Celebration Hymnal, The - Songs and Hymns for Worship : Synthesizer String Reduction Hymn 401 - 818 (original) (raw)
Celebrating Grace Hymnal: Five Years Later
This article examines Celebrating Grace Hymnal published in 2010 by Celebrating Grace, Inc., founded out of Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. I explore the musical and textual contents of the hymnal, compare it with its immediate predecessor, Baptist Hymnal (1991), place it in its historical context within twenty-first century Southern Baptist life, and highlight several important contributions it makes to the study of hymnody. I also reflect on its reception and adoption as a resource for congregational worship within its first five years of publication.
Bulletin of the Hymn Society of Great Britain, Nos 272 & 273, Volume 20, 2012
It is claimed that the classic English hymn can have no place in the Mass of the Roman Rite? But there exists time honoured precedence for the use of metrical hymns, and the Ordinary Form allows for this officially in the rubrics. But instead of supplanting the integral Proper of the Mass with either classic hymnody or modern liturgical songs, it would be possible to complement it with hymns in a liturgical way. The body of metrical hymnody stands as a kind of Proper in its own right. Judicious selection from it and knowing how to set it to the Eucharistic liturgy alongside the Proper of the Mass constitutes a science. This is part of the patrimony of the Anglican tradition with its long tradition of music at Eucharistic worship in the vernacular that can be offered to Catholic celebrations by the Ordinariates. Furthermore, the corporate singing of metrical hymns is not only a deep-rooted tradition within English-speaking Christianity that offers an exchange of gifts and spiritual ecumenism if rightly received and applied, it can also be a means to realising the objective of participation actuosa - the faithful's active participation together in the action of the Eucharistic liturgy.
One of the most important aspects of the role of worship leader, is that of choosing relevant worship materials. The use of hymns has enhanced worship for ages. The trends of the current age have precipitated a concern and need for conscientious selection of music, along with appropriate application of the singing of hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. A major consideration in worship planning is to utilize music which reaches all generations. The impetus of this study is primarily based upon biblical, historical, theological, philosophical, methodological, and observational practice of worship. The research focuses upon the importance of planning and implementing worship music based upon realization and practice of the spiritual gifts. This study will examine the spiritual gifts, observe the roles of the worship leader and worshiper, and explore the use of hymns as influenced by the gifts of the Spirit. Furthermore, this research will establish a synchronization between worship, the worship leader, and the worshiper, through hymns which are based upon and reflective of the spiritual gifts. A devotional guide, utilizing hymns as a source of meditation will be provided. The guide will be organized into the topical areas of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, healing, and encouragement. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS From the earliest influences of Bible stories as a child, to the impact of studying under the tutelage of Liberty University's dynamic worship and music faculty, I have been eternally blessed. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all who have inspired and guided me along the way and have traversed this journey by my side. A special note of thanks to Dr. Lavon Gray in helping shape the inception of this work, Dr. Donald Ellsworth for his guidance, assistance, and continuous encouragement throughout the process, and Dr. Gabriel Miller for his reading and review of this project. A note of appreciation to Dr. Danis Simmons for her valuable insight, and especially to my mother, whose continued confidence and faith has been my strength not only in this effort, but throughout my life. I dedicate this project to my mother, father, and brother with the fondest memories of our Sunday afternoon singing of hymns, and to my immediate family for their patience and support during this endeavor. Above all, thanks be to God from whom all gifts are received through the power of His Holy Spirit and to whom all glory, honor, and praise is given, now and forever. Amen.