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Controverion of Covid 19 Vaccination from Legal Aspects
Indonesian Journal of Social Research (IJSR)
The Covid-19 pandemic is a pandemic that has hit the world, include Indonesia. With this pandemic, Indonesia has experienced an emergency status. Through Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020, Indonesia has announced a health emergency status. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has stepped in to make various efforts in order to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The government's effort in overcoming the pandemic is by giving vaccinations to the community in stages. However, in the implementation of the vaccine, the community has not yet understood the benefits of the vaccine, especially considering that the Indonesian people are diverse in culture, various ethnicities, so that in its implementation there are those who are contra but some are pros. Therefore, the existence of this article is one of which is to explain the existence of vaccination in the community which is a right or obligation for society and whether vaccine refusal can be subject to criminal sanct...
SASI, 2021
This study aims to provide a clear picture of the steps (efforts) of the government of the Republic of Indonesia to provide vaccines to its people evenly and free of charge according to the standards or procedures in the Health Law which is a derivative of the constitutional mandate of the Republic of Indonesia, the research method uses normative juridical research that combines the rule of law. With law enforcement which is a regulation of the Indonesian government, the results of the study provide a perspective that various ways have been attempted by the Indonesian government to overcome the Covid-19 virus pandemic, vaccines are a continuous hope to increase immunity and immunity of community groups which will certainly have a positive impact with the release of the Indonesian state from health threats and a spike in the increase in cases during the global pandemic. The conclusion of this study is that the Indonesian government has made intensive and accurate efforts to protect citizens and build group immunity which of course has an impact on the positive possibility that the Indonesian state and nation can get out of worries due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Juridical Analysis of Legal Implementation of Those Who Refuse the Covid-19 Vaccine
Journal of Social Research
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the world, including economic setbacks. So, it needs to be handled with handling efforts in the form of vaccination to form herd immunity. However, this effort still has resistance from people who do not want to carry out the Covid-19 vaccination. This research aims to determine the juridical review of the implementation of the law against those who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine. This research uses normative research methods with literature study data collection techniques obtained from laws, books, journals, and various other information relevant to the research. The results showed that those who refused the Covid-19 vaccine were subject to criminal and administrative sanctions according to presidential regulation number 14 of 2021 in the form of imprisonment for six months to one year or a fine of five hundred thousand to one million rupiahs. However, the World Health Organization advises forcing individuals to vaccinate but suggests...
Covid-19 Vaccination: Rights or Obligations?
SASI, 2021
In responding to the pandemic due to the coronavirus, the Indonesian government requires the public to carry out vaccinations in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and establish herd immunity. This instruction contradicts that health is a form of human right that cannot be enforced. Therefore, this paper wants to examine whether COVID-19 vaccination in the midst of an pandemic situation is a form of human right or obligation. The research method used in this paper is a normative method, and the results of this paper indicate that the covid-19 vaccine during an pandemic period can be categorized as a form of human obligation for everyone based on the obligation to respect the human rights of others as stated in the State Constitution. The Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
HEALTH AND LAW: obligation or option regarding the vaccination against covid 19?
The present work aims to analyze the coronavirus vaccination legal aspects. Aprroach the SARS-CoV-2 origins and its evolution around the world, focusing at the Brazilian territory. Beginning with an analysis of all the State powers and federal entities, ahead of the pandemic impacts. At the end, focus at the vaccination and the health crucial right. The study is based 1 Master's student in Civil Procedural Law at Universidade Paranaense (UNIPAR). Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB). Attorney.
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum, 2022
This article aims to answer whether vaccination is a right or an obligation and how criminal law and Qiyas Shafi’i Mazhab views the basic provisions of criminal law against vaccination objectors. By combining doctrinal and socio-legal research method, this article concludes that vaccination is an obligation because a person's personal right to choose health services, especially COVID-19 vaccination has turned into a public right. Vaccination is the government's obligation to protect public health as part of meeting health needs, following the mandate of the constitution and human rights. According to the relative punishment theory, the application of criminal sanctions is an effort made to maintain public order and peace of society, not as a means of repaying the perpetrator's mistakes. Thus, the sanctions imposed on the perpetrator are solely to provide fear so that they do not repeat their actions and other people do not follow them. There are three main objectives of ...
Hang Tuah Law Journal
The government requires the Covid-19 vaccination in a pandemic emergency to reduce and stop the spread of this virus. Based on the study of several previous studies, this mandatory vaccination program received a great reaction in the community, not only in Indonesia, there were those who supported it and there were those who opposed it This paper aims to examine the obligation of Covid-19 vaccination with autonomous rights and informed consent. This research was conducted using a normative legal research method, with a statute and a conceptual approach. The research results are vaccination is part of health care efforts. Informed consent is obligation in every health care efforts. The Covid-19 Vaccination is also obligation in pandemic era. The mandatory Covid-19 vaccination program can be justified because the country is in a pandemic emergency. My advice in terms of respecting the right to autonomy, every act of Covid-19 vaccination should be accompanied by informed consent, eithe...
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy by the Indonesian Government: A Constitutional Perspective
Russian Law Journal
The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic is a very dangerous threat to the nation and state, so concrete steps are needed to deal with its spread. This research aims to find out the notion of social protection in the constitution, as well as to assess the alignment of the Indonesian Government's vaccination policy with the constitution. This research is a normative juridical legal research. This research aims to find the alignment of vaccination policies with constitutional values and assess public compliance with vaccination policies. The results show that the Indonesian constitution in the understanding of social protection adheres to the concept of socialism - solidarity which is based on the protection of human rights, justice and benefit, and as for the vaccination policy carried out by the government, it is in line with constitutional values because it contains protection of health rights.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: The increase of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections leads countries to implement preventive steps such as wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccine administration. Indonesia started administering mass vaccination in January 2021 using the Sinovac vaccine, but there are still problems such as the emergence of side effects. AIM: This research aims to explain the legal protection of COVID-19 vaccine administration and its obstacles. METHODS: This is a normative legal study that uses library research. It uses the statute approach. RESULTS: The research results show that the legal protection of COVID-19 vaccine administration includes Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health and Presidential Decree No. 99 of 2020 on Vaccine Procurement and Administration to Overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic. Then, the obstacles in the vaccine administration include the limited stock of vaccines and supporting health equipment such as hazmat suits and injection needles. CONCLUSION: Thus, the govern...
International health regulation 2005 and Covid-19 vaccination in fulfilling human rights
AIP Conference Proceedings
The Covid-19 pandemic has become a global issue for the past 2 years. During that time, almost all countries in the world feel the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization as the main mandate holder in global health affairs has developed a framework for handling and controlling the spread of disease across national borders which is compiled in the 2005 International Health Regulation. IHR 2005 aims to prevent, protect and control the international spread of disease. The government's step by implementing a vaccination policy is the final effort to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Vaccination is carried out to reduce the transmission of Covid-19; reduce morbidity and mortality due to Covid-19; achieve herd immunity and; protect the community from Covid-19 in order to remain socially and economically productive. This paper aims to determine the extent of the implementation of vaccination as an effort to fulfill public health rights in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This paper uses a normative legal research method based on the human rights legal framework. The results of the study show that in dealing with Covid-19, the government enforces a vaccination policy as an effort to realize the fulfillment of the right to health for the community as a fundamental right and cannot be separated from other human rights, such as the right to life.