The Application of Technology in Museums (original) (raw)
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The spreading of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in exhibitions is, among other reasons, due to the wish of curators to find new ways to improve visitors’ experiences in museums. This has lead to an interest to understand if and how they really work as a museological and museographical element and assess their effectiveness. However, systematic studies in this field remain very limited or are not of sufficient depth. Although the technological field has a long tradition of assessment, this usually concentrates on technological, attitudinal or cognitive issues and does not take into account the specific features of the visit in a museum or cultural heritage site and the importance of the social context. This paper stresses the need to carry out and take into account the results of a systematic body of analyses dealing with how technological displays are really used. It also discusses the need to concentrate on the social dimension of the visit and use of ICT and to develop the methodological aspects. Based on previous studies and on our own research, the contribution of this paper is twofold: firstly, it provides an overview of empirical results concerning the use of different kinds of ICT exhibits and secondly, it discusses some preliminary ideas aimed at the construction of a methodology for evaluation. The aim is to establish the basic guidelines for the effective integration of ICT applications in museums and cultural heritage.
Modern and innovative technologies associated with museum tourism
International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition Health and Family Studies
Research problem :-Can modern technology be used in advertising ,through the effect of augmented reality, especially museum tourism advertising in Egypt?-Does the augmented reality present a difference from the real reality, where stimuli are added to it that attract the recipient?-What are the differences in the advertising process, especially in tourism advertising, which resulted in a desire to facilitate the process of finding distinctive characteristics for what will be advertised in a smoother way than its counterparts in the real reality?-What are the rules followed in the implementation of graphic designs associated with museums that are compatible with augmented reality technology?
Transformasi Model Bisnis Museum Ke Pariwisata Digital Di Indonesia
Jurnal Manajerial
Background – Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, human travel was severely restricted and reliant on digital technology. Tourism is one of the businesses that has been obliged to adapt to digitalization in order to keep its primary source of income from travelers. The present transition to digital tourism is taking the shape of virtual tours or long-distance interactive tours, such as those seen in museums. To reach more tourists, some museums in Indonesia already entered the digitization stage by offering virtual tours and edutainment. Aim – This study intends to provide emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of disruptive innovation in the sense of digitization in the tourism industry, particularly museums. Design / Methodology / Approach – An detailed review of existing literature regarding digital technology, disruptive digital innovation, smartphone technology, social media, internet, and mobile applications from the perspective of museum tourism was used. Findings – Digita...
What a boring experience!” This could be a teenager comment after a school trip to a museum. In fact, the general idea about museums is that they are locations merely devoted to the exposition of artifacts and showcases, places considered as boring and uncommunicative, far away from our everyday life. In this paper we are going to present a case study based on our experience related to the “Keys to Rome” exhibition, the final event of project (Virtual Museums Transnational Network), where we focused our attention on two main aspects with the purpose of demonstrating that technology can help in changing the common idea about museums. First, we analyzed the users’ ability in interacting with the technology available in the exhibit to measure the real level of user usability. Second, we evaluated the pedagogical potentiality of these technological applications for further researches with schools. “Keys to Rome” is an exhibition, unique in its genre, that runs in parallel in ...
Aesthetics of Virtual: The Development Opportunities of Virtual Museums in Indonesia
International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic requires us to carry out physical and social distancing. It is undeniable, this also has an impact on government policy to close tourist destinations, including museums. Currently, sophisticated 3D visualization technology provides the potential for the development of virtual museums. The virtual museums were developed for giving the experience of the visiting museum in the digital world as a distance learning. This application can provide immersion through interactivity while exploring virtual museums. Basically, this article explains the aesthetic investigations in some virtual museums. The researchers describe the aesthetic of each sampled virtual museums projects. The literature synthesis of several virtual museums projects is expected to be able to give an idea of the potential development of virtual museums in Indonesia. The aesthetics of virtual elements could be used as a recommendation for museum conservator for the development of prospective Indonesian virtual museums. Furthermore, the aesthetics of virtual in digital museums provide opportunities to present virtual museums exploration experiences.
Jambura Journal of Informatics
Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and visitors. However, the presentation of information in the museum to the visitors is far from proper due to the lack of details. The guides provided in the museum are not quite engaging. More than that, the information provided is only in the form of a sheet of paper stuck in the collection. This present study aims to develop information media using augmented reality technology. The method used in this research was the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which had six stages, viz. concept, design, material collecting, manufacture, testing, and distribution. This research develops an application that works as a medium of information related to museum collections using augmented reality, which is more interactive and visitors can use to obtain information from the collection. In addition, this application can visualize 3D and in real-time ethnographic objects in the museum.
Pratnatattva Vol. 28 , 2022
Museums are indispensable in providing a learning environment with significant educational potential for History, Culture, Heritage, Science, Nature, and Environment. The educational role of museums is highly cherished in our society. A large number of museums adopted various digital tools in their museum education program. The museums in Bangladesh also need to adopt new technology for their visitor learning facility. The present paper will explore the visitor learning facilities of the Varendra Research Museum in Rajshahi, founded in April 1910 and is one of the country's first museums. The focus of the study was on enhancing the public's learning experience via digital technology, as well as exploring methods to provide better service delivery to museum visitors and more engaging art, culture, and heritage educational possibilities. Through surveys, empirical studies, and interviews conducted with the staff of the museum at the Varendra Research Museum (VRM), various digital technologies were proposed to improve the services and the educational experience of the visitors at the museum. According to this study, creating digital material for museums is crucial to enhancing the public's educational experience. Developing cell phone tours at the museums will offer reasonable means to answering the queries of the visitors along with sharing required information about items conserved that are both on display and in stock by harnessing the capability of people's mobile phones to provide information in both languages (Bangla and English). Digital contents (audio-visual) can be developed, and the collections along with their related information, can be documented digitally. And this data could be disseminated on the museum's website for a broader audience, as well as unfold interactive learning opportunities through utilizing museum apps.
Taking Advantages of Augmented Reality Technology in Museum Visiting Experience
Augmented reality (AR) has been touted as the bridge between the physical and virtual worlds, as new technologies add information to real-world environments. This paper examines how an augmented reality guide can enrich museum visits by facilitating interaction and navigation. It seems that AR is an interesting tool for helping the visitor to do an active visual survey and to identify relevant facts, as well as looking at the artworks in a new insight. The study argues that the superimposing function of AR encourages the visitor to learn more about the context of cultural objects. This include: (a) comparing the distinctive aspects of an object or an artwork with other works; (b) exploring the creation process of objects by indicating the relevant or hidden details; and (c) supplying visitors with information that are usually accessible only to museum professionals. The aforementioned situations prompt the visitors to discover cultural objects, sculptures or any artwork in a playful...
CIPA/VAST/EG/EuroMed 2006: …, 2006
The spreading of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in exhibitions is, among other reasons, due to the wish of curators to find new ways to improve visitors’ experiences in museums. This has lead to an interest to understand if and how they really work as a museological and museographical element and assess their effectiveness. However, systematic studies in this field remain very limited or are not of sufficient depth. Although the technological field has a long tradition of assessment, this usually concentrates on technological, attitudinal or cognitive issues and does not take into account the specific features of the visit in a museum or cultural heritage sit and the importance of the social context. This paper stresses the need to carry out and take into account the results of a systematic body of analyses dealing with how technological displays are really used. It also discusses the need to concentrate on the social dimension of the visit and use of ICT and to develop the methodological aspects. Based on previous studies and on our own research, the contribution of this paper is twofold: firstly, it provides an overview of empirical results concerning the use of different kinds of ICT exhibits and secondly, it discusses some preliminary ideas aimed at the construction of a methodology for qualitative evaluation. The short and long term purpose is to establish the basic guidelines for the effective integration of ICT applications in museums and cultural heritage.