Dose response effect of whey protein on energy intake (original) (raw)

Specialized Food Products for the Nutrition of Athletes Based on Whey Proteins

Clinical nutrition and metabolism, 2021

It is known that a balanced diet and the intake of specialized foods that combine various types of proteins play a key role in expanding the adaptive potential of athletes and affect the effectiveness of the training process. In recent decades, various biomedical and technological strategies have been implemented in the development of specialized food products, including those for the nutrition of athletes. Proteins of milk and whey occupy an important place among the functional ingredients. Despite the fact that the average per capita consumption of protein in the structure of the diet in the Russian Federation over the past few years has been at a satisfactory level (in 2019 - 80.4 g/day, in 2020 - 81.4 g/day), for athletes with high body weight and extremely high energy consumption (4000 kcal/day and above), these values will be insufficient. In connection with this, special attention should be paid to various protein fractions in the development of SPP at a consumption level of ...

Активність ферментів плазми крові та продуктивні якості тварин залежно від рівня протеїну та енергії в раціоні лактуючих вівцематок

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2017

We studied the milk production, the condition of nutritional status, the intensity of growth and development of suckling lambs and the activity of individual enzymes in the blood plasma with optimization of the level of protein and energy in rations of lactating ewes of Ascanian meat and wool breed in the Foothills of the Carpathians. It is known, that the geochemical zone of the Carpathian region is characterized by specific protein composition and energy value of feeds. Therefore, studies aimed at adjusting the rations of pregnant and lactating ewes of the Askanian breed in this zone according to the level of protein and energy in the winter-stall period and their influence on the productive qualities and course of metabolism in animals, have an important scientific and practical significance. The study was carried out on 2 groups of lactating ewes-analogues (10 heads each) of Askanian meat and wool breed with crossbred wool in the «Hrusyatychi» Farm of the Institute of Agricultur...


It was carried out an experiment with two groups sheep -20 animals each of them of Trakian fine wool breed. The animals of first group were fed with maize silage and concentrate compound feed with sunflower oil meal. The animals of second group were fed with maize silage, alfalfa silage and concentrate compound feed where the sunflower oil meal was replace with maize, barley and mixture of urea and ammonium sulphate in proportion 4:1.

Study of Energy Metabolism of Young Athletes


3477±219 kcal for athletes, 3566±477 kcal for swimmers, and 3626±464 kcal for rowers. Conclusion. Energy expenditure in the conditions of the main exchange was, as a rule, lower than the proper values on average by 2-8%. However, the statistical difference in all cases is unreliable (p>0,05). The energy supply of training loads used in sports practice in young athletes corresponds to an average level of 47-68% of the maximum aerobic capacity. The share of energy expenditure during sports training is 27-38% of the total daily value.

Development of functional health nanodrinks based on milk whey

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2014

The aim of scientific work is the development of the recipe, experimental objectivation of technological regimes, process flowsheet and technology of new drinks based on whey with the use of fine-dispersed frozen additives containing pumpkin, sea buckthorn, bananas in the nanostructured puree form, and also phytoextracts based on natural spices; studying the content of biologically active substances in the new drinks in comparison with analogues; studying quality of the drinks during the storage; development of regulatory documentation; approbation of the new drinks in industrial environment. Technology and technological process regimes of new types of milk-herbal drinks based on whey are developed and scientifically explained. The new drinks differ from the traditional ones by the addition of frozen fine-dispersed fruit and vegetable additives into the boiling sugar syrup. Simultaneously defrostation and thermal processing of fruit and vegetable raw materials occur which guarantee ...

Nutraceutical Application of Creatine


УДК 681.518 КОМП'ЮТЕРНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ ПРИ РОЗРОБЛЕННІ АВТОМАТИЗОВАНОЇ ОБЛІКОВО-АНАЛІТИЧНОЇ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ СИСТЕМИ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ ЗАЛІЗНИЦІ З КЛІЄНТАМИ Н. Феделеш, д-р техн. наук М.А. Мірошник КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПРИ РАЗРАБОТКЕ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЙ УЧЕТНО-АНАЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗНОЙ ДОРОГИ С КЛИЕНТАМИ Н. Феделеш, д-р техн. наук М.А. Мирошник COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATED ACCOUNTING ANALYTICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM INTERACTION RAILWAY WITH CUSTOMERS N. Fedelesh, doct. of techn. sciences M. Miroschnik У статті досліджено основні функціональні можливості програмного забезпечення при розробленні автоматизованої обліково-аналітичної інформаційної системи взаємодії залізниці з клієнтами. Зроблено огляд відповідних інформаційних технологій та інформаційних систем. Обгрунтовано створення нормалiзованої iнформацiйнологiчної моделi бази даних облiку роботи з клієнтами на залізниці, що у свою чергу дозволяє розробити дiєздатну інформаційну систему автоматизації діяльності обраної предметної областi. Ключові слова: автоматизація, інформаційні системи, база даних, предметна область, функціональні можливості, програмне забезпечення. Комп'ютерні інформаційно-управляючі системи на залізничному транспорті Збірник наукових праць УкрДАЗТ, 2014, вип. 146 158 zagalom od far bazhanoї scho uniquely znizhuє konkurentospromozhnіst vіtchiznyanih auditorskih fіrm porіvnyano іz zarubіzhnimi transnatsіonalnimi kompanіyami, i strimuє away rozvitok vіtchiznyanogo audit.