The creation process for methods of financial situation of enterprises (original) (raw)
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Methodology of Monitoring the Financial Situation of Enterprise
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 2020
A complex evaluation of the activity of the enterprise is based on research of the results at the actual moment; this is why many managers use accountancy appreciation records such as: profit from invested capital or income at an asset. The indicators of income and profit are not objectives and depend on the method chosen by the record. Besides, the accountancy methods used today for analysis are short-time, being oriented towards the research, in a long period of the added value of the company. The objective of this chapter consists in developing the theoretical-methodological and substantiation mechanisms of perfecting the management enterprises. The results show that the methodological indications suggested may be used at the organization of the monitoring system in a stable-functioning enterprise, at the activities of re-establishment of the payment capacity of the debtor enterprises, and at the procedures of external management.
Analysis of Financial Statements: The Importance of Financial Indicators in Enterprise
The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic conditions and company's performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to analyze the financial statement and than give information for financial managers to make through decisions about their business. The financial statement applies tools, analytical techniques and required methods for business analysis. It is a diagnostic tool for evaluating financing activities, investment activities and operational activities as well as an assessment tool for management decisions and other business decisions. The analysis of financial statements, respectively the analysis of the financial reports are used by managers, shareholders, investors and all other interested parties regarding the company's state. Managers use financial reports to see the situation in which the company stands and then provide information to shareholders, to see how reasonable are the investments made in the company. To potential investors, the analysis of the financial statements of the company is very important, because, first they want to know the actual state of the company and then decide whether to invest or not.
The Financial and Economic Analysis of the Situation of Business Entities Using Quantitative Methods
Proceedings of the 6th Economic & Finance Conference, 2016
Examination of economic reality requires a broad spectrum of methods for the analysis of economic operators situation. Economic entities operating in the financial sector such as other economic sectors have distinct individual-specialized methods of "market recognition". Striving for the globalization and internationalization trends requires from the enterprises to undertake continuous processes, analysis and situation control, which mostly affects the financial and innovative sphere. The steps taken in this direction by the management staff, must have a basis in real performance results, which is achieved through all kinds of analysis. Quantitative methods, regardless of business sector, relatively enable to determine precisely the company condition and estimate their expected outcome. Additionally the use of non-standard economic methods for financial data, allow you to look at the situation with new "fresh" angle. The author in the article presents some mixed methods under which the managers will be able to interpret financial data based on the use of mathematical and statistical methods.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
This study presents aspects related to determining a company's financial position by means of financial diagnosis, in the case of 64 companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The aim of this study is to show, in a wide structure, how to determine a company's financial position. The study is divided into four paragraphs and their related subparagraphs. In the first paragraph the objective, the research methodology and the novelty brought by this study are revealed. In the second paragraph various viewpoints of financial diagnosis construct are shown, followed by a third paragraph where the variables needed to determine financial position and the rating criteria are established, and in the last paragraph the aggregate score is determined. The end of the study is reserved to establishing conclusions and proposals.
Ways to Improve the Methodology of Analysis of the Financial Condition of the Enterprise
ЕКОНОМІКА І РЕГІОН Науковий вісник
The article summarizes the main methodological approaches to determining the financial condition of the enterprise, considers the stages of analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. The main approaches to assessing the financial condition of the enterprise and the development of proposals to improve the methodology of analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, the assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise to find reserves to increase profitability and strengthen commercial calculation as a basis for stable operation other institutions. A critical assessment of the concept of «financial condition» and its definition by various experts is analyzed. Based on the study of improving the methodology of analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, it is determined that today the most necessary to improve the financial condition of the enterprise is to improve information and methodological support of the financial condition of the enterprise...
Ekonomia i Prawo, 2020
Motivation: Many methodological problems are associated with measuring and forecasting the company's financial standing. Various methods have been developed to assess the current and future financial standing of enterprises. Their usefulness requires development and verification based on the example of a specific enterprise. The evaluation of one of these methods is the subject of this article. Aim: The research objective of the article is to propose a method for assessing the financial situation of a company and to carry out a forecast of the financial condition of an economic entity based on this method. To analyse the condition, indicator analysis and one of the methods of multivariate comparative analysis (MCA) were used-a synthetic measure was constructed, and then the time series analysis method was used (the model of the internal structure of the examined process was estimated). The study also attempts to determine the company's financial condition forecast. The results of the study were presented based on the example of a company representing the food industrythe Wawel SA company. Results: In this study, the financial condition of the company was presented using a synthetic measure, which is a tool for multivariate comparative analysis (MCA). A model of the internal structure of the examined process was also estimated, based on which a forecast of the financial condition of a selected company representing the food industry was determined. The analysis showed that the presented methods are very useful for assessing and forecasting the company's financial condition.
Financial Analysis and Diagnostics of the Company
The financial and economic activities of the company are exposed to adverse external and internal factors. Signs of adverse influences are the: decrease of liquidity, loss of profitability, financial instability, increase of costs, to name a few. This paper demonstrates the financial analysis and diagnosis of the financial condition of the company by applying the improved normative model of diagnostics. Furthermore, the paper analyses each factor that impacts enterprise's activities and derives the possible perspectives of the company under study through econometric models.
diaGnoSticS of banKruPtcy tHreat to enterPriSeS
The prepared diagnostics of bankruptcy threatening to the enterprises is submitted in the present thesis. Herein, bankruptcy threatening to the enterprises is being diagnosed as per three stages, i.e. the condition of the enterprise and the reasons, which have determined such condition, are being gradually concretized. The financial condition of the enterprises and the threat of bankruptcy are being evaluated at the first stage by applying the integrated model, which assists in achieving the generalized evaluation of the condition. The relative financial indices of the enterprise are being analyzed at the second stage seeking for diagnosing the problematic fields of the enterprise. The third stage, at which the absolute financial indices are being analyzed, is aimed at ascertaining the reasons, which have determined the condition of the enterprise. The size of the crisis, its activity factors are ascertained considering evaluation indices of the enterprise condition; they allow selecting substantially the bankruptcy prevention measures out of the possible leading set of internal and external measures.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Presented is the indicator analysis in the process of fi nancial security management for Poland's wholesale foods sector. The study examined 160 wholesalers of foodstuff s, beverages and tobacco products (Polish commercial classifications-PKD-from 46.31z to 46.39z), during the period 2008-2014. The study took advantage of corporate balance sheets, and profi ts and loss accounts of fi rms organized as limited liability entities and companies for scrutiny were chosen randomly. It was found that wholesaler liquidity diffi culty is a signal for other entities of fi nancial commercial stress which can consequently indicate diffi culty in payment for entrusted goods. The study confi rmed that the scrutinized companies have diffi culty in improving their liquidity and profi tability, potentially leading to bankruptcy as a result of negative opinions from potential investors.