Tüberküloz Menenjiti Tanılıİki Olgu (original) (raw)
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Tüberküloz Plörezi Olgularinin Özellikleri
76.2% were male and 23.7% were female. The mean age of the patients was 34.2 ± 13.6 years.The effusion was on the right side in 50% of patients, on the left side in 41.3% of patients, and on both sides in 8.7% of patients. The comme- nest symptoms were cough (72.5%), and chest pain (71.2%). Parenchymal lesion was found 16.2% by chest radiog- raphs, however 33 cases were evaluated by computed tomography and parenchymal lesion was found in 54.5% (33/18) of cases. Tuberculous pleurisy was diagnosed in 86.25% cases by pleural biopsy, in 2.5% cases by positive smear and cul- ture of pleural effusion, in 7.5% cases positive smear of sputum and exudative effusions, and in 3.75% cases clinic and radiological.
Savaştaki Düşmanlardan Bir Diğeri: Tüberküloz
Another Enemy in War: Tuberculosis, 2016
Tuberculosis is a disease that infect the body in various forms, the subject of many works of literature and arts. It is an important and killing disease as a chronic health problem and continuous threat of reinfection although after healing. Tuberculosis almost certainly was well established in prehistoric Africa. As humans left that continent to populate the globe, they took this disease with them, reaching the Americas before the Bering Strait opened 9000 years ago, and perhaps much earlier. As tuberculosis spread with these migrating peoples, it was not uniformly endemic. Disease prevalence soars at some times and remains high in many places; although one third of the world’s population is infected, almost most people will never experience the disease. Unlike the other infectious diseases, the mycobacterium tuberculosis does not activate illness as soon as entering the body. The disease begins after the bad life conditions such as bad straits, undernourishment, poorness, sleeplessness, fatigue, negative social life, alcoholism, debauchery, living in damp and dark houses. The worst negative conditions which are war and captivity create highly predisposition to catch tuberculosis. An example of this situation, an Ottoman officer who was captivated by Russian Army during the First World War will be studied by way of examining his diary. Moving up from this point, some information will be made about the conditions of the Ottoman’s East Front as well as the conditions of the captivity under Russia. And this prominent infectious disease, tuberculosis disease will come under review together with its history.
Tüberküloz Olgularinda Hastaliğin Algilanmasi Ve Ki̇şi̇li̇k Özelli̇kleri̇
Kriz Dergisi, 2000
sağlanmasında kişilik özellikleri dışında kültürel etkenlerin rolü önemlidir Anahtar Sözcükler İlkleri, tedaviye uyum Tüberküloz, kişilik ozel-Perception of lllness and Personalıty Features in Tuberculosis Patients. SUMMARY Object: Tuberculosis can stili be consıdered as one of the most sıgnıfıcant ınfectıous and publıc health problems m our country Evaluatıon of contrıbutıng factors to the problem of complıance, such as the correct appraısal of the dısease, seems to be ımportant for dısease control Method: To analyse these factors, we studıed 50 ınpatıents of the Pulmonary Medıcıne Department of Gazı Unıversıty Faculty of Medıcıne and Ankara Atatürk Sanatorıum Hospıtal AN patients undervvent a psychıatrıc examınatıon. They were consequently assessed by the Minnesota Multıphasıc Personalıty Inventory (MMPI), as well as a questıonnaıre to evaluate the socıocultural varıables and the
Tüberküloz Plörezili 108 Olgunun Analizi
ÖZET Tüberküloz (tb) plörezinin daha çok primer enfeksiyonun geç bir komplikasyonu olarak ortaya çıktığı ve ülkemizde en sık rastlanan plevral effüzyon nedeni olduğu bilinmektedir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda 108 olgumuzu klinik, radyolojik ve labo-ratuvar verileri yönünden ...
Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri Dergisi, 1993
22 yaşında kadın hasta, 4 aydan beri boynunun sol tarafında şişlik yakınması ile başvurdu. Yapılan fizik muayenesinde, sternokleidomastoid kasın 1/3 ön kena rında 5x4 cm boyutunda, mobil, sınırları düzgün, üze rinde renk değişikliği ve ısı artışı bulunmayan bir kitle palpe edildi. Sistemik muayene ve rutin laboratuar tet kiklerinde (Hb: 11.7,BK:5700, Sedim:8mm, Periferik yayma %67 PNL, %30 Lenfosit, %1-2 Eozinofil, PA Grafisi: Normal ve PPD:7mm) herhangi bir patolojik bulgu tesbit edilmedi. Tbc lenfadenit öntanısı ile ope rasyona alındı. Jugular zincirdeki kitle total olarak çıka rıldı. Patolojik incelemede, "Brankial kist tüberkülozu" tanısı kondu. (Şekil 1,2).