Mengimplementasikan Prinsip Pengembalaan Menurut 1 Petrus 5:1-5 (original) (raw)

Tanggung jawab Penggembalaan berdasarkan Perspektif 1 Petrus 5:1-4

Jurnal Teologi Amreta (ISSN: 2599-3100)

This article discusses pastoral responsibilities from the perspective of 1 Peter 5: 1-4. In general, the pastor's responsibility is to care for God's church in spirituality. But specifically Peter wrote the pastor's responsibilities such as not by force but by volunteering, not looking for one's own benefit but with enthusiasm and not using power but to be an example. This article aims to understand pastoral responsibility in the perspective of 1 Peter 5: 1-4 and find its implications for pastoral today. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a Historical Gramatical approach. The shepherd's responsibility in 1 Peter 5: 1-4 is to serve not by force, to serve voluntarily, to serve without seeking personal gain, to serve with enthusiasm and to serve by example. === Artikel ini membahas tanggung jawab penatua dalam kaitannya dengan penggembalaan terhadap jemaat Tuhan berdasarkan perspektif 1 Petrus 5:1-4. Secara umum, tanggung jawab gembala adala...


Stock Exchange, as an alternative financing for business world, plays a very important role in national development activity. Accordingly, a regulation that gives a legal protection for investors become crucial. One of the regulations of that purpose has been established i.e. Regulation no. 8/1945 of Stock Exchange, based on transparency principle, mentioned that every company that will conduct an initial public offering should published a prospectus. Prospectus is a written, detail and thorough information about the company provided for investor that interests to buy the stock.

Tanggung jawab Penggembalaan berdasarkan Perspektif 1 Petrus 5:1-4 : Pastoral Responsibilities based on 1 Peter 5:1-4


This article discusses pastoral responsibilities from the perspective of 1 Peter 5: 1-4. In general, the pastor's responsibility is to care for God's church in spirituality. But specifically Peter wrote the pastor's responsibilities such as not by force but by volunteering, not looking for one's own benefit but with enthusiasm and not using power but to be an example. This article aims to understand pastoral responsibility in the perspective of 1 Peter 5: 1-4 and find its implications for pastoral today. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a Historical Gramatical approach. The shepherd's responsibility in 1 Peter 5: 1-4 is to serve not by force, to serve voluntarily, to serve without seeking personal gain, to serve with enthusiasm and to serve by example. === Artikel ini membahas tanggung jawab penatua dalam kaitannya dengan penggembalaan terhadap jemaat Tuhan berdasarkan perspektif 1 Petrus 5:1-4. Secara umum, tanggung jawab gembala adala...

Pedoman Etika Praktis Pelayanan Jemaat Berdasarkan 1 Petrus 5 : 1 -4

Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup, 2022

Management is an important aspect in performing church service. A good, clean and clear management system with clear authority limits will affect the development of the congregation. In reality there are still many patterns of poor service management and resulting in the destruction of the ministry of the congregation and not a few that end in the tragic story of the servant. The abuse of authority and moral treatment that is not in accordance with the teachings contained in the Bible is precisely the cause of the collapse of a church ministry building. Therefore, an ethical guideline in the ministry of the congregation is required to anticipate all forms of arbitrariness that occur in the ministry of the church. This research provides a practical guideline for each congregation to create an ethical document that must be adhered to by all policy makers and implementers in a church ministry. The guidelines are based on the exegesis of text 1 Peter 5:1-4 by cross-examining with several ethical and compliance guidance documents issued by world-class companies. By conducting literature studies and focus group discussions, a practical guideline can be formed that can be used as a reference for the congregation to conduct clean, polite and fair management of church services.


Muhamad Abdul Mujib Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Jalan Semolowaru Nomor 45 Surabaya 60118, Indonesia Abstract The occult world in Indonesia has become an inseparable culture of the people, these occult experts are commonly called with shamans, paranormal, kiyai, ustadz etc., the average person is considered to have more supernatural abilities than others. In general, people in Indonesia strongly believe in things that are mystical/occult, especially Javanese society that until this modern period still hold firm beliefs of ancestral heritage tradition. The types of klenik in Java is very diverse to follow the tastes and understanding of society in general even a shaman claims himself as a multitalent who can resolve all kinds of problems ranging from mate affairs, fortune-predicting fortune, treatment, penglarisan, just stuff that smells Unbelievers, but the belief that thrives in this society is utilized by a handful of people to gain profits by claiming to have supranataural ability, some even claim to be able to bring Money unseen this becomes a phenomenon in the community and many believe it. As with the Predictive Predictions that say the ability to predict one's fate and fortune in the near or far future, the method used varies according to the dukun's belief. The question is whether or not it is just a form of fraud, then how does the law act in Indonesia in handling the phenomenon that has been in trust the community? Key word: culture, phenomena, magic/supranatural, fraud

Aspek Integrasi Penginjilan Paulus dalam 1 Tesalonika 1:5-6

Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2022

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka melalui pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif atas nas 1 Tesalonika 1:5-6 untuk melihat penginjilan yang dilakukan oleh Paulus dan menemukan aspek integrasi dalam penginjilan, yakni aspek verbal, aspek substansial, aspek spiritual dan aspek testimonial. Aspek-aspek yang dilakukan dalam sebuah integrasi ini memberikan kritik terhadap praktek-praktek penginjilan yang hanya mengutamakan kata-kata serta kelihaian menyampaikan Injil dan mengabaikan aspek spiritual, atau mengutamakan aspek-aspek spiritual dan mengabaikan aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan.

Pendidikan Kristen Dalam Pelayanan Pengembalaan

Jurnal Jaffray

Tugas dan panggilan Gereja tentang pendidikan Kristen sering mendapat pemahaman yang keliru bahwa pendidikan Kristen itu hanya merupakan salah satu mata pelaiaran yang diajarkan disekolah-sekolah dan tidak terlalu penting dalam pelayanan pengembalaan. Sesungguhnya pendidikian Kristen adalah tugas yang sentral dari Gereia Yesus Kristus Pendahuluan Pendidikan Kristen merupan suatu wadah yang sangat penting untuk pengembangan jemaat, namun sering dilalaikan dalam jemaat. Pada dasarnya Tuhan