Scale of Attitudes toward mathematics مقياس الاتجاه نحو الرياضيات (original) (raw)

Improving mathematics education in the Middle East: a focus on technology, learning design and professional development


Porter and Associate Professor Mark Nelson who were abundantly helpful and offered invaluable assistance, support, guidance and patience. Without their unsurpassed knowledge and assistance this study would not have been successful.  I wish to extend my utmost gratitude to Dr. Celeste Rossetto from the Learning Development Centre, for providing suggestions to improve my thesis. This has allowed me to write up this thesis professionally.  I would like to thank in a special way Elisabeth Hilton for the good advice and support at a personal level and for friendship, for which I am extremely grateful. I am appreciative also of her reviewing and providing useful comments to improve my thesis.  I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Associate Professor Annette L. Worthy for her kindness, great friendship and personal support.  I also thank the School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics for their support in promoting a stimulating, welcoming, academic and warm environment, especially the Head of Department, Professor Jacqui Ramagge. I would also like to convey thanks to administrative staff, Carolyn Silveri, Kerrie Gamble, Lisa Pyle, Anne Harper and Anica Damcevski who have provided the administrative work that was necessary for this research.  Many thanks to Information Technology (IT) support staff Mr Joseph Tiziano and Mr Neil Wood for the technical support during my study.  I also thank Prof Mohamed A. Al-Lawati the Head of Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DOMAS) and all the participants at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Sultanate of Oman for giving me the opportunity to complete part of my study at their University. iv  I am also grateful to my university in Libya, the University of Benghazi (formerly Garyounis University), which nominated me for this scholarship and provided me with the required financial support.  I would like to express my deep gratitude to my parents, brothers and sisters who have given me their unequivocal support throughout, as always, for which my mere expression of thanks likewise does not suffice.  I would also like to thank my friends for their support and encouragement.  I would like to express my greatest gratitude to all the research participants who generously gave their time and valuable insights and for their magnificent participation and collaboration.

Attitudes and Extent of Divergency and Convergency related to Performance of Saudi Pupils in Mathematics


In Saudi Arabia, many pupils complain of failure in mathematics and they seem to have a negative image about mathematics. Therefore, this study aims to investigate attitudes of pupils in relation to mathematics. A survey was applied with intermediate pupils (aged about 13-15) during the early stages of adolescence. This is considered as a critical period when pupils can start to form their views and attitudes. The study also looked at divergency and convergency in relation to pupil performance. Previous studies had indicated the important of the convergency and divergency learning characteristics in relation to science. Thus, this study aimed to explore the extent to which these characteristics are important in relation to mathematics. The study reviews the literature relating to the importance of attitudes in learning, its different definitions and its targets. Then, it describes specifically how attitude can be relevant in relation to mathematics as well as reviewing work done to measure attitudes towards mathematics. The approaches in measuring attitudes are discussed. Finally, divergency and convergency, seen as learner characteristics, are discussed and how these can be related to learning in mathematics. The survey was conducted in intermediate schools in Saudi Arabia. Because of the segregation system that Saudi Arabia adopts, two girls' and two boys' schools were selected from typical Saudi population. Around 669 boys and girls participated in the project and they were asked to complete a questionnaire to show their views about mathematics. They also completed convergency and divergency tests. Because this project was carried out at the beginning of the school year, pupils' final mathematics examination marks for the previous year were obtained. Chi-square was used as a contingency test to explore the changes in attitudes with age and any gender differences. Pearson correlation was used to explore any relationships involving the tests of convergency and divergency, and examination marks. Kendall's Tau-b correlation looked at any relationships between responses to attitude questions and performance. iii From the results of the convergency and divergency tests, it was found that being both convergent and divergent is an advantage in mathematics examination. Moreover, it was noticed that the pupils who perform well in convergent tests tend to do better in divergent tests as well. Generally from questionnaire responses, it was found that pupils tend to have a positive attitude in the earlier stage of schooling then these attitudes deteriorate when they became older. However, there was no difference with age in pupils responses to some questions. Gender comparisons show that boys and girls tend to have similar views in some questions such as their image of mathematician, reasons for going to university and reasons to study mathematics. However, they have different views in other questions such as questions about mathematics, their abilities in mathematics, future careers, preferences for general and mathematical activities This study has offered an overview of the learning of mathematics in Saudi Arabia and it suggests some important issues for future work. There are some persons that contributed and participated in this study and I want to express my appreciation to them. However, before I thank anyone, praise be to Allah who always exists with me in any happy and sad moments in my life. First of all, I should like to express my special gratitude to Professor Norman Reid, my great supervisor, for his kind and persistent support, constant encouragements and valuable advice. I have learned from him during my study the real meaning of teaching and learning. Indeed, without him and his worthy suggestions, this study could not have been completed. I am grateful to Professor Rex Whitehead for his great effort and volunteering to read my thesis in the final stage and his advice to improve my thesis. I wish to thank all head of schools and teachers that I worked with and all participants for their help and giving me time. Particularly, I am thankful to my brother, Doctor Waleed Badgaish and my uncle, Sameer Badgaish for their cooperation in applying the survey in the boys' school. My deepest thanks goes to my husband, AbdulKareem Bamaga, for his encouragement and companionship with me abroad, leaving his work. My faithful love goes to my beloved children, Dana and Firas, whose existence in my life are a source of my happiness and success. Finally, I would like to tender my extreme love to my great mother, Noor Badgaish, for her encouragement to study and to be patient during years studying abroad. I am really indebted to her for her support, worry and prayers for me. Whatever I do and write, I can not give her what she deserved.


The Interface between Islam and Globalization REBELION BEHAVIOR AND PERCEPTION OF MUSLIM COMMUNITY ABOUT ABUSE OF QUR’ANIC MESSAGE ON JIHAD (A CASE STUDY AT MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETY IN PADANG, WEST SUMATERA) Fahmi Reza State Institute of Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang Jalan Napak Tilas No. 10 Balai Gadang Koto Tangah Padang 25178 Email: Abstract This article based on field of research on fact that many kinds of terror has been claimed as Islamic conflict towards the non-muslim community. Aggression or ravaged It would be happened because of non-muslim rebellion activities to the Muslim people around the world. I.e. Palestine and Suriah (Middle East), Rohingnya, Pattani and Morro (Asean Region) etc. The aim of the article want to re-thinking of abused of Qur’anic masage on Jihad, that has been over simplicity meaning of rebellion behavior to many people who did not involve on the conflict (innocent people). The research used qualitative research. The data has been collect with observation and psychological scale. The result of the research that there were four kinds of missunderstood and missinterpretation of Jihad. Keywords: Terror, Rebellion Behavior, Jihad, Public Opinion.

Examining the Factorial Validity of the Attitudes towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) in the United Arab Emirates: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

International Review of Contemporary Learning Research, 2013

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Attitudes towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) developed Tapia and Martha (2004). Data collected from 269 middle school students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were used to validate the questionnaire. A maximum likelihood method of extraction and a varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization supported a strong factor structure for a 40-item of the ATMI. A confirmatory factor analysis showed a high reliability coefficient for the overall inventory and supported the original four-factor solution. When tested with 3-factor and 4-factor models, the later was found to have the best fit. This study has provided additional support to the factorial validity of the ATMI.

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021

IRJIC, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Intellect in Journal of Arab & Muslim Research on 5 th

Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2023

This study explores the impact of online identity on individuals' perception of self and communication codes. Specifically, the study investigates the relationship between the presentation and construction of identity and gender identity. The research methodology involves conducting in-depth interviews with eight Turkish university students aged 19-23, hailing from various cities across Turkey. Through these interviews and subsequent evaluations, the study identifies significant differences between social and digital identities, which can be attributed to various demographic factors, including gender. Furthermore, the study argues that the digital realm provides favourable opportunities for individuals to express their identities while serving as a platform for mobilization, opposition and alternative modes of communication that challenge existing societal norms. Moreover, results show that young people sometimes experience fears about their social media posts and anxiety that society and the government will punish them.