Pemodelan kejadian banjir daerah aliran sungai Ciliwung hulu dengan menggunakan data radar (original) (raw)
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Geological Engineering E Journal, 2014
Flooding is a natural disasters phenomenon that often occurs in big cities in Indonesia, one of them is Jakarta. The Consequences of the floods in Jakarta are lowland morphology, high rainfall, large surface flow (run-off), river gradient or drainage gradient is very gentle, tidal influence and siltation of rivers around estuary. Jakarta is a part of the Ciliwung River downstream part, with a low situation of Jakarta makes the role of the Ciliwung upstream part become very important. It is connected with a consequence of the flood runoff that can not be optimally absorbed by the soil, due to changes in land use are not in accordance with their designation as a protected areas. The aims of this study to determine the condition of the Ciliwung upstream part such as changes of land use, condition of morphology and its effect on the volume of flooding in Jakarta. After knowing the changes and morphology that exist in the area through satellite imagery, it can be planned arrangement of space that affect the discharge of water flows into upstream part.
Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia located in the north-western of Java Island and between 5º59'–6º00'S and 106º30'–107º00'E. The total area is approximately 661,52 km 2 , and the population is more than 9 million in 2008. The occurrence of many flood in Jakarta had caused loss in properties, environmental degradations, and warsen communities health. A spatial approach model is applied to understand the effects of flood to land use in the research area. Objectives of the research are : 1) to create the hazard assessment model and 2) to calculate the impact of flood to the land use area. The methods consist of neighbourhood operation application development in the form of raster pixel calculation, in this case are the Digital Elevation Model values, by using mathematic calculation formula to assign the inundated area. Land uses, either the inundated or others, are the result of imagery data interpretations. Results of the research show that the simulation model ...
Kajian Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Banjir di DAS Ciliwung
IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management
Laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi menyebabkan kompleksitas permasalahan lingkungan, salah satunya adalah permasalahan banjir. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi mendesak ruang-ruang terbuka hijau dan sempadan sungai berubah menjadi wilayah-wilayah yang padat dengan permukiman seperti yang terjadi di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Ciliwung. Ancaman bencana banjir, kondisi sosial dan ekonomi serta pembangunan infrastruktur dari hulu sampai dengan hilir DAS Ciliwung semakin meningkatkan risiko bencana banjir di DAS Ciliwung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis ancaman bencana banjir, kerentanan (sosial dan ekonomi), kapasitas daerah dan masyarakat di DAS Ciliwung, menganalisis risiko bencana banjir di DAS Ciliwung, menganalisis alternatif pengurangan risiko bencana banjir di DAS Ciliwung. Metode yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder, data primer melalui pengisian kuesioner oleh pemangku k...
River stream Change is influenced by changing of land use area. The objectives of this research are: (1) Describing land use conversion influencing river stream in Ciliwung Upstream; (2) Developing the pattern of land use change in Sub River Basin (SRB) of Ciliwung Upstream; (3) Measuring influence of land use to maximum diccharge, minimum discharge, difference of maximum-minimum discharge, and an Index of Water Regim (IOWR) during year 1981-2001; and (4) Developing the prediction models of land use change in relation to maximum discharge, minimum discharge, difference of maximum and minimum discharge and an IOWR. The Analysis used in this research are the linear regression growth model, Pearson Product-Moment correlation analysis, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and multiple regression. Monthly rainfall has significantly influencing to monthly charge change. However, annual rainfall is significantly influence only to average discharge and minimum discharge, and not significantly influence to IOWR, maximum discharge and difference of maximum and minimum discharge. The change is significantly influenced by some land use conversion. PCA result shows that discharge changes are significantly influence by intensive land use and rainfall changing. Multiple regression analysis shows that land use has significantly effecting to difference maximum and minimum river discharge, based on degree of influence (β) of landuse from the biggest to the smallest are mixed garden/backyard > forest > rice field > and settlement respectively. Decreasing of forest area and paddy field area increasing of difference maximum and minimum river discharge. However, increasing of settlement area and mixed garden are increasing difference maximum and minimum discharge. Condition of trends SRB of Ciliwung Upstream is getting to worse due to increasing level of maximum-minimum discharge difference and IOWR value during 1981 to 2001.
Pemodelan Banjir dan Analisis Kerugian Akibat Bencana Banjir di DAS Citarum Hulu
Wilayah DAS Citarum Hulu memiliki sejarah yang panjang mengenai bencana banjir. Bentuk wilayahnya yang berupa cekungan raksasa menyebabkan wilayah tersebut menerima aliran air dari berbagai sungai. DAS ini juga didominasi oleh lahan kritis yang mencapai 14% dari luas wilayah menyebabkan banjir datang setiap tahun di DAS Citarum Hulu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memprediksi distribusi, kedalaman dan durasi banjir untuk setiap periode ulang serta menganalisis kerugian sektor pertanian dan permukiman yang diakibatkan oleh banjir. Model satu dimensi HEC RAS digunakan untuk mensimulasi banjir sedangkan model kerusakan digunakan untuk mengestimasi kerugian akibat banjir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni 2013 hingga Desember 2014. Data yang digunakan meliputi ; peta topografi, peta jaringan sungai, Citra Landsat tahun 2000, peta penggunaan lahan tahun 2000, data debit dan tinggi muka air, serta informasi kejadian dan lamanya banjir aktual. Untuk analisis kerusakan akibat banjir digunakan data kuisioner yang dilaksanakan di tiga belas kecamatan yaitu
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan
Aliran permukaan/limpasan (run off) merupakan salah satu variabel hidrologi yang sangat penting di dalam menunjang kegiatan pengembangan sumber daya air. Metode prediksi yang handal untuk menghitung jumlah dan laju limpasan yang berasal dari permukaan tanah dan bergerak menuju sungai di suatu DAS yang tidak dilengkapi alat ukur (ungaged watershed) adalah suatu pekerjaan yang sangat sulit dan memerlukanwaktu yang banyak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di DAS Ciliwung Hulu, yang merupakan daerah penting dalam kotribusi banjir di Jakarta. Untuk mengetahaui run off yang terjadi, digunakan data curah hujan dan debit Tahun 2007-2009. Sebagai model, untuk mengetahui run off menggunakan peta penggunaan lahan, peta jenis tanah, dan topografi. Peta-peta tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan Arcview, sehingga didapatkannilai CN. Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan, besarnya debit mendekati 50% dari tebal hujan. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan bahwa kondisi DAS Ciliwung Hulu sudah tidak mampu lagi menyerap cu...
Pemodelan Banjir Sungai DI Daerah Aliran Sungai Balong, Jepara, Jawa Tengah
Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir, 2011
Modelling to assess river flooding potential of Balong River to the Ujung Lemahabang NPP site has been conducted. Maximum rainfall for return periods of 50, 100, 200 and 500 years based on rainfall data in Keling district is used as the input. River basin map is used to determine catchment area, land cover, and runoff coefficient. Modelling is executed for steady-state flow and it is found that the nearest inundation area is found in a distance of more than 1 km from the NPP site with maximum depth of less than 1 meter for maximum rainfall of 500 years return period. It is concluded that the potential for river flooding from Balong river in Ujung Lemahabang is very small and no flood control structure is necessary to protect the site from river flooding.
Analisis Kerawanan Banjir DAS Ciliwung
Laporan Akhir PengDAS-T, 2024
Analyze the potential flood area in 2023 around Ciliwung River Basin with a scoring method: land cover, precipitation, river density, soil type, land slope, and elevation
Analisis Prediksi dan Hubungan antara Debit Air dan Curah Hujan pada Sungai Ciliwung di Kota Bogor
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management), 2020
Water demand should be balance with water availability. The population of Bogor City was increased every year, so that water demand become increased. Currently, Government of Bogor City only utilizes the Cisadane river as a source for drinking water, but Bogor City has 2 rivers there are Cisadane river and Ciliwung river. So, Ciliwung river can be solution for this problem. Water discharge and rainfall influence water availability. Distribution log pearson type 3 used to predict the water discharge and rainfall and linier regression analyzed the relationship between water discharge (dependent variable) with rainfall as X1 and water level as X2 (independent variable). The result of distribution log pearson type 3 every return period 2, 5, 10, 25, dan 50 years is water discharge and rainfall were increased. Average increase of water discharge every return period is 1.6 m3/s and average increase of rainfall every return period is 251 mm. Partially, water discharge influenced by water ...
Analisis Curah Hujan Dan Debit Model Swat Dengan Metode Moving Average DI Das Ciliwung Hulu
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management), 2017
Watershed can be regarded as a hydrological system that has a function in transforming rainwater as an input into outputs such as flow and sediment. The transformation of inputs into outputs has specific forms and properties. The transformation involves many processes, including processes occurred on the surface of the land, river basins, in soil and aquifer. This study aimed to apply the SWAT model in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed, asses the effect of average rainfall on 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and 10 days of the hydrological characteristics in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed. The correlation coefficient (r) between rainfall and discharge was positive, it indicated that there was an unidirectional relationship between rainfall and discharge in the upstream, midstream and downstream of the watershed. The upper limit ratio of discharge had a downward trend from upstream to downstream, while the lower limit ratio of discharge had an upward trend from upstream to downstream. It showed that the discharge peak in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed from upstream to downstream had a downward trend while the baseflow from upstream to downstream had an upward trend. It showed that the upstream of Ciliwung Hulu Watershed had the highest ratio of discharge peak and baseflow so it needs the soil and water conservations and technical civil measures. The discussion concluded that the SWAT model could be well applied in Ciliwung Hulu Watershed, the most affecting average rainfall on the hydrological characteristics was the average rainfall of 10 days. On average rainfall of 10 days, all components had contributed maximally for river discharge.