Assessing the Student's Attitudes towards Sustainble Agriculture (original) (raw)

Assessment The Agricultural Student's Attitudes Towards Organic Farming (Case of Iran

A surveying research was conducted to study and recognize the knowledge and attitude of students toward organic farming at three universities of Iran in 2010. Our consumption patterns and environmental behaviors are rooted in long lived practices and habits. Social norms and values are among the factors that determine what we buy or what we think about organic products. As they are largely unconscious it is difficult to change them. Students are the agriculturist of tomorrow; therefore policies aimed at developing organic farming should address the needs of this group. To discover agriculturist's knowledge organic farming, a survey among 100 agricultural students was conducted. Questionnaire was used to examine students' knowledge regarding organic farming. Finding is shown that agriculturist's awareness towards organic farming are low, especially in Pests management and Organic product standards aspect. The result of factor analysis showed that nine factors named as concepts, Nutrient safety and security, Organic farming economic, Organic farming extension, Social issue, fertility, Pests management, Environment safety, Organic product standard explained 73.71% of total variance that the first factor accounts for 11.98% of the variance, the second 10.954%, the third 9.191%, the fourth 8.505%, the fifth 8.426%, the sixth 7.536%, the seventh 7.015%, the eighth 5.746% and the ninth 4.364%. In conclusion, to enhance student knowledge about organic farming, it is important that curriculum develops for familiar student with organic farming practices and concepts such as: ecological equilibrium, agro ecosystem sustainability, new technology and indigenous knowledge, nutrition value, human safety, favorite yield production, soil structure improvement, erosion reduces and etc.

Impact Of Sustainable Agriculture On Secondary School Agricultural Education Teachers And Programs In The North Central Region

Journal of Agricultural Education, 2001

Concerns about the negative impact conventional agriculture is having on the environment have propelled the call for farming practices that are not only economically sound but also environmentally protective and sociallyacceptable. A cadre of agricultural researchers, educators, and farmers believe that the agricultural systems advocated by sustainable agriculture have great potential for addressing these concerns. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of sustainable agriculture on secondary school agricultural education teachers and programs in the North Central Region. Likert-type scales were used to measure teacher perceptions of sustainable agriculture and the extent to which sustainable agriculture was taught in the curriculum. The findings revealed that sustainable agriculture has had a limited impact on secondary school agricultural education teachers and programs. Responding teachers were neutral in their perceptions of sustainable agriculture. Sustainable ag...

Investigating Factors Affecting Knowledge of Agricultural Science Students of Bu-Ali Sina University of Iran toward Organic Farming

The purpose of this research was to investigate viewpoints of students about organic farming. The undesirable negative consequence of conventional farming has lead to the need and emphasis for new sustainable agricultural production techniques. Agricultural students play an important role in extension and spread of the system. This research was carried out applying a survey method. The respondents were 150 agricultural students from Bu-ali Sina University of Hamedan. Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire. Likert-type scales were used to measure knowledge and attitude toward organic farming. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was higher than 0.7 which was favorable. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by an experts' panel. Data analysis was accomplished using SPSS. The results indicated that access to environmental information as well as the attitude toward environmental issues has positive and direct effect on knowledge toward organic farming. Based on the results, variables of attitude towards health within the framework of environmental attitude exert indirect effects of knowledge toward organic farming.

Sustainable Agriculture: teacher beleifs and topics taught

Sustainable agriculture (SA) is not fully understood. What is being taught about SA by High School agriculture teachers is also unclear. The purpose of this study was to identify the beliefs of high school agriculture teachers about SA and to examine the extent they teach SA. A mailed questionnaire was used to collect data from a random sample of 844 teachers in the North Central Region (NCR) of the United States. Teachers agreed to concepts about SA and taught selected SA topics to a moderate extent, emphasizing topics related to ecological and social dimensions of SA as compared to topics with economic dimensions. In addition, teachers indicated the following topics to be most frequently taught: soil testing, crop rotation, food safety, water quality, and use of animal manure. Results of this study indicated that agriculture teachers do not include much about SA in their curricula. Further investigations into the barriers regarding infusion of SA into the curriculum would help exp...

Needs assessment of senior agricultural students regarding sustainability knowledge

African Journal of Agricultural …, 2011

Given the increasing desire for sustainable practices in our world today, graduates of agricultural higher education systems all around the world would be facing new challenges after their arrival into marketplace and dealing with their prospectus clientele. The purpose of this study was to identify and prioritize the educational needs of agricultural senior students towards sustainability. Population of the study was senior bachelor degree students of agricultural faculties, western part of Iran. The sample size was calculated using the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sampling table (n=285). A factor analysis approach was implemented to categorize educational needs of respondents; and eventually five groups were ranked and finalized as the following: (1) participatory planning, (2) participatory techniques in rural development, (3) biodiversity protection methods, (4) sustainable soil protection methods, and (5) utilization of indigenous knowledge. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that four of agricultural learners' characteristics that is, previous experience in agriculture, commitment to sustainable rural development, gender, and finally teamwork interest explained 75% of the variance (R square = 0.75) which was statistically significant. A t-test that followed indicated that students living in rural settings as compared to those living in urban areas demonstrated different educational needs (t = 5.99, p = 0.02). It seems to us that a high priority should be given to planning and implementing complementary courses regarding sustainability issues.

“Sustainable Agriculture, a Practice and Learning Insight”

| ENRM Articles Personal Journal, University of the Philippines

This paper is in compliance with the given CCA&DRM and RCRANRM Modules Assignments for the course subject towards agricultural sustainability, ensuring agricultural lands, and securing the farmers based on the government policy for the laborers as per the labor code. Citing the agriculture-related challenge in the province/hometown which will recommend into sustainable agriculture practices that to be adopted in addressing the issues.

Attitude of Farmers Towards Sustainability of Vegetable Cultivation

Study was conducted in two community development blocks from Kullu district, viz., Kullu and Manali, selected purposively sampling with the purpose that these blocks have maximum area in the vegetables cultivation. From each selected block, ten villages were selected randomly. Over all twenty villages were and 30 vegetable growers from each village were selected randomly. Thus, a total number of 600 farmers were selected for the study. The mean attitude score of the farmers towards sustainability was 58.25 which indicated the midpoint of the scale. Farmers’ attitude was more favourable in relation to the items which were related to ‘natural resources conservation’ component. Non-availability of organic manures in required quantities might be the major reason for the farmers to take this pragmatic attitudinal position on few items of scale. This suggested that there is continuing ambiguity about the concept among farmers, which prevented them from polarizing their attitude clearly. Therefore, extension organizations should take measures to educate and convince the farmers about the prospects of sustainability.

The Comprehension and Study of the Conceptual Significance of ‛Sustainability’ in Agriculture and Food Production at University Level

Agriculture and Food, 2017

University courses in sustainable development should meet the overall education requirements of the 21st century, thus allowing students to make use of their skills towards the long-term development of life on earth. The level of comprehension about the ‘sustainability’ concept underwent evaluation, as the main objective of the research, as well as student propensity towards a master programme in this field. The study relies on the surveys conducted on 392 students belonging to the four faculties within the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, during September 2015, followed by descriptive statistical analysis of the data. A significant variation was revealed in the level of comprehension for the two related concepts under survey, ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable food consumption’ in the case of students enrolled in different study programmes. In addition, a high correlation is depicted, between the level of comprehension of the two conc...

Teacher beliefs and the extent to which sustainable agriculture is taught in high school


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The present study was conducted to find out the attitude of young agricultural graduates towards agriculture as a profession. Locale of study was College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand. Data was collected from 50 students using pre-tested questionnaire. It was found that maximum number of respondents had high academic performance and had medium level of total family income and majority of students' father was in service followed by business and cultivation. Study also indicates that majority of students were male and maximum number of students had their residences located in some rural area.