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Corporate Social Responsibility Activities of Enterprises from the Warmia and Mazury Region
in the future managers will have to take into account in their everyday decision-making processes the values promoted by corporate social responsibility. apart from the consideration of the problems related to the market, profitability, sources of financing, etc. much attention will have to be paid to economic, social and ecological results of business activities , so to the ideas that form the foundations of the concept of corporate social responsibility. However, if businesses are to apply any new concept, method or management technique, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with it first. therefore, the objective of the present research is the identification of the degree of the awareness of csr concepts, their scope and the frequency of socially-responsible behaviours displayed among economic entities representing the warmińsko-mazurski region. the research objective was presented in the form of a question: Are companies operating in the warmińsko-mazurski region aware of the existence of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and do they understand them? in the light of the above objective the following research hypothesis was formulated: Entrepreneurs and employees of companies operating in the warmińsko-mazurskie province are familiarised with CSR concepts but to a small degree only and activities undertaken by them in this scope are usually of a temporary character and do not contribute to building the image of socially responsible businesses. the studies were diagnostic and the research method applied was a diagnostic survey based on the developed questionnaire.
SHS Web of Conferences
There is no doubt that large Russian firms are aware of the traditional symbols and concepts of CSR, and, more importantly, they admit that it benefits them to include these concepts in their corporate strategies. Large companies adopted internal and external policies to improve their employees’ well-being in terms of health, housing, and a wide variety of educational and cultural programs. The emphasis on CSR is primarily on domestic issues. So far, little attention has been paid to global warming, environmental protection, fair trade, or business activity’s carbon effects. The use of CSR by Russian companies in various fields is mainly from the companies operating in the leading industry, where foreigners have significant investments. However, there is only a balanced level of attention to national standards, and therefore governmental reporting is limited according to standards of international organizations in Russia. There has been a corporate social responsibility in Russia in...
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020
Purpose. To reveal the theoretical and applied background of social impacts of mining enterprises' corporate social responsi bility (CSR) on society's and local communities' sustainable development, especially actualized in the conditions of decentraliza tion. To consider recommendations for government stimulus of different levels for CSR in mining companies. Methodology. The content analysis of nonfinancial reports of mining enterprises was used to determine social effects. findings. The features of the components of sustainable development in the mining industry are revealed. The dynamics and structure of the CSR expenditure, its social effects and shortcomings in influencing the local communities' sustainable develop ment are analyzed through nonfinancial reports of the socially responsible enterprises in the mining industry. The directions of state policy implementation on CSR at enterprises are determined. originality. The peculiarities of the mining enterprise's influence on sustainable development by its economic, environmental and social components are investigated. The practice of CSR implementation in the mining industry on the example of SRH company is analyzed. The dynamics and structure of the company's CSR expenditures, social effects, and impacts on the sustain able development of local communities, deficiencies and constraints on the cooperation of enterprises and communities for joint sustainable development are determined. Measures have been proposed to improve the CSR management of mining enterprises. Practical value. The results of the study can be used at the macro level by government bodies in regulating and promoting CSR in the country, at the level of local communities-in formulating a strategy for their sustainable development, as well as at the microlevel-CSR management at mining enterprises.
Journal of Management & Organization, 2021
Cross-cultural research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) dealing with specific stakeholder groups is fairly rare in the existing literature. The aim of this research is to investigate the level of recognition of CSR in companies by employees working in micro/small, medium-sized and large companies. The research is based on the survey conducted in Bulgaria, Russia and Serbia with the employees' attitudes obtained via a structured questionnaire. A similar socio-historical background of the three countries and different levels of accomplished socioeconomic development at present is taken into account. A proposed ranking methodology was based on the multi-criteria decision analysis approach, observed through five studied dimensions: environmental, social, economic, stakeholder and voluntariness. The ranking was carried out using the integrated Entropy-PROMETHEE-GAIA method, where the Entropy method was used for determining the weights of the criteria, whereas PROMETHEE-GAIA was used for final ranking. The obtained results were analyzed from the multi-cultural point of view and show more significant differences in the attitudes of employees from different countries, rather than when the size of a company is taken into consideration.
Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility of Russian Companies Based on Nonfinancial Reporting
Over the recent several decades, contemporary literature is devoted to discussions on the role of corporate social responsibility in the development of regional and local communities. There are different approaches to explain the nature and the extent of corporate social responsibility influence on the internal and external processes of the organization. This paper covers the issues related to the Russian practice of socially responsible corporate behavior of the companies representing various strategically important sectors of the Russian economy. Authors have developed technique to evaluate corporate social responsibility based on nonfinancial reporting, that allowed them to reveal a number of problems and contradictions in this area and to formulate requirements for regulatory, organizational and methodological support efforts to promote further the image of Russian companies as socially responsible economic entities on the basis of mutual concurrence of interest between government and business.
A proposed methodological framework for the evaluation of corporate social responsibility
Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment"WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, WIT Press, UK 2006.
This paper suggests a proposed methodological framework that can be followed by the companies in order to implement an effective CSR programme in all the areas of their operation. consisting of three distinct stages: Analysis, Execution and Performance Evaluation. The suggested framework permits the development of corporate CSR programmes adapted to the unique characteristics of each sector and company, emphasizing on different stages according to organisational activities, missions and the resources that can be utilised. The framework includes weighted performance indicators relating to a company's impact on different areas of activity such as the environment, the community, the human capital, the shareholders and the marketplace (customers and suppliers).
The importance of corporate social responsibility of enterprises in business
The aim of the study was to determine actions that should be undertaken by companies to be seen as socially responsible, and what factors influence on the choice of the employer by respondents. A diagnostic survey method was used including the author’s questionnaire, which was tested upon 1,157 residents of Lubelskie Province. The stratified random selection was applied, and discriminant function analysis for statistical calculations. According to respondents, a socially responsible company is such that prefers ethical action, well treats the employees, has a honest relationship with employees and customers, as well as supports charity and ecological organizations. When choosing an employer, earnings, opinion of employees about the atmosphere in the company, and the prospect of the employees development proved to be the most important. Experiences of other countries should be used in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in order to achieve the most practical management methods, whi...
The Problems of the Assessment of Corporate Social Responsibility in the International Context
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a social phenomenon is very dynamic, multidimensional and complex. The content of CSR constantly expands and covers more aspects and, therefore, its evaluation becomes more complicated also. The comparative analysis of different CSR assessment methods has been conducted in this article seeking to reveal the main problems when assessing CSR in an international context.
В статье рассматриваются методические основы управления корпоративной социальной ответственностью. Показаны противоречия в оценки роли и значимости бизнеса в современном российском обществе. Представлены основные методы управления корпоративной социальной ответственность. Дано описание модели управления корпоративной социальной ответственностью на основе теории заинтересованных сторон Фримена. Показаны различные подходы к классификации и систематизации стейкхолдеров. Охарактеризована матрица «Влияние-Значимость», разработанная Обри Л. Менделоу. В качестве альтернатив матрице Менделоу представлена модель Эйгла-Вуд-Митчелла, которая позволяет выделить семь групп стейкхолдеров и предлагает варианты взаимодействия с ними. В качестве инструмента управления корпоративной социальной ответственностью бизнеса предложено использовать пирамиду социальной ответственности А. Кэрролла. Для оценки корпоративной социальной ответственности на каждом уровне пирамиды Кэрролла предложены группы показателей. В частности, для анализа экономической ответственности предложено рассчитывать динамику следующих подгрупп показателей: основные технико-экономические показатели, состав, структура и динамика персонала предприятия, структура затрат, структура уплаченных налогов, отчисления страховых взносов во внебюджетные фонды, маркетинговые показатели, специфические показатели деятельности предприятий. Анализ следующих уровней пирамиды Кэррола проводится аналогичным образом. В статье представлено краткое описание алгоритма управления корпоративной социальной ответственности, разработанного М. Мольтени. / The article considers methodological principles of corporate social responsibility management. Showing contradictions in the evaluation of the role and importance of business in modern Russian society. The main methods of management of corporate social responsibility. A description of the corporate social responsibility management model based on the theory of Freeman stakeholders. Showing the different approaches to the classification and systematization of stakeholders. Characterized matrix "Impact-Importance", developed by Aubrey L. Mendelow. As an alternative matrix Mendelow a model Agle-Wood-Mitchell, which allows you to select the seven stakeholder groups and offers options to interact with them. As corporate social responsibility of business management tool offered to use a pyramid of social responsibility A. Carroll. To assess corporate social responsibility at each level of the pyramid Carroll proposed groups of indicators. In particular, for the analysis of economic responsibility is suggested calculating the dynamics of the following sub-indices: the main technical and economic indicators, the composition, structure and dynamics of plant personnel, cost structure, the structure of taxes paid, payments of insurance premiums to non-budgetary funds, market indices, specific indicators of enterprises. Analysis of the following levels of the pyramid Carroll conducted in a similar manner. The article provides a brief description of the algorithm corporate social responsibility, developed M. Molteni.
Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014
Over the past years the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement has been rapidly growing in significance as a strategic management instrument. The role of business in society is changing and companies no longer operate in isolation but are a part of the business environment. CSR has been characterized as a concept in a variety of ways such as legally complying with the letter of the law, complying with the social and environmental codes of conduct engaging in corporate philanthropy, and the broader impact that business has on society among others. The aim of this paper is to assess the CSR within companies of the primary sector. An analysis was made within companies of NACE Section A2-Forestry and Logging, which have information available on the internet. From the 1040 companies only 298 have their own web page and only 117 presented their CSR there. The preliminary study includes companies according to given criteria which were subsequently analyzed in approaches to CSR based on reporting in this field. The most common certification was ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, CFCS 1004 and PEFC, which promotes sustainable forest management through forestry certification. From public information it arose that neither support nor cooperation with non-profit organizations were proven, except for one joint-stock company and one forestry state enterprise (LČR, s. p.).