Putative role of marginal zone B cells in pathophysiological processes (original) (raw)

Precursor B-cell neoplasm

Limfoma malignant merupakan terminologi yang digunakan untuk tumortumor pada sistem limfoid, khususnya untuk limfosit dan sel-sel prekursor, baik sel-B, sel-T atau sel Null. 3,4 Biasanya melibatkan kelenjar limfe tapi dapat juga mengenai jaringan limfoid ekstranodal seperti tonsil, traktus gastrointestinal dan limpa. 3 Limfoma malignant secara umum dapat dibagi menjadi 2 kategori yaitu: (1). Limfoma Hodgkin; dan (2). Limfoma non-Hodgkin. 3,4 Terdapat beberapa klasifikasi yang digunakan pada limfoma malignant. Untuk limfoma Hodgkin digunakan klasifikasi WHO, sedangkan untuk limfoma non-Hodgkin terdapat beberapa klasifikasi yaitu Rappaport, Lukes and Colins, Kiel, International Formulation dan WHO. ,3,4,5,6,7 Etiologi limfoma non-Hodgkin berupa onkogen, infeksi virus Ebstein Barr, Human T-leukemia Virus-I (HTLV-I), penyakit autoimun dan defesiensi imun. 3 Pengobatan dengan menggunakan kombinasi kemoterapi (multiagent) dapat mempengaruhi prognosis dari penyakit. 3 Prognosis limfoma tergantung pada tipe histologi dan staging. 3

Perkembangan Sel Limfosit B Dan Penandanya Untuk Flowcytometry

MAGNA MEDICA: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

Sel limfosit B merupakan bagian dari respon imunitas adaptif yang berperan penting untuk pertahanan tubuh melawan patogen. Perkembangan sel limfosit B dimulai dari sel punca hematopoietik di sumsum tulang belakang dan organ limfoid sekunder dengan melalui berbagai tahapan proses maturasi dan seleksi. Sel limfosit B matur dapat menghasilkan berbagai macam antibodi yang spesifik untuk patogen. Di tiap perkembangannya, sel limfosit B memiliki ekspresi molekul yang berbeda pada permukaannya dan dapat diketahui dengan pemeriksaan flowcytometry. Pemeriksaan sel limfosit B yang sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangannya dapat digunakan untuk membantu diagnosis penyakit defisiensi imun kongenital, leukemia,limfoma dan penyakit autoimun. Kata kunci: Limfosit B, perkembangan, penanda, flowcytometry

AKTIVITAS STIMULASI KOMPONEN BIOAKTIF RIMPANG JAHE (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) PADA SEL LIMFOSIT B MANUSIA SECARA IN VITRO [Effects of Bioactive Compounds of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Root on B Cell Lymphocyte Function using In Vitro System

Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan, 2013

The effect of two fractions of oleoresin compounds from ginger root on lymphocyte function were studied by observing B cell proliferations, which were measured by the incorporation of 3H-thymidine during cell incubation. The doses of oleoresin compounds and its two fractions tested were 50,100, 150, and 200 g per ml. Lymphocyte from human peripheral blood were isolated using ficoll density gradient technique, and cultured in the presence of the compounds in RPMI-1640 medium for 4 days, with or without the addition of 3 mM paraquat as the oxidizing agent. The results showed that the effects of oleoresin and its two fractions depended on its doses. Oleoresin and its two fractions increased B cell proliferation with the highest activity of 456 percent at low dose of 50 g per ml. These result showed a positive effect of oleoresin compound and its two fractions on B cell functions at low doses. It indicated that bioactive compounds of ginger root at low concentration have positive effects on humoral immune response and this supports the traditional belief that ginger increases body resistance to common cold.

Produksi Parthenogenetik Blastosis Mencit Sebagai Sumber Stem Cell

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) is a one of source for pluripotent stem cell that capable to differentiate into various cell types. This has opened up opportunities utilization of embryos as a source of stem cells. However, the use of embryos as objects of research still has ethical constraints. Currently parthenogenetic embryo in the blastocyst stage is considered to be one of the alternative sources of ESC are "ethical" because its obtained not from the fertilization of the oocyte and sperm. Parthenogenetic embryo derived from oocyte that activation in vitro to obtain embryos in the blastocyst stage. This research aims to produce blastocysts parthenogenetic mice as a source of ESC. In this study super ovulation performed on Swiss Webster female mice to obtain oocytes. Activation of mouse oocytes done by culturing oocytes in medium with 10 mM strontium chloride (SrCl2) and 5 mg / ml cytokalasin B for 6 hours and cultured for 4-5 days to get the embryo parthenogenetic. The res...

Limfosit B

Sel B merupakan sel yang heterogen pada fenotip permukannya, penempatan secara anatomis, kapasitas untuk memperbaharui diri, dan sifat fungsional. Terdapat dua bagian himpunan utama dari Sel B yaitu Sel B1 dan sel B2, yang diekspresikan oleh ekspresi yang berbeda dari Classical T Cell Apecific Differentiation Antigen, CD5 (diekspresikan pada sel B1).


Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, 2013

In acute infection, malaria will induce cellular immunity by activating T lymphocytes and macrophages cells. This induction indirectly triggers free radicals production in order to eliminate the parasites from red blood cells, however high concentration of thismolecules can cause vital tissue pathological changes on host. In late phase of malarial infection, there are immunosupression on macrophages activity including antigen presenting and secretion of immunoregulated mediator. It has been anticipated, vitamin C as antioxidant would diminish the side effect of these free radicals during malarial infection and increase the immunity. To see the effect of combination chloroquin and vitamin C in hastening the recuperative process by decreasing parasitemia and increasing the phagocytosis function of macrofages during Plasmodium berghei infection. This study has been carried out using 3 groups of BALB/c mice, all group were inoculated with 1x10 7 Plasmodium berghei infected red-blood cells. No drug was given on control group (IK). In experimental group we introduced an oral therapy of chloroquin for 5 days in 1.4 mg/cc dosage and vitamin C for 7 days in 0.2 mg/cc dosages concurrently with a Plasmodium berghei inoculation (IKC). One group was only given chloroquin at the same dosage and no drug was given at the control group (IK). A Giemsa stain and a phagocytosis macrophage peritoneal test was conducted to observed the degree of parasitemia and the capacity of macrophage cells that phagocyte latex particles. Data was recorded serially on day-0, day-3, and day-7. The result indicated that a combining therapy using vitamin C and Chloroquin is more effective in reducing parasites population than a single drug using chloroquin alone. On day-7, Anova test indicated a significant difference between the three group in phagocytosis macrophage peritoneal activity. Vitamin C has an immunostimulator effect by raising phagocytosis macrophage activity and may be an antioxidant effect by repairing the tissue damage.

Kadar High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Berkaitan dengan Lingkar Pinggang pada Lansia

Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition

Proses penuaan mempengaruhi peningkatan distribusi lemak abdominal dengan indikator lingkar pinggang (LP) dan rasio lingkar pinggang panggul (RLPP). Penimbunan lemak abdominal menyebabkan disfungsi jaringan adiposa sehingga mempengaruhi biomarker proinflamasi yaitu kadar serum high-sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan LP dan RLPP dengan kadar hs-CRP lansia wanita. Rancangan penelitian cross sectional pada 53 subjek dipilih secara consecutive sampling. Antropometri yang diukur adalah LP dan RLPP. Pengukuran kadar serum hs-CRP dianalisis dengan metode enyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Wawancara yang dilakukan yaitu data diri, asupan, aktivitas fisik, dan riwayat konsumsi obat. Data asupan diperoleh dengan metode food recall 3x24 jam. Aktivitas fisik diperoleh menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Analisis data digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase LP pada lan...