Supersymmetries in Free Fermionic Strings (original) (raw)


Consistent heterotic free fermionic string models are classified in terms of their number of spacetime supersymmetries, N. For each of the six distinct choices of gravitino sector, we determine what number of supersymmetries can survive additional GSO projections. We prove by exhaustive search that only three of the six can yield N = 1, in addition to the N = 4, 2, or 0 that five of the six can yield. One choice of gravitino sector can only produce N = 4 or 0. Relatedly, we find that only Z_2, Z_4, and Z_8 twists of the internal fermions with worldsheet supersymmetry are consistent with N=1 in free fermionic models. Any other twists obviate N=1.

Review of free-fermionic 4d string models


I review the main properties of four-dimensional strings constructed with free-fermions on the world-sheet. In particular I discuss possible model independent low energy predictions related to the existence of states with fractional electric charges, the computation of the string unification scale, the string model building, and the perturbative approach to supersymmetry breaking which makes the spectacular prediction of a new large dimension at the TeV scale.


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