problems normally faced by farmers include what to plant, how much to plant and when to plant. In this study, a linear programming crop mix model for a finite-time planning horizon was proposed. Given limited available resources such as budget and land acreage, the crop-mix planning model was formulated and transformed into a multi-period linear programming problem. The objective was the maximization of the total returns at the end of the planning horizon. The model was applied to selected single-harvest crops and solved by LINDO, a linear programming package. The results were analyzed and discussed.
A Mathematical Programming Approach to Determine the Optimum Cropping Pattern, A Case Study
International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 2019
This study was undertaken for four medium farmers in the village Bherian, district Hisar. The crops sown by the farmers in the kharif season were cotton, guar and Jowar. The Data was collected through a pre structured schedule which includes total land holdings, season wise land allocated to crops, fallow areas, man days, tractor hours, operating capital and net returns from the farmers' enterprise. The aim of study was to plan a suitable optimum cropping pattern to get returns more than the existing net average returns of farmers using mathematical programming approach. The model thus produced, suggested different alternate plans of cropping patterns that give a higher income than, that could be obtained from the farmer's plan.
Decision Making in Agriculture: A Linear Programming Approach
Linear programming (LP) technique is relevant in optimization of resource allocation and achieving efficiency in production planning particularly in achieving increased agriculture production of food crops (Rice, Maize, wheat, Pulses and other crops). In this paper a Linear programming technique is applied to determine the optimum land allocation of 5 food crops by using agriculture data, with respect to various factors viz. Daily wages of labour and machine charges for the period 2004-2011. The proposed LP model is solved by standard simplex algorithm. It is observed that the proposed LP model is appropriate for finding the optimal land allocation to the major food crops.
Modelling and Allocation of Crops: Mathematical Programming Approach
Advances in Research, 2019
Mathematical programming techniques are commonly used by decision makers for achieving efficiency in agricultural production planning. Due to increasing demands of growing population of world, one needs to utilize the limited available resources in the most efficient and economic way. In this paper, the fractional programming problem is formulated and is used to determine the optimal cropping pattern of vegetable crops in such a way that the total profit is maximized. The solution of the formulated Fuzzy programming problem is obtained using LINGO.
A case study of linear programming in optimization of farm production structure
Weather and price risks have always been a significant factor in agriculture. Although, on academic level, a number of advanced methods of reducing the above risks is known, polish farmers definitely do not use them. During long history of agriculture, however, heuristic methods regarding the weather risk have been developed by them. Those methods can be embedded while constructing linear models of farms. This paper presents results obtained from a practical application of a newly developed linear farm model generator. It has been used to analyze profitability of the “Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Experimental Station” in Radzikow in Poland, while taking the weather and price risks in consideration.