The Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Multi-Representation Approach Learning Tools to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability (original) (raw)
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f the use of interactive multimedia on the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students in courses. Some of the most important findings expected in this study are (1) the influence of this model can improve students' learning competence in the cognitive realm. (2) through software, students' skills and independence can improve critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. This research is an experimental study using pretest-posttest control design. The research sample is even semester students in 2020/2021 with random sampling cluster technique. The instrument used to collect data is a concept mastery test sheet developed based on data analysis indicators and provides interachievement. While the critical thinking ability test developed based on argumentation analysis indicators showed that the average concept mastery score of the experimental group was 69% and the control group was 55%. The results of the t-test mastery of critical concepts and thinking skills showed that the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group. This means that the use of interactive multimedia affects the mastery of students' critical thinking concepts and skills in data analysis and achievement materials. Keywords— interactive multimedia, concept mastery, critical thinking skills, data analysis and achievement\_Vol.9\_Issue.12\_Dec2022/IJRR-Abstract46.html, 2022
This study aims to analyze the effect of fishbone learning media on the theme of animal and human movement organs with a problem-based learning model in improving critical thinking skills of elementary school students. This development research used the Research and Development (R&D) method. The subjects of a small-scale test were conducted at Asem Elementary School with 15 students in class V, and a large-scale test was conducted at SDN 1 Sidanglaut with 30 students in class V. The average media feasibility value is 85.9, which is a very valid category. The average validity value of a material is 87.5, which is a very valid category. The average validity value of the RPP is 85.1, which is a very valid category. Fishbone diagrams with the theme of animal and human movement organs and problem-based learning models effectively improve students' critical thinking skills both from the results of smallscale and large-scale tests. The small-scale test and T-test result (2-tailed) is 0.000 <0.05, a significant difference between students' pre-test and post-test.