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Change Management in Telecommunication Sector: a Managerial Framework
Change is inevitable in telecommunication organizations nowadays. Political instabilities, technology advancements, changing customer tastes, globalization, and cultural changes are among the factors constantly forcing telecommunication organizations to change. Leaders in this sector realize the importance of change management in the change process. This is demonstrated and published in numerous studies. However, there seems to be lack of managerial frameworks that help telecommunication companies implement effective change management practices. This paper presents a managerial framework for the implementation of change management in telecommunication sector. The framework is constructed using empirical findings from three case studies of Palestinian telecommunication companies. It consists of four main dimensions, namely change planning, change management, change reinforcement, and change feedback collection. The value of this framework is that it represents an initial attempt to e...
Keywords: Change management telecommunication theoretical framework case study Political instabilities, technology advancements, changing customer tastes, globalization, and cultural changes are among the factors constantly forcing telecommunication organizations to change. Thus, change is certain in telecommunication organizations nowadays. Managers in this departments realize the significance of change management in the change process. This is shown and published in numerous studies. However, there seems to be lack of managerial structures that help telecommunication companies implement effective change management practices. This paper presents a managerial framework for the implementation of change management in telecommunication departments. The framework is constructed using empirical findings from one case study of East Azerbaijan telecommunication companies. It consists of four main dimensions, namely change planning, change management, change reinforcement, and change feedback collection. The value of this framework is that it represents an initial attempt to explore factors of successful change management in tele-communication departments. The paper concludes with research and practice applications of the managerial framework.
Change Management - Models and Process
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2013
The paper explain some of the issues related to the management of change and issues and factors related to organizational change and the development of the future organizations.
An Analysis of Factors That Impact the Change Management Process
Business are facing new threats or opportunities due to globalization, changes in costumers demands, new technologies, new expectations from society. Business change to stay competitive and to survive. It is very important to find the proper change and to manage it effectively. Many researchers, (Lewin, 1951; Kotter, 1996; Peddle et al., 1998; Paton and McCalman, 2000), have developed change models which describe important stages involved in effective change management process. Organizational change can be planned or unplanned. Organizations may change their products, structure, strategy or people. Although, what type of change an organization is undertaking, it had been argued that organizational change will fail without effective communication, appropriate leadership, employee commitment and readiness to change. Managers, know that a change to be successful needs to be managed effectively.<br><br>There are many factors that create effective change management. In this p...
Overview Of Change Management And Its Implementation
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the concept of change management and its objectives in today’s fast-moving markets. You also can perceive why individuals resist change initially, and it is hard for them to leave the status quo, and shift to a new state. At the end the way of implementing the change management is examined. Keywords: Change, Resistance, Process, and Objective.
Case Study Analysis on an Organisation Change Management & Change Process
Introduction This case study focuses on a fast growing online business services startup platform in Australia. It operates as its own functioning business unit under the umbrella of News Ltd, who own a cluster of individual digital companies also known as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, one of the world’s largest global media companies. This case study examines a change that occurred when almost the entire senior management staff level was replaced including the CEO two years ago. Organisational change is something that occurs throughout an organisation’s life cycle and effects the entire organisation rather than one part of it. Employing a new person is one example. Change is increasing due to a number of forces including globalisation led by rapidly advancing technologies, cultural diversity, environmental resources and the economy; therefore the ability to recognise the need for change as well as implement change strategies effectively, in a proactive response to internal and external pressures is essential to organisational performance. Internal changes can include organisational structure, process and HR requirements and external changes involve government legislation, competitor movements and customer demand (Wood et al, 2010). Change does not need to be a painful process, as it may seem when observing the amount of failed change management initiatives with reports as low as 10% of researched success rates (Oakland & Tanner, 2007), when successful change management strategies are utilised and planned, including effective communication strategies, operational alignment, readiness to change and implementation, which all lower and overcome resistance (Wood et al, 2010). There is a great amount of literature on the negative aspects and difficult management with employees resisting change, however Wood et al (2010) challenge this notion by questioning the change management process as people do not resist change itself but aspects of the change that affects them personally such as fear of the unknown, status, remuneration and comfort. Resistance to these changes is a healthy reaction and can be managed effectively in the beginning by ensuring communication and using one of the change initiatives described here .
The paper presents a critical review of popular change management strategies and models used in the organizations. Change management is a continuous process and it requires a sound vision, plan, time, skills, motivation, financial and programmatic efforts to implement the change. Effective change management is an investment and contributes in organizational development. There are several strategies and models for managing the change in an organization. Selecting an appropriate strategy of change management is vital for a successful and smooth transition.
The onslaught of globalization has made it necessary for, the private or public organization to change according to the rapid transformation on International economics. And it becomes a question of survival and extinction for the organization if they don't understand the alarm of qualitative changes. And to bring ongoing qualitative change in organization the main concern is to prepare its employee to accept the change willingly. The term " Change " itself makes the employee to react or defend with a feeling of uncertainty, a fear of unknown and an unsecure feeling about the jobs. As a result they tend to have high anxiety, stress and conflicts which lead employees to defend or resist the change as reflects through their attitude and behaviour towards the work performance and efficiency. The present study focuses on the perception of the 200 employees and workers working in private sector organizations of Gujarat State regarding change management. The Sample includes Business development Managers, Engineers, Technical supervisors, Staff and workers. A Study was conducted and it was found that there is a difference in perception regarding change acceptance, reason, attitude, behaviour, visible goal transparency and employee's involvement in change management procedure.
Organizational Change Management – Concepts Definitions and Approaches Inventory
Organizational change is a fact of life; it involves changes of organizations’ mission, vision and/or processes, with impact at both individual and organization level. Some organizations accept changes if they consider them as necessary and quickly adapt their behaviour in a desire new direction but in most cases changes are considered unnecessary or very difficult and organizations do not adapt to the new context defined by the turbulent environment in which they operates. Considering these, the goal of the present research is to provide an overview on organizational change processes by considering the operation level and different approaches described in the literature. In the first part of the article there will be described how organizations operate and are interconnected based on Morgan's organizational metaphors. This will clarify aspects related to organizations’ behaviour and will point out the advantages and limitations of different actions’ options. In the second part ...
This literature review conveys knowledge and ideas that have been established on numerous topics relating to organizational change and change management. A critical review of their strengths and weaknesses is done and areas of controversy and/or bias are identified in the findings. The topics that the author was able to reveal or identify are of employee participation, the psychological contract, leadership and management, resistance to change, learning, communication and effects of change on people. Out of all the topics, a review of the research on each topic is done, where findings are critically analyzed and evaluated with evidence and knowledge form other published sources. The author found out that on these topics, literatures give little attention to how managers or leaders responsible for change can manage and lead change and tend to be descriptive. On some issues, there appears to contradiction and difference in views. In conclusion, a few questions are formulated, to encourage future researchers to address issues that are unclear and need more attention.