Low cost Production of biofuel “ethanol” from rice straw (original) (raw)

Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for Bio-ethanol Production from Rice Straw

R ice straw is an attractive lignocellulosic material for bioethanol production. This research was carried out to study the effect of using two strains, namely Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL 1095 and Pichia anomala NCY 20, to produce ethanol from rice straw under three time of sterilization (20, 40 and 60 min.) and five incubation time (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h.).The experiment was designed in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results showed that, there are significant differences between using different strains. The highest ethanol production was obtained by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL 1095 after 60 min. of sterilization followed by Pichia anomala NCY 20 after 60 min. of sterilization whereas the lowest ethanol was produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL 1095 after 20 min. of sterilization followed by Pichia anomala NCY 20 at 20 min., of sterilization. On the other hand, after 96 h. of incubation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL 1095 had the highest ethanol production, but after 72 h. of incubation with Pichia anomala NCY 20 had the highest ethanol production. Results which include using two strains together and incubation after 72 h. was the highest one for production of ethanol overall the experiment. Results of economic indicators showed that there are technically and economically viable for the production of ethanol which included Internal Rate of Return (IRR) % at the prevailing discount factor of 10% and Net Present Value (NPV). The obtained results demonstrated that, the potential application of bio-ethanol production from rice straw must be under specific controlled conditions.

Bioethanol production from rice straw residues

A rice straw - cellulose utilizing mold was isolated from rotted rice straw residues. The efficient rice strawdegradingmicroorganismwasidentifiedasTrichodermareesei.Theresultsshowedthatdifferent carbon sources in liquid culture such as rice straw, carboxymethyl cellulose, filter paper, sugar cane bagasse, cotton stalk and banana stalk induced T. reesei cellulase production whereas glucose or Potato Dextrose repressed the synthesis of cellulase. T. reesei cellulase was produced by the solid statecultureonricestrawmedium.TheoptimalpHandtemperatureforT.reeseicellulaseproduction were 6 and 25 °C, respectively. Rice straw exhibited different susceptibilities towards cellulase to their conversion to reducing sugars. The present study showed also that, the general trend of rice straw bioconversion with cellulase was more than the general trend by T. reesei. This enzyme effectively led to enzymatic conversion of acid, alkali and ultrasonic pretreated cellulose from rice straw into glucose, followed by fermentation into ethanol. The combined method of acid pretreatment with ultrasound and subsequent enzyme treatment resulted the highest conversion of lignocellulose in rice straw to sugar and consequently, highest ethanol concentration after 7 days fermentation with S. cerevisae yeast. The ethanol yield in this study was about 10 and 11 g.L-1.

The Influence of Pretreatment Time, Type and the Concentration of Yeast on Ethanol Production from Rice Straw

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences

Rice straw is one of the very abundant agricultural waste in Indonesia. The content of cellulose and hemicellulose are high on the straw can be used as feedstock for bioethanol production through fermentation with the help of yeast. This study uses two types of yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Rhizopus sp. which has the ability to change the straw hydrolyzate containing cellulose into ethanol through fermentation. The research was conducted by fermenting rice straw hydrolyzate pretreatment results with both the yeast at the same concentration. The purpose of this study was to obtain a pretreatment, the type and concentration of the best yeast to produce bioethanol. Variables examined included pretreatment time (1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours), the type of yeast (S and R), and the concentration of yeast (3%, 5% and 10%). The parameters observed as a performance indicator production process is the change in pH during fermentation, biomass and ethanol produced after 72 hours of fermentation. The results showed that the highest biomass produced was 0.81 g with 7.74% ethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The best pretreatment time obtained after 2 hours of pretreatment with the concentration of 5% yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Bioethanol production from rice straw waste by enzyme catalyst using separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) method

THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INDONESIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2021: Enhancing Innovations and Applications of Chemical Engineering for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals

Bioethanol produced through hydrolysis and fermentation processes has great potential for usage as a liquid biofuel to be combined with fossil fuels. Its use and presence as an energy source does not interfere with the availability of food sources, and it has the potential as biomass to produce biofuel, in this case, bioethanol, because it contains 29.63 percent cellulose, 17.11 percent hemicellulose, and 12.17 percent lignin, all of which can be used to produce glucose via the hydrolysis process. Straw was utilized in this study for bioethanol synthesis via Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation or SHF. In the fermentation process, Saccharomyces cereviceae is used as an organism. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of the catalyst used in this case, cellulolytic enzymes, specifically cellulase enzymes and a combination of cellulase cellobiose enzymes in the hydrolysis process that affects glucose production on the levels of bioethanol produced, cellulose and cellobiose enzymes are used because rice straw contains the highest concentration of lignocellulose. The results of the experiments revealed that the cellulase enzyme achieved the highest output of reducing sugar (12.70 g/L) at a concentration of 5% and an incubation duration of 72 hours, yielding 5.9% bioethanol. The cellulase cellobiose enzyme combination produced reducing sugar yield (15.21 g/L) at a ratio of 2:1 and incubation time of 72 hours and produced the highest bioethanol yield of up to 27.40 percent. Rice straw is a potential raw material for bioethanol production employing a mixture of cellulase cellobiose enzyme catalysts and can be used as a new and renewable energy source..

Optimzation of enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol fermentation using rice straw as a substrate

Bioethanol is the result of glucose fermentation. Due to the high demand of glucose, the fuel is transferred to the used of lignocellulosic material, where lignocellulosic materials can be processed into bioethanol by hydrolysis and fermentation. The objective of this research was to obtain the optimal conditions of hydrolysis and fermentation. The first phase was hydrolysis, carried out with two factors, the first was a blend of enzymes cellulase from Trichoderma Reesei andAspergillus Niger by ratio of 1:0, 0:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 and 3:1 (unit/unit), the second was the hydrolysis time, observations was done every 8 hours for 72 hours. The second phase was fermentation, carried out with two factors, the first was the hydrolyzed solution pH of pH 4, 5 and 6, the second was the amount of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae inoculums of 0.5%and 0.75%. The optimal conditions of enzyme combination from Trichoderma Reesei and Aspergillus Niger for hydrolysis is 3:1 derived optimal hydrolysis time of 48.7 hours produce an optimal glucose and D-optimal value was 10% and 1.0000, respectively.While at the fermentation phase, ethanol derived optimal level and D-optimal value was 5.5%and 1.0000, respectively at pH 3.59 and 0.7462%of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae inoculum.


R ecent years, increasing fuel prices and environmental concerns have become a driving force for developing an alternative energy sources. Ethanol fuel is one of these alternatives. Rice straw is an attractive lignocellulosic material for bioethanol production. Lignocellulosic biomass is a renewable resource and it is utilizing for producing valuable products like ethanol. On the other hand, it enables intensified simultaneous product formation and solid waste management. A Local vertical biological reactor was designed and fabricated for ethanol production using rice straw by (Saccharomyces cerevisae). The bioreactor was operated from 27 to 33°C using rice straw as carbon source, at 70% moisture content. High levels of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities were obtained. The overall performance of the bioreactor was promising for further investigation .The yield of ethanol obtained in the designed reactor is 20 % greater than conventional one as it produce 26.7g/L.

Recycling the Rice Straw Into Biofuel "Ethanol" by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia guilliermondii

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology

This study suggests a new effective chemical pretreatment to hydrolyze rice straw for efficient ethanol production. It introduces a new yeast strain that ferments rice straw hydrolyzate more efficiently than Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results proved the effectiveness of alkali application before HCl to delignify rice straw and to make it more appropriate for hydrolysis. The application of the hydrolyzing enzymes (cellulase and pectinase) resulted in hydrolysis of pretreated rice straw up to 94.3%. The total sugars released due to pretreatment-enzyme system was about 624 mg g-1 dry mass and the glucose fraction was 198 mg g-1. The results indicated that Pichia guilliermondii is more effective to ferment rice straw hydrolyzate than S. cerevisiae. P. guilliermondii produced larger amounts of bioethanol (7.72 g L-1) than S. cerevisiae (6.13 g L-1) under the same conditions. Our results suggest an appropriate pretreatment system (the cold dilute alkali-acid) and a new effective yeast ...

Bioethanol Production from Indica IR.64 Rice Straw Biomass by Direct Saccharification and Fermentation

Lignocellulosic substances such as agricultural wastes are attractive feed stocks for bioethanol production. Indica IR.64 rice straw is one of abundant agricultural wastes in Indonesia and could be used to bioethanol production. It has several characteristics such as high content of cellulose and hemicelluloses that can be readily hydrolyzed into fermentable sugars. A simple process (the direct saccharification and fermentation process) to produce ethanol from rice straw was developed in order to establish an efficient bioethanol production. In this work, no harsh pre-treatment steps were applied and also use a simple one-vat reactor without the risk of losing liberated carbohydrate. The first step in using rice straw for bioethanol production is size reduction through milling and sieving process prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Direct saccharification and fermentation (DSF) of Indica IR.64 rice straw was examined and compared with two type of control (systems devoid of yeast and enzy...

Bioethanol production from rice straw: an overview

Bioresource …, 2010

Rice straw is an attractive lignocellulosic material for bioethanol production since it is one of the most abundant renewable resources. It has several characteristics, such as high cellulose and hemicelluloses content that can be readily hydrolyzed into fermentable sugars. But there occur several challenges and limitations in the process of converting rice straw to ethanol. The presence of high ash and silica content in rice straw makes it an inferior feedstock for ethanol production. One of the major challenges in developing technology for bioethanol production from rice straw is selection of an appropriate pretreatment technique. The choice of pretreatment methods plays an important role to increase the efficiency of enzymatic saccharification thereby making the whole process economically viable. The present review discusses the available technologies for bioethanol production using rice straw.