Bevel gear

The gears are used to transmit the motion and power from one shaft to another shaft by physical contact between gear teeth. The bevel gear is used to transmit motion and power between the axis of intersection and the non-intersecting axis. Gears are generally subjected to loads due to these loads, tooth bending stress and contact stress will be developed on the gear tooth. Much research on the action of the gear has confirmed that contact stresses also influence the formation of pits on the surface of the tooth. Gear tooth is the most important element in a gear system and has been focused on the current study. An analysis has been carried out for the three different types of materials used to make the bevel gear. The failure of gears due to contact stress is high compared to bending stress. Stress analysis has been a key area of research to minimize failure of the gear and optimize the design. The study of contact stress developed between the mating gears are very important for the gear design. The current goal is that the finite element analysis of the bevel gear is performed to determine the maximum contact stress by ABAQUS as the solver and also the theoretical maximum contact stress is calculated by the Hertz equation. In this study finite element analysis results were validated with theoretical results.

RESEARCH POTENTIAL IN HELICAL GEAR: Guidelines for Postgraduates and Researchers

The objective of this book is to help PhD students, master's students, undergraduate students, and researchers in defining research needs and techniques. This book offers Research Ideas in addition to a full list of the acronyms, analyses, techniques, and other words used in the 1988 journals linked to Helical Gear. Students will get acquainted with the most utilised techniques, analyses, and models in this area of study by reading the list of tables in this book. Therefore, numerous research hurdles have been addressed, including identifying research gaps and generating a research methodology. This book is meant for researchers in Helical Gear, but is not restricted to them solely. This book is beneficial to everyone. As you can notice, this book contains only Tables that lists all the names of abbreviations, analysis, behaviour etc that are mentioned in all 1988 journals that are mentioned in references section. The purpose of the lists is to help identify the most occurrence names mentioned in those journals. This book gathers findings from hundreds of journals connected to the subject matter to help students find their research gaps and research methodologies easier. Students are urged to utilise this book to determine which research gaps and methodologies are appropriate for their research. Your choice should be discussed with your research supervisor.


Thermal deformation and other factor, the bevel gear pair will appear serious phenomenon of meshing interference and impact and uneven load in meshing process, so it is necessary to design suitable modification tooth to improve gear pairs transmission performance and enhance its bearing capacity. A methodology, which facilities to analyze the operating of bevel gears under consideration of production-caused deviations. The bevel gears are widely used in aerospace, marine and other field. Keywords:-Bevel gear, gear teeth, gear drive.

Research Potential in Gear Teeth: Guidelines for Postgraduates and Researchers

The objective of this book is to help PhD students, master's students, undergraduate students, and researchers in defining research needs and techniques. This book offers Research Ideas in addition to a full list of the acronyms, analyses, techniques, and other words used in the 2003 journals linked to Gear Teeths. Students will get acquainted with the most utilised techniques, analyses, and models in this area of study by reading the list of tables in this book. Therefore, numerous research hurdles have been addressed, including identifying research gaps and generating a research methodology. This book is meant for researchers in Gear Teeth, but is not restricted to them solely. This book is beneficial to everyone.

Design, Modeling, Application and Analysis of Bevel Gears

Computer technology has touched all areas of today's life, impacting how we obtain railway tickets, shop online and receive medical advice from remote location. Computer-based design analysis is nowadays a common activity in most development projects. Traditionally, the design field has been identified with particular end products, e.g., mechanical design, electrical design, ship design. In these fields, design work is largely based on specific techniques to foster certain product characteristics and principles The scope of this work includes, to design, to model the bevel gear, to select gear materials , to detailed factor safety in design and to analysis bevel gears. Gears are toothed elements that transmit rotary motion from one shaft to another. Gears are generally rugged and durable and their power transmission efficiency is as high as 98%. Gears are usually more costly than chains and belts. Bevel gears are gears where the axes of the two shafts intersect and the tooth-bearing faces of the gears themselves are conically shaped. Bevel gears are most often mounted on shafts that are 90 degrees apart, but can be designed to work at other angles as well. The pitch surface of bevel gears is a cone. Two bevel gears in mesh is known as bevel gearing. In bevel gearing, the pitch cone angles of the pinion and gear are to be determined from the shaft angle, i.e., the angle between the intersecting shafts. The bevel gear has many diverse applications such as locomotives, marine applications, automobiles, printing presses, cooling towers, power plants, steel plants, railway track inspection machines, etc.


The gears are defined by several interdependent parameters. Their studies require an iterative approach in order to optimize certain variables by taking into account the aspects of the kinematics and the dynamic. Moreover, considering the complexity of the design formulas and the diversity of materials, the manual calculation of the characteristics of gears requires a considerable time without achieving accurate results. Consequently, we propose a software baptized by WINGEARS which provides two functions: - The automation of the calculation to check the characteristics of straight bevel gear and helical bevel gear. - A design process of bevel gear, by respecting usual specifications. WINGEARS is programmed with the Visual Basic language under Windows exploitation systems and operates databases which are developed through the database management “ACCESS”. At last, and to show the efficiency of the software, we have treated an industrial project proposed by a collaborating company. The results obtained compared to calculation results made by designer staff prove the rapidity and the accuracy of the software we have developed. Keywords and phrases: bevel gear, design methodology, C.A.D., optimization, constraints, contact pressure.

The Analysis and Modification of Bevel Gear Design


These applications are explain the design the bevel gear and dimension pacification. This investigation gives a detailed approach to spiral gear design and analysis. It's have a involving modern design, specific character, specific material with consideration of analysis of force and its mechanical properties these approach for modern bevel gear design developing the tooth profiles with modified the shape and improves the efficiency of power transmission. This study also analyzes the general characteristics of spherical bevel gears and discusses the issue of bevel-gear standardization.

Design of a Bevel Gear, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Machine Element Design Practice Labaratory

Problem : Design a pair of bevel gear which is used to connect two shaft at right angles and transmit P = 50 kW power from an induction motor to a conveyor belt. Speed of pinion and gear are N p = 500 RPM and N g = 250 RPM respectively. The number of teeth in pinion can be assumed to be 20. The materials for pinion and gear is carbon steel and cast iron respectively. Solution : Nomenclature :-P = Power Transmitted, kW N g = Speed of Gear, RPM N p = Speed of Pinion, RPM z g = Number of teeth in Gear z p = Number of teeth in Pinion z g = Formative number of teeth in Gear

Static And Dynamic Analysis Of Bevel Gear Set


This paper presents a static and dynamic simulation and analysis of the bevel gear set using Solidworks software, stress, strain, deformation, reactions and torque are calculated. Dimensions and materials of the bevel gears are important factors in determining the values of stress, strain, and displacement. The change in angular velocity and torque applied also change the values of stress, strain, and displacement of the bevel gear.