Turkey, from Negotiation to War (original) (raw)
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Emirate and Ministry (vizarat) were among the significant authoritative institutions in Ilkhanid administration. The Chief Commander (Amir ul-Umara') as the second Ilkhanid statesman and the head of Emirate institution and the Chief Minister as the head of bureaucracy institution which was consisted of mostly Iranian (Tajiks) were in charge. The mutual interaction or conflict between the two institutions could make some good changes in society, as well as on themselves, by the means of convergence. That was to maintain security and welfare as well as fair taxation and making religio-state ties. In Arqun time the mutual affairs between Emirate and Ministry was in turbulence. Amir Buqa, the chief commander who had already contributed to Arqun's power, took the office of Ministry which was considered an odd custom at that time. Where the great Mongol Ilkhan handed the power to Amir Buqa, it eventually weakened the administration authority and led to the conflict with Amir Buqa. Massacre of Amir Buqa's household made a ground for the presence of the bureaucrats within the Ministry institution. The Jewish Sa'duddoleh engaging the judiciary post in Ministry tried to retrieve the lost values while the support of the government gradually made a great divergence on Emirate and Ministry institutions. The only solution was to murder vizir and his household at the time of Arqun's illness and Ilkhanid's weakness.
(1) Vibeke VindelØvs's reflexive model is published in English as: Reflexive Mediation-with a sustainable perspective, Copenhagen, 2012. The model claims to have an eclectic approach to the various mediation schools usually described in a Western context: in particular, the problem-solving model (Roger Fisher & William Ury, Getting to Yes: Negociating anf agreement without giving in, 2nd ed, 2003), the transformative model (Robert AB Bush & Joseph P. Folger: The Promise of Mediation: the transformative approach to conflict, 2005), the cognitive model (John. M. Haynes, Gretchen.L.Haynes & Larry S. Fong : Mediation, Positive Conflict Management, New York, 2001), the model contains elements from each of these. Preconditions for using the eclectic approach is that is grounded in a clear value so that the broker is aware of x=when and what basis the different approaches are used. (2) Else Hammerich and Kirsten Frydensberg: Conflict and contacts-to understand and manage conlicts, 3 ed, 2011. The authors are affiliated with the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution, which works in many different ways with conflict in Denmark and in other parts of the world. www.konfliktloesning.dk (3) The State Administration; a legal authority that largely perform tasks similar to the tasks performed in a Moroccan Family Tribunal. This means that all cases of separation, divorce child custody, residence of the children, contributions to raising children and being together with the parents, the do not live with is dealt with herein. It offers both legal counseling as well as children counseling, and mediation. In approx. 85 per cent of cases are parties agree. In the remaining cases shall state administration a decision (togetherness, child support and temporary decisions on custody and residence), while the final decision on custody and residence and the financial terms of the divorce will be taken by the district court. (4) The training took place in Copenhagen, Rabat, Ifrane, Marrakech, Tetouan and Agadir and have included a series of basic introductory course for active family law judges for one week, and a supervision course for a small group of judges, who are also in charge of training future judges at the Moroccan higher institute for judicial authorities "Institut Supérieur de la Magistrature", who in the future will include training in conflict mediation herein.
مراحل تطور الاستراتيجية الروسية من الانهيار الى استعادة الدور والمكانة
Tikrit Journal For Political Science, 2022
اتسمت الاستراتيجية الروسية كغيرها من استراتيجيات الدول الكبرى بالتغيير سواء على صعيد التوجهات الداخلية والخارجية ، وهو ما ارتبط بتعاقب النخب الحاكمة في البلاد ، علاوةً على تغير الظروف الاقليمية والدولية التي أسهمت بشكل كبير في جعل هذه التغييرات اكثر الحاحاً ، فخلال مرحلة التسعينيات من القرن العشرين شهدت روسيا اضطرابات داخلية نتيجة الصدمة التي اعقبت الانهيار ، علاوةً على الاختلاف في وجهات النظر بين التيارات الفكرية والايديولوجية حول التوجهات العامة للاستراتيجية الروسية ، وهو ما خلف تراجع مكانة روسيا الدولية ، نتيجة الانكفاء الى الداخل لبناء الذات وسط التأرجح بين الاتجاه التغريبي والأوراسي ، الذي حسم مع مجيء الرئيس الروسي الحالي "فلاديمير بوتين" للسلطة عام 1999 فيما عرف "بمبدأ بوتين".