Changes in incidence and type of breast reconstruction from 2002-2012 at Westmead Hosptial (original) (raw)

Over het borstbeen (sternum) van de mammoet

Cranium, 1992

The authors describe the breastbone (sternum) of fossil elephants, especially that of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). The breastbone in elephants consists of three (sometimes four) parts, viz. prae-, meso-, and xiphosternum (fig. 1). It is situated between the humeri, just below the scapulae. The breastbone has a carinate form and characteristically shows a number of facets that indicate the attachment of the cartilage connections for pairs of ribs. The number of ribs directly connected with the sternum by cartilage varies with each part. Until now, this part of the skeleton has barely received any attention in the literature; short descriptions of the praesternum (TOEPFER, 1957) and the meso-xiphosternum (KOENINGSWALD, 1989) are the only references of the woolly mammoth to be registered. MACCAGNO (1962) described and figured sternum bones of Mammuthus (Archidiskodon) meridionalis of l'Aquila (Italy). GARUTT and NIKOLSKAJA (1988) mention the sternum of Mammuthus trogontherii of Edersleben near Sangerhausen (Germany). This article mentions 18 sternal parts of the woolly mammothfrom the Netherlands and the bottom of the North Sea between England and the Netherlands. Some of these are described. Two praesterna of the southern mammoth, M. (A.

Wetenschappelijke ondersteuning herstelprogramma’s kopvoorn, serpeling, kwabaal en beekforel in 2012


Wetenschappelijke ondersteuning herstelprogramma's kopvoorn, serpeling, kwabaal en beekforel in 2012. be minimal. The supply of fine sediment should therefore be minimized in rivers sections with construction sites for artificial spawning riffles. The added gravel layer should be 35 cm thick for salmonids such as brown trout. A gravel layer of at least 10 to 15 cm thick is suggested for chub and dace. To prevent the added gravel layers from sinking into muddy riverbeds, a base layer consisting of larger stones could be applied. Existing (artificial) riffles consisting of large rip-rap may serve as a base layer. The spawning substrate should be free of perilithon. Therefore, for the construction of artificial spawning riffles, rivers sections should be selected that do not receive domestic wastewater, nutrient-rich sediment or runoff from fields. The length and surface area of artificial spawning riffles should be as large as possible, to prevent inter-and intraspecific competition for suitable spawning locations and to prevent eggs from drifting to unfavorable substrate. A total length of at least three times the width of the river is suggested. Existing (artificial) riffles consisting of large rip-rap could be used as a basis for the construction of artificial spawning locations with optimal gravel size. Suggestions for construction sites in several rivers, including the Maarkebeek, Zwalm and Grote Nete, are given.

[Feasibility of MRI imaging in patients with breast cancer]

PubMed, 2005

Three women aged 45, 37 and 56 underwent MRI imaging of the breast for: breast-cancer screening, pre-operative staging and for monitoring the response on chemotherapy. Breast cancer at an early stage for which breast-saving surgery was possible was discovered in the first woman. In the second woman, the tumour was larger than was seen with mammography or ultrasound and other tumour sites were seen, leading to a more extensive treatment plan. In the year thereafter no metastases were found. In the third woman the response to chemotherapy was monitored. 8 months after therapy she appeared to have skeletal metastases. Mammography and ultrasound are the most commonly used modalities in breast imaging. Over the past few years MRI has been making an increasingly large contribution to the screening, staging and follow-up of patients with breast cancer. MRI can be an important supplementary study but its exact role still needs to be defined.

Intermediate term survival following open versus robot-assisted radical cystectomy in the Netherlands: results of the Cystectomie SNAPSHOT study

Tijdschrift voor Urologie

SamenvattingEr is onvoldoende bekend over de middellangetermijnoverleving van niet-gemetastaseerd spierinvasieve blaaskanker (SIBC) na open (ORC) versus robotgeassisteerde (RARC) cystectomie, met of zonder neoadjuvante chemotherapie (NAC). Om de vijfjaarsoverleving na beide interventies en de invloed van NAC te onderzoeken, is een retrospectieve studie verricht in 19 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen tussen 2012 en 2015. Van de totaal 1.534 cT1-4N0-1-patiënten ondergingen 1.086 patiënten een ORC en 389 een RARC. De vijfjaarsoverleving was 51% na ORC (95%-BI 47–53) versus 58% na RARC (95%-BI 52–63); de hazard ratio na multivariabele correctie was 1,00 (95%-BI 0,84–1,20). 226 van de 965 cT2-4aN0-patiënten werden behandeld met NAC. Na case-control matching bleek (y)pT0 vaker voor te komen na NAC dan zonder NAC (31 vs. 15%; p < 0,01). De beste vijfjaarsoverleving trad op bij patiënten met ypT0 na NAC, namelijk 89% (95%-BI 81–97). Concluderend laat deze deze studie bij patiënten met SIBC verge...

Enige speenpuntvereelting verkleint kans op mastitis


Koeien die in de tweede of derde maand van de lactatie klinische mastitis kregen vertoonden meer speenpuntvereelting. Een goede afstelling van de melkmachine, de juiste tepelvoering, een goede voorbehandeling en het afnamemoment zijn belangrijke factoren voor de speenconditie.

Herstel van spenen na het melken


De speen heeft een functie als afweerlinie tegen mastitis. Tijdens en vlak na het melken staat het tepelkanaal open. In deze periode is de kans op besmetting met mastitis groter.