Okul Etkililiğinin Önündeki Engellere İlişkin Okul Müdürlerinin Görüşleri (original) (raw)
2021, AJELI - Anatolian Journal of Educational Leadership and Instruction
The aim of this study is to analyze the opinions of school administrators' opinions well and find solutions to the obstacles to the school effectiveness. For this aim, an answer to the question "What are the obstacles to the school effectiveness?" has been sought. This research was designed as a case study, which is one of the qualitative research designs, in order to deeply search for the opinions of school principals about the reasons hampering the school effectiveness. The research was conducted in the design of collective multiple case study. In this research where qualitative research design was used, maximum variety sampling, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods, was preferred. According to this, 7 school principals who work in secondary school level, in Kartepe County-Kocaeli Province, in 2020-2021 academic year consisted the study group of the research.The data of the research were collected with an interview form which was consisted of openended questions in face-to-face interviews. Next, one semi-structured question was formulated. Moreover, that question was checked by a faculty member mastered in qualitative studies, and finally it was revised by two Turkish teachers.The theme of the obstacles to the school effectiveness were separated into eight sub-themes according to the school principals' opinions. The codes related to every sub-theme were directly quoted with some of the school principals' statements.The findings have shown that obstacles to the school effectiveness have not only political, social, economic, and cultural factors, but also professional, personal, and psychological components play a role.School principals have to cope with some obstacles in order to make the school, where he/she is the administrator or leader, effective. Education system with very different and complex structure, various socio-cultural and economic features, the political and societal expectations to be met, physical and equipment needs may be confronted as obstacles school principals have to cope with while schools are trying to be effective.