Numerical study of the migration of bodies in the formation of the solar system (original) (raw)
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Migration of celestial bodies in the solar system and in some exoplanetary systems
Solar System Research, 2024
A review of the results on the migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System and in some exoplanetary systems is presented. Some problems of planet accumulation and migration of planetesimals, small bodies and dust in the forming and present Solar System are considered. It has been noted that the outer layers of the Earth and Venus could have accumulated similar planetesimals from different areas of the feeding zone of the terrestrial planets. In addition to the theory of coaccretion and the mega-impact and multi-impact models, the formation of the embryos of the Earth and the Moon from a common rarefied condensation with subsequent growth of the main mass of the embryo of the Moon near the Earth is also discussed. Along with the Nice model and the “grand tack” model, a model is considered in which the embryos of Uranus and Neptune increased the semimajor axes of their orbits from values of no more than 10 AU to present values only due to gravitational interactions with planetesimals (without the motions of Jupiter and Saturn entering into resonance). The influence of changes in the semimajor axis of Jupiter’s orbit on the formation of the asteroid belt is discussed, as well as the influence of planetesimals from the feeding zone of the giant planets on the formation of bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. The migration of bodies to the terrestrial planets from different distances from the Sun is considered. It is noted that bodies from the feeding zone of the giant planets and from the outer asteroid belt could deliver to the Earth a quantity of water comparable to the mass of water in the Earth’s oceans. The migration of bodies ejected from the Earth is considered. It is noted that about 20% of the ejected bodies that left the Earth’s sphere of influence eventually fell back to the Earth. The probabilities of collisions of dust particles with the Earth are usually an order of magnitude greater than the probabilities of collisions of their parent bodies with the Earth. The migration of planetesimals is considered in exoplanetary systems Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1. The amount of water delivered to the inner planet Proxima Centauri b, may have been more than the amount delivered to the Earth. The outer layers of neighboring planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system may contain similar material if there were many planetesimals near their orbits during the late stages of planetary accumulation.
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, v. 15. pp. 241-247, 1998
We investigated several cases of migration of celestial bodies (planetesimals, forming planets, asteroids , and transneptunian and near-Earth objects) in the forming and present Solar System. These investigations were based on computer simulation results and on some analytical estimates. The evolution of orbits of several gravitating objects mainly waa investigated by numerical integration of the N-body problem. The method of spheres (i.e. two two-body problems) was used for investigations of the evolution of discs consisting of hundreds bodies. It was found that the embryos of Uranus and Neptune may have originated near the orbit of Saturn and then due to gravitational interaction with migrating planetesimals may have migrated to their present distances from the Sun moving a l l the time in orbits with small eccentricities. Under the gravitational influence of the giant planets, some transneptunian bodies can decrease their perihelia from 34 to 1 AU in several tens of million years. Some bodies of the Kuiper belt can migrate from the outer part of tlus belt to its inner part due to the gravitational iduence of the largest bodies of the belt. A large number of small celestial bodies can exist inside the orbit of the Earth.
Migration processes in the Solar System and their role in the evolution of the Earth and planets
Physics – Uspekhi, 2023
We discuss problems of planetesimal migration in the emerging Solar System and exoplanetary systems. Protoplanetary disk evolution models and the formation of planets are considered. The formation of the Moon and of the asteroid and trans-Neptunian belts is studied. We show that Earth and Venus could acquire more than half of their mass in 5 million years, and their outer layers could accumulate the same material from different parts of the feeding zone of these planets. The migration of small bodies toward the terrestrial planets from various regions of the Solar System is simulated numerically. Based on these computations, we conclude that the mass of water delivered to the Earth by planetesimals, comets, and carbonaceous chondrite asteroids from beyond the ice line could be comparable to the mass of Earth's oceans. The processes of dust migration in the Solar System and sources of the zodiacal cloud are considered.
Accumulation and migration of the bodies from the zones of giant planets
Earth, Moon and Planets, 1987
Within the model of solid-body accumulation of planets (or their nuclei) the accumulation and migration of bodies from the feeding zones of the giant planets are investigated. The investigation is based on results of computer simulation of evolving disks which initially consisted of hundreds of particles moving about the Sun and coagulating under collisions. In some models the disks initially consisted of identical bodies. In other models they included also almost-formed planets. The computer simulation results as well as analytical investigations of the disk evolution depending on the number of particles in the disk allowed some estimates and conclusions on the accumulation process when the number of initial bodies was great (-106-lOI*). In this paper the characteristics of an initial protoplanetary circumsolar cloud, the body migration in the forming solar system, the planet orbit evolution, the formation of the beyond-Neptune belt and asteroid belts between the giant planet orbits are considered. The results obtained confirm many analytical estimates earlier made by V. S. Safronov and his colleagues.
Shaping of the Inner Solar System by the Gas-Driven Migration of Jupiter
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2012
A persistent difficulty in terrestrial planet formation models is creating Mars analogs with the appropriate mass: Mars is typically an order of magnitude too large in simulations. Some recent work found that a small Mars can be created if the planetesimal disk from which the planets form has an outermost edge at 1.0 AU. However, that work and no previous work could produce a truncation of the planetesimal disk while also explaining the mass and structure of the asteroid belt. We show that gas-driven migration of Jupiter inward to 1.5 AU, before its subsequent outward migration, can truncate the disk and repopulate the asteroid belt. This dramatic migration history of Jupiter suggests that the dynamical behavior of our giant planets was more similar to that inferred for extra-solar planets than previously thought, as both have been characterised by substantial radial migration.
Formation of Earth‐like Planets During and After Giant Planet Migration
The Astrophysical Journal, 2007
Close-in giant planets are thought to have formed in the cold outer regions of planetary systems and migrated inward, passing through the orbital parameter space occupied by the terrestrial planets in our own Solar System. We present dynamical simulations of the effects of a migrating giant planet on a disk of protoplanetary material and the subsequent evolution of the planetary system. We numerically investigate the dynamics of post-migration planetary systems over 200 million years using models with a single migrating giant planet, one migrating and one non-migrating giant planet, and excluding the effects of a gas disk. Material that is shepherded in front of the migrating giant planet by moving mean motion resonances accretes into "hot Earths", but survival of these bodies is strongly dependent on dynamical damping. Furthermore, a significant amount of material scattered outward by the giant planet survives in highly excited orbits; the orbits of these scattered bodies are then damped by gas drag and dynamical friction over the remaining accretion time. In all simulations Earth-mass planets accrete on approximately 100 Myr timescales, often with orbits in the Habitable Zone. These planets range in mass and water content, with both quantities increasing with the presence of a gas disk and decreasing with the presence of an outer giant planet. We use scaling arguments and previous results to derive a simple recipe that constrains which giant planet systems are able to form and harbor Earth-like planets in the Habitable Zone, demonstrating that roughly one third of the known planetary systems are potentially habitable.
Icarus, 1999
We report on numerical simulations exploring the dynamical stability of planetesimals in the gaps between the outer Solar System planets. We search for stable niches in the Saturn/Uranus and Uranus/Neptune zones by employing 10,000 massless particlesmany more than previous studies in these two zones-using highorder optimized multistep integration schemes coupled with roundoff error minimizing methods. An additional feature of this study, differing from its predecessors, is the fact that our initial distributions contain particles on orbits which are both inclined and noncircular. These initial distributions were also Gaussian distributed such that the Gaussian peaks were at the midpoint between the neighboring perturbers. The simulations showed an initial transient phase where the bulk of the primordial planetesimal swarm was removed from the Solar System within 10 5 years. This is about 10 times longer than we observed in our previous Jupiter/Saturn studies. Next, there was a gravitational relaxation phase where the particles underwent a random walk in momentum space and were exponentially eliminated by random encounters with the planets. Unlike our previous Jupiter/Saturn simulation, the particles did not fully relax into a third Lagrangian niche phase where long-lived particles are at Lagrange points or stable niches. This is either because the Lagrangian niche phase never occurs or because these simulations did not have enough particles for this third phase to manifest. In these simulations, there was a general trend for the particles to migrate outward and eventually to be cleared out by the outermost planet in the zone. We confirmed that particles with higher eccentricities had shorter lifetimes and that the resonances between the jovian planets "pumped up" the eccentricities of the planetesimals with low-inclination orbits more than those with higher inclinations. We estimated the expected lifetime of particles using kinetic theory and even though the time scale of the Uranus/Neptune simulation was 380 times longer than our previous Jupiter/Saturn simulation, the planetesimals in the Uranus/Neptune zone were cleared out more quickly than those in the Saturn/Uranus zone because of the positions of resonances with the jovian planets. These resonances had an even greater effect than random gravitational stirring in the winnowing process and confirm that all the jovian planets are necessary in long simulations. Even though we observed several long-lived zones near 12.5, 14.4, 16, 24.5, and 26 AU, only two particles remained at the end of the 10 9 -year integration: one near the 2 : 3 Saturn resonance, and the other near the Neptune 1 : 1 resonance. This suggests that niches for planetesimal material in the jovian planets are rare and may exist either only in extremely narrow bands or in the neighborhoods of the triangular Lagrange points of the outer planets.
Evolution of planetesimal discs and planetary migration
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2003
In this paper, we further develop the model for the migration of planets introduced by Del Popolo, Gambera & Ercan and extended to time-dependent planetesimal accretion discs by Del Popolo & Ekşi. More precisely, the assumption of Del Popolo & Ekşi that the surface density in planetesimals is proportional to that of the gas was released. Indeed, the evolution of the radial distribution of solids is governed by many processes: gas-solid coupling, coagulation, sedimentation, evaporation/condensation, so that the distribution of planetesimals emerging from a turbulent disc does not necessarily reflect that of the gas. In order to describe this evolution we use a method developed by Stepinski & Valageas, which, using a series of simplifying assumptions, is able to simultaneously follow the evolution of gas and solid particles for up to 107 yr. This model is based on the premise that the transformation of solids from dust to planetesimals occurs through hierarchical coagulation. Then, the distribution of planetesimals obtained after 107 yr is used to study the migration rate of a giant planet through the migration model introduced by Del Popolo, Gambera & Ercan. This allows us to investigate the dependence of the migration rate on the disc mass, on its time evolution and on the value of the dimensionless viscosity parameter α. We find that in the case of discs having a total mass of 10-3-10-1 Msolar, and 10-4 < α < 10-1, planets can migrate inward over a large distance while if Md < 10-3, Msolar the planets remain almost at their initial position for α > 10-3 and only in the case where α < 10-3 do the planets move to a minimum value of orbital radius of ~=2 au. Moreover, the observed distribution of planets in the period range 0-20 d can be easily obtained from our model. Therefore, dynamical friction between planets and the planetesimal disc provides a good mechanism to explain the properties of observed extrasolar giant planets.
Planet Migration in Planetesimal Disks
Planets embedded in a planetesimal disk will migrate as a result of angular momentum and energy conservation as the planets scatter the planetesimals that they encounter. A surprising variety of interesting and complex dynamics can arise from this apparently simple process. In this chapter, we review the basic characteristics of planetesimal-driven migration. We discuss how the structure of a planetary system controls migration. We describe how this type of migration can cause planetary systems to become dynamically unstable and how a massive planetesimal disk can save planets from being ejected from the planetary system during this instability. We examine how the solar system's small-body reservoirs, particularly the Kuiper belt and Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, constrain what happened here. We also review a new model for the early dynamical evolution of the outer solar system that quantitatively reproduces much of what we see. And finally, we briefly discuss how planetesim...