Re-evaluation of Senecio apenninus (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) (original) (raw)

Elucidative studies on the generic concept of Senecio (Asteraceae)

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 1992

Elucidative studies on the generic concept of Senecio (Asteraceae). This paper presents the results of studies of the generic concept of Senecio Aenm slricto. 'l'he sample of taxa studied consisted of 93 Natal senecios (including seven varieties and two forms), fivr Cape heterochromous senecios and nine non-southern African senecios, including the type of thc gcnus, S. uulgaris L. Also included in thc study were six species from taxonomically closely related genera in the tribe Senecioneae and one Senecio of uncertain taxonomic position. The phenotype of these taxa was investigated with respect to a large number (122) of morphological and micromorphological characters. Six characters were selcrtcd as being taxonomically important with respect to elucidating the generic concept of Senecio sensu Jlrictu. The generic concept of Senecio has hcen provisionally re-circumscribed and the generic status of rach of the senrcios and non-senrcios studied has been tested according to this concept of Senecio sensu slricto sensu Vincent. In the light of this concept of Senecio, the following species are recommended for exclusion from Senecio sensu strict0 sensn Vincent: S. ciaampelinus, S. transuaalensis, S. syringiflius and S. hockii. The following species are considered to be peripheral to Senecio sensu slrzcto sensu Vincent: S. tanacetopsis, S. semzniueus, S. medley-woodii, S. lamoides, S. helrninthioides, S. barbertonicus, S. breuilorus, S. uiminalts, S. radicans and S.fu1gens. Before any taxonomir changes are made to the current composition of Senecio, the concept of Senecio sensu striclo sensu Vincmt, is being tested on a worldwide sample of thr genus.